When is it Time...

TheKindCromangTheKindCromang 1,463 Posts
edited February 2013 in Strut Central
to replace your needles? I've been rocking a pair of Shure M44-7s for about three years now.
Is it time to get some new needles?
How often/frequently do you replace? How do you know when the time has come for some new ones?



  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,087 Posts
    When the highs/treble start to hiss.

  • Yep. As soon as your high hats hiss. I try to have a fresh stylus around so I can swap it in and see the difference. Often I am surprised how bad the highs sounds and I didn't notice before throwing on the new stylus.

  • If you use them on the reg, then three years is definitely past time to replace.

    Trumpet, especially muted, is another telltale instrument.

  • Ever thought of getting a 50x jewelers lens?

    If you see ( ) you good, if you see / replace.

    now please send a 45 or Lp as thanks.
    Pm for address.
    *this goes for everybody


  • GatorToof said:
    Ever thought of getting a 50x jewelers lens?

    If you see ( ) you good, if you see / replace.

    now please send a 45 or Lp as thanks.
    Pm for address.
    *this goes for everybody



  • Gatortoof, Whaaa.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,899 Posts
    bennyboy said:
    Gatortoof, Whaaa.

    He is talking about needle point shape through a 50x lens and blagging chud.

  • I know. Was more a response to TKC.

  • GatorToof said:
    Ever thought of getting a 50x jewelers lens?

    If you see ( ) you good, if you see / replace.

    now please send a 45 or Lp as thanks.
    Pm for address.
    *this goes for everybody


    Whoa Gay Dar Tooth, easy hes just asking a simple qst.

  • Gotta love it when somebody asks for payment for the most basic of favors and then signs his invoice with 'Kindly'.

  • Gatortrolled.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,087 Posts

  • I gave it some thought, did the research.

    Everybody's time is worth something.
    Thanks for the consideration.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Replaced mine recently and sound quality is def better.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    If you've had these for a while, I'd suggest getting a backup needle at the very least. Nothing worse than a needle shitting the bed on you mid gig and you have no backup. If you have the money, I'd just buy them. Put one in and compare it to the old one...if it doesn't sound different I'd hold on to them as backups...you'll be happy you did it.

    Also, I suggest using www.camelcamelcamel.com for any purchases like this. It's a great tool that monitors prices on ebay and allows you to really know what you can realistically expect to pay. For instance, here is a link to the data on m44-7 http://camelcamelcamel.com/Shure-M44-7-H-Turntablist-Technics-Headshell/product/B0002E2LZG . It shows you the highest price it's sold for and the lowest AND lets you set your price and receive an alert when it hits your desired threshold.

    In truth, the needles seem to stay at around the same price (which is to be expected)...but I got some novation dicers for like 65 bucks when they normally sell for like 80-90.

    Hope this helps.

  • JectWon said:
    Hope this helps.

    It does. Thanks!
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