Wax Po bootleg poster help

A friend of mine is turning 30 soon and despite him not being that much into record collecting, as a graphic designer he's maniac about record covers. I know he always wanted a copy of the Wax Po poster to frame and hang in his studio. This shit being sold out, I decided to take the challenge (I happen to be a graphic designer myself too) and make a bootleg version for him, replicating it almost exactly (as he's called Maxime I'll just change the waxpoetics logo into maxpoetics).
As I don't own the poster myself, I've done with what I've found online: a few low-res images of the poster. With my knowledges and help from Google Images I've managed to identify 95% of the covers. I just miss18 6 of them.
If any of you owns a copy of the poster it would awesome if you can help me to identify the missing covers (and this would add a bit more backstory to my friend's gift). You can either share a zoomed picture/scan of the part or just list the records names.
I'm attaching some screenshots of what's still missing. Thanks in advances Strutters!
This is located on top right:

This part is located on the middle right:

This part is located on the center bottom:

A friend of mine is turning 30 soon and despite him not being that much into record collecting, as a graphic designer he's maniac about record covers. I know he always wanted a copy of the Wax Po poster to frame and hang in his studio. This shit being sold out, I decided to take the challenge (I happen to be a graphic designer myself too) and make a bootleg version for him, replicating it almost exactly (as he's called Maxime I'll just change the waxpoetics logo into maxpoetics).
As I don't own the poster myself, I've done with what I've found online: a few low-res images of the poster. With my knowledges and help from Google Images I've managed to identify 95% of the covers. I just miss
If any of you owns a copy of the poster it would awesome if you can help me to identify the missing covers (and this would add a bit more backstory to my friend's gift). You can either share a zoomed picture/scan of the part or just list the records names.
I'm attaching some screenshots of what's still missing. Thanks in advances Strutters!
This is located on top right:

This part is located on the middle right:

This part is located on the center bottom:

I only found a lo-res photo of the poster, but the one next to the Machito cover is Tom Zé's Todos os Olhos (the famous marble in an anus that was later revealed to just be someone's lips or not)
Thank you so much! I didn't know that story (neither the record) but I though for a time that it was some lips holding a chocolate ball like Hot Chocolate’s Hottest Hits. I was pretty close… or not
If anyone esle don't have the poster but still wants to help, I'm attaching the 3 best pictures that I have found online and that turned useful so far:
Thanks, nice find!
I've also identified Our Latin Thing by The Fania All-Stars bellow Reflections of Time. I'm getting there!
Under the Sun Ra - isn't that a Mingering Mike?
I can't find a matching cover for this one,you're totally right:By investigating on Mingering Mike’s work I've also found this one, which is definitely the one next to Canto Ami America:
That's brilliant! Thanks a lot to you guys.
I'm now down to 10 unidentified records. Will update the first post as soon as I have a moment!
9 to go! I've updated the first post with up-to-date screenshots including the recent finds from you guys.
Thanks, that's one more! I have no clue how the poster came with the magazine (or not), sorry about that.
Electrode said:
Below Sweet Maya it's Gary McFarland – Today. Above looks more like a drawing to me, but we're definitely close with Los Mitos, it could be a nice placeholder.
Next to Cannonball Adderley I am seeing two characters, from the side, next to each other in front of a window, maybe on a train or something. That orange color is confusing indeed. I still have a bit of time so maybe if Yemsky is finding the poster we can have new clues.
Thanks all for your help again, I never thought we could be this close to identifying all of them with such crappy images!
Need a "Had It" variation of the Biz Markie graemlin. Don't think it's that. I've got a dude's name on the tip of my tongue... thinking about some turkish or Afro (?) funk band that also had an album cover with musicians standing in the grass. Boris?
Wow, this one was bugging me for a long time. I thought it was one of those generic stock cover. Thank you so much.
Really appreciated.
I spent a couple of hours the other night trying to find that in my memory (it’s not in my collection...)
You have the original poster?
Can you post some quality close ups of the areas where we still have gaps, please.
I still haven’t been able to locate mine. The curse of being a hoarder.
I have their previous LP, "One Step Out"; found when Nimbus deadstock surfaced around L.A. shops. I knew the mystery record looked familiar since it had a "spiritual" look to it. Sure enough....
Damn!!!!! Thanks for finding this one.
Beatnick Dee, we're down to 6 missing! I have updated the screenshots in the first post. They are the 3 on top, please disregard the other ones (I can't remove them, if anyone can help me with that…)
Thanks again, that's really impressive!
Thanks for the nice offer! I'm in Germany so it might be a bit expensive to ship here. And it'll make all this work reconstructing it useless haha!
I hope this helps!
Thank you so much mate, very appreciated!
This won't change the look of the poster, but since you have the it next to you, out of curiosity, is there any title on the record on top of Jimmy McGriff – Groove Grease (center-bottom) and on the one between Skull Snaps & Canonball Adderley – Black Messiah (center-center)? They're both stock photo covers that I have identified, but I don't know which records they actually are. (Thrust is also a stock cover, but this one I'm sure is the one)
Thanks a lot again (and to all the strutters who helped me)!