
  • Tonight it started out with some Moscow Mules, now I'm taking shots of Tito's Vodka.

    I feel like I almost got jumped by these Romani folls the other day. I was on my lunch break from work. I usually drive to the park where I eat lunch, blaze up a bit, and read a few chapters in a book. It's really quite nice.

    As I'm driving back to work, these cats in a white Toyota pull up besides me.

    "Hey there I notice you have some minor damage on your body."

    This is Los Angeles. Everybody has damage on the body of their car.

    "I'm good.", I say politely, and drive on.

    They catch me at the next block.

    "Hey bro, we can fix that."

    "Nah, dude. Thanks." I drive on.

    They follow me.

    They pull up beside me at the next block looking like they are trying to with me. I flash my Rambo knife. It's a blade from when my step-father was in the Vietnam war. I keep it nice and sharp. Honestly, I'll take on anyone with that thing. I just hope they don't have a gun. I drive on.

    I pull into the alley behind my work. These fools are still following me. I guess they didn't get the message. There's a little gridlock situation in the alley and I hear dude saying, "I just wanted to help you fix your car."

    "Get the fuck outta hear with that bullshitshit!"

    When I get through the car jam, I pull over in the alley. I'm not trying to take this back to my place of employment. If shit goes down, I'm not trying to lose my job.

    They pull up on my left and stop. I scan the car and it looked like their mom was in the back seat. She didn't make eye contact.

    "Hey hommie, what do you mean with that knife?", asks the passenger, "You tryna bring some?"

    "If you want some.", I say, blade in my lap.

    That's when guy says, "You're a bitch, throwing a plastic iced tea bottle at my car, a drop of tea hitting my glasses. They peeled out of there, not hitting any pedestrians, surprisingly.

    What a couple of pussies.

  • tokyobeatstokyobeats 505 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Speaking of Moscow. One of my fav drunk stories.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    Finally get to poast in this thread after a long week of work (today is my Friday) and promising my girlfriend that I would cut down on my beer/alc intake. Stopped by the closest gas station on my way home to pick up a couple of these guys. I've never tried them before so what the heck...

    I'm getting ready to move into a new place soon so my weekends consist of looking up area rugs, furniture, appliances and other home decor... Got Soulstrut on one tab, Lowe's Hardware on another tab, and finally getting through some records BigChan put me on to.

    :beerbang: :freeway: :beerbang:

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    AndreBreton said:
    Moscow Mules.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    I should probably call it a night soon... Alcohol, 70's RnB records, and Facebook are not a very good combo. I might poast something I may regret.

  • fuck you looking at

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    drunk as schitt. great thraed, stop disrespecting it!
    new nephew hangs and all day drinks

    10:30pm gnight and almost 12 hours strong
    you all look nice
    even you

  • A fruit fly dies in your beer. Do you finnish the beer?

  • JimsterJimster 6,974 Posts
    AndreBreton said:
    Do you finnish the beer?

    If you are in Helsinki, yes.

    In general, if it's in the first beer, no.
    Any beer from #3 onwards, yes.
    Have you even seen "Papillon"?

  • It was my first beer.
    I dumped it.
    I feel like a weak lush because of it.
    I have seen Papillon, not.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Wait, a fruit fly in your beer?

    That's two of your five a day right there.

    Jugaad, people.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    iPhone dubble

  • Dale's Pale Ale, then Vodka Tonic, then Gin and Tonic.

    Sad to see Metta leave LA but I'm a Knicks Fan Lowkey, so it's cool. I can deal.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    DOR said:

    :lush: :bug:

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    Jack on the rocks, playin' "Forget me nots" (on the piano).

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts

    Three Moscow Mules after a long bike ride, and I'm in this thread.

    J-Wollen DB Cooper- lets drink one of these days, kids & all. Loved the volleying in that other thread, disagreements & all.

    Frank - I've sent you a special f-you in another thread, but don't ever change. Love the passion & worldly philosophy/experience. Fucking love your posts, except when I hate 'em. But, they're never dull.

    Johnny paycheck- hit your shop today, best in la ciudad. Viva la reggae.

    Bassie- consign frank & DB, you're the best.

    Fuck, this place is great. Cosmo with a drive by poast, raj saying hello. Viva la Weekend.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    gareth said:
    Yo!J-Wollen DB Cooper- lets drink one of these days, kids & all. Loved the volleying in that other thread, disagreements & all.

    Gareth, I am well and truly hammered right now, after cooking for the fam after they fell asleep to make sure they (she) is well-fed for the week (four pizzas). I will say this with all sails well filled. I respect you and love the give and take of our discussions. So does Tess. She thinks you are hot shit. In the best way possible. We have much love for you. Invitation accepted. Do we have to drive to Brooklyn though? Cause that shit sucks. Her brother got married in the Prospect Park boathouse a few weeks ago, and she nearly lost her shit a few times on the way there with infant in tow. Driving into the city is a shitshow. My browser is trying to tell me "shitshow" is not a word. I am absolutely HAMMMERED RIOGHT NOW. STOP FUCKING WITH ME GHOOGLE CHROME> FUCKIONG HELL>

  • rye whiskey bulleit

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    I only ever see this thread when I'm hungover.

    and what's up with vomiting anyways? Why does my stomach have to do that to me? I miss ginger beer.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    AndreBreton said:
    It was my first beer.
    I dumped it.
    I feel like a weak lush because of it.
    I have seen Papillon, not.

    Don't be a pussy.

    Just poke your finger into your drink. Fruit fly will hold on. Remove finger, deposit fruit fly. Watch him dry off. Then watch fly aim straight for your beer and straight in the drink. The fly is your pace man. He shouldn't get more than two baths per drink.


    It's been a great weekend, but I miss Barcelona already.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I guess I'm cheating posting stone cold sober...but I really didn't feel to turn on the laptop at 4am this morning as good as I felt.

    Had you said to me 10 years ago I would be attending colour themed parties, I would have laughed heartily, but here I am the morning after an all-white party (not the supremacist kind) having thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was hard putting a white outfit together. I am too messy an eater and too lazy to stay pristine to buy things that attract coffee, wine and beet stains.
    Anyway - dancehall and lovers tunes all night and a sweet steppers set, too! Got well lit and was very happy from so much dancing and hanging out in the fresh cool night.
    And I'll say it for the thousandth time, these JA spots know how to price drinks! $21 for Guinness bottle, Heineken, Bacardi Breezer and my (generous pour) Hennessy!
    edit - that was a round I bought, I didn't drink all those on my own! Especially the cooler and Heineken - blech!

  • finishing off everything that didn't get bodied last night.

    it's all this:

    and this:



  • waitaminute..... it IS sunday right?

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    2 parts Flor De Cana Extra Dry infused with dried hibiscus flowers, 1 part home made sirup of estate grown mandarin limes and pure cane sugar, ice.

  • JimsterJimster 6,974 Posts
    Just getting back from a decent night at Booom Ibiza. 20 ??? for a red bull and vodka. Sheesh.
    please kids, no early wake ups. Frilllz...

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Mezcal has improved my singing voice considerably.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts

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