College graduates should not have to...



  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    4YearGraduate said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    what team am i on?

    The one that starts threads quoting Paul Ryan speeches.

    If anyone looks at either the Dem or Rep platforms and can't find anything within them that they agree with I question their ability to think for themselves.

    Well, it takes thinking for yourself to identify hypocrisy. Sure, smaller government is great. I agree with it. Smaller government is Republican, however they are not actually for smaller government when they want to tell women what to do, want to give parental rights to rapists, can agree with points on both platforms but a lot of points are straight up lies. A find precious little on the GOP platform to agree with because my definition of things are radically different than theirs.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    what team am i on?

    The one that starts threads quoting Paul Ryan speeches.
    I quoted that because I felt it captured the sentiments of many people around my age. How many people here who blindly ride for Obama can really say that anything has really changed for the better during his term? I think Paul Ryan is a total scumbag too but that was a very appropriate quote for what's happening to my generation right now. Kids were sold a lie, took on a grip of debt in the meantime, and have nothing to show for it. But yeah, keeping low interest rates for student loans is going to somehow make jobs appear?

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    JectWon said:

    If it's a Jackass or a Gout Plagued Elephant in power...I'm getting mine regardless. I suggest everyone else attempt to do the same and stop bitching....that shit sounds like the dude who says "I'm not going to start making beats until I get that akai mpc ableton serrato plugin mashup qubase can't do it without that" me that sounds just like the "well the economy is going to suck until ______ party is in power"....fuck that, get off your own ass and do for yourself.

    So parent of of the disabled kid, quit your bitching about Medicaid being cut and go get a fucking 6 digit paying job. Hey cancer patient quit your bitching and cure that shit and get a job. Hey hungry kid, quit your bitching about being hungry...get a paper route and buy a loaf of bread and a pack of ham...quit complaIning.

    Whatever, youre just selling bootstraps 101

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    JectWon said:
    If it's a Jackass or a Gout Plagued Elephant in power...I'm getting mine regardless. I suggest everyone else attempt to do the same and stop bitching....that shit sounds like the dude who says "I'm not going to start making beats until I get that akai mpc ableton serrato plugin mashup qubase can't do it without that" me that sounds just like the "well the economy is going to suck until ______ party is in power"....fuck that, get off your own ass and do for yourself.
    i dont think anyone said anything remotely like this. it's very real that people (especially younger voters) who were very enthusiastic for obama during the 08 election are not nearly as enthusiastic and are off worse than before.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:

    Whatever, youre just selling bootstraps 101

    Exactly. People are listening to this guy lying straight to their face with comments that are easily proved as dishonest statements. From a man who professes with all his might, that government is what is wrong with their lives. Yet, he has spent most of his life benefiting off it himself. All the while, using his influence in office to do what he can to make sure things can't get any better while the other party is in the oval office.

    The mind boggles.

  • The_Hook_Up said:
    JectWon said:

    If it's a Jackass or a Gout Plagued Elephant in power...I'm getting mine regardless. I suggest everyone else attempt to do the same and stop bitching....that shit sounds like the dude who says "I'm not going to start making beats until I get that akai mpc ableton serrato plugin mashup qubase can't do it without that" me that sounds just like the "well the economy is going to suck until ______ party is in power"....fuck that, get off your own ass and do for yourself.

    So parent of of the disabled kid, quit your bitching about Medicaid being cut and go get a fucking 6 digit paying job. Hey cancer patient quit your bitching and cure that shit and get a job. Hey hungry kid, quit your bitching about being hungry...get a paper route and buy a loaf of bread and a pack of ham...quit complaIning.

    Whatever, youre just selling bootstraps 101

    I did not say anything of the sort. please don't edit qoutes.

    whoa, the wouting system is all f-d up in this thread

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Slightly off topic, but...

    I was thinking The American Dream that Rs are selling is, if we just get government out of the way, restore freedoms, then everyone who works hard can become a entrepreneur millionaire.

    The American Dream Ds are selling is, if you work hard government will make sure; you can have a decent life, with a decent house and decent health care.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    JectWon said:

    If it's a Jackass or a Gout Plagued Elephant in power...I'm getting mine regardless. I suggest everyone else attempt to do the same and stop bitching....that shit sounds like the dude who says "I'm not going to start making beats until I get that akai mpc ableton serrato plugin mashup qubase can't do it without that" me that sounds just like the "well the economy is going to suck until ______ party is in power"....fuck that, get off your own ass and do for yourself.

    So parent of of the disabled kid, quit your bitching about Medicaid being cut and go get a fucking 6 digit paying job. Hey cancer patient quit your bitching and cure that shit and get a job. Hey hungry kid, quit your bitching about being hungry...get a paper route and buy a loaf of bread and a pack of ham...quit complaIning.

    Whatever, youre just selling bootstraps 101

    Dude...duuuuuude. Please lets keep this fucked up train somewhat on the rails.

    The title of the thread is "COLLEGE Graduates should not have to..." NOT "Parents of disabled kids, or Cancer patient should not have to".

    Get the fuck out of here man.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    JectWon said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    JectWon said:

    If it's a Jackass or a Gout Plagued Elephant in power...I'm getting mine regardless. I suggest everyone else attempt to do the same and stop bitching....that shit sounds like the dude who says "I'm not going to start making beats until I get that akai mpc ableton serrato plugin mashup qubase can't do it without that" me that sounds just like the "well the economy is going to suck until ______ party is in power"....fuck that, get off your own ass and do for yourself.

    So parent of of the disabled kid, quit your bitching about Medicaid being cut and go get a fucking 6 digit paying job. Hey cancer patient quit your bitching and cure that shit and get a job. Hey hungry kid, quit your bitching about being hungry...get a paper route and buy a loaf of bread and a pack of ham...quit complaIning.

    Whatever, youre just selling bootstraps 101

    Dude...duuuuuude. Please lets keep this fucked up train somewhat on the rails.

    The title of the thread is "COLLEGE Graduates should not have to..." NOT "Parents of disabled kids, or Cancer patient should not have to".

    Get the fuck out of here man.

    Bootstraps.....defined as "Improve your situation by your own efforts" a dirty word or unrealistic concept to some.

    This blows my mind.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    My brother is a career college student (10 years now) me on the other hand I've been working hard since I left school in my early 20's.
    Recently he asked me for a job and I told him what I do is hard work and he'd have to start at the bottom fetching food for people and waking up early. As soon as he heard that he said "nevermind".

    What I gained from that is that college nowadays isn't prepping people for a working world. it's providing an idea that if you're there long enough you'll eventually be qualified for something high paying. Am I far off in my assumption?

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    for me it's not about college as a means
    it's more about preparing for the working world requirements and their strict demands
    college creates an illusion of on the right path that means nothing in the real world

    you go to a top school and study international development
    your end goal is a job in a UN,UNICEF type intl organization
    economy,history,sociology,political science and language classes...
    you get good grades, do some internships abroad and you even write a master's thesis on a hot topic
    you got a good diploma, some experiecnce and you speak 3 languages..piece of cake
    alll jobs look for 5 years experience, management and fundraising skills and technical specifities

    you thought you should be ''well-rounded''..when all the work world wants is a water supply or agricultural expert

    knowing what you will need for the job you want in the real world, how to get there and what to specialize before applying to college is the real path

    i feel bad for young people completing their PhD with dreams of becoming a professor
    if your not already cosigning articles in grad school you have no chance
    out of your whole class 2 people might teach and one will get tenure
    meanwhile you work insanely hard on some ''worthless'' document that took you 7 yeasr to comlete while the grad students your age gained 5+ years of actual work experience
    furthermore, jobs are scared of hiring you and you'll on average earn only 5k more than gradstudents
    but hey your analitical skills are really strong...

    it's a bit harsh and more of a canadian experience
    but not far from the truth either

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    You can't complete a degree in ice-carving and expect to obtain balleur status out of the gate.

    To grads who haven't found a job and feel entitled... There are precious few areas of study that will land you on a solid career path upon graduation. Most degrees require some hustle: volunteering, unpaid interning, networking, articling, etc.

    Years ago, I completed a degree in political science. Pretty much a Starbucks degree. But I volunteered as much as I could while working odd jobs (manual labour mostly) to pay bills. I treated my volunteer position like a full-time job, like an audition to stay if a position became available, and all the while let people know I was searching. I rarely took breaks, came in early, stayed late, got along really well with people...

    I ended up getting a fulltime job with that org 6 weeks later because of my work ethic. 7 years later, I've developed a solid reputation locally in my field. I'm still not a balleur, but I'm right near the 6-figure mark and have been head hunted on 2 occassions in the last year alone.

    Attitude is everything. Like uncle Milty said: "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."


  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    parallax said:
    You can't complete a degree in ice-carving and expect to obtain balleur status out of the gate.

    To grads who haven't found a job and feel entitled... There are precious few areas of study that will land you on a solid career path upon graduation. Most degrees require some hustle: volunteering, unpaid interning, networking, articling, etc.

    Years ago, I completed a degree in political science. Pretty much a Starbucks degree. But I volunteered as much as I could while working odd jobs (manual labour mostly) to pay bills. I treated my volunteer position like a full-time job, like an audition to stay if a position became available, and all the while let people know I was searching. I rarely took breaks, came in early, stayed late, got along really well with people...

    I ended up getting a fulltime job with that org 6 weeks later because of my work ethic. 7 years later, I've developed a solid reputation locally in my field. I'm still not a balleur, but I'm right near the 6-figure mark and have been head hunted on 2 occassions in the last year alone.

    Attitude is everything. Like uncle Milty said: "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."


    That's awesome. Wait...are you David Brooks?

    EDIT: Never mind, based off your spelling of 'Labour', I'm assuming you're not 'merican....

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    JectWon said:
    Most important word EVER.

    Also: take the time to appreciate how fortunate you already are. Then get back to hustling.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    ..... live out their 20???s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at the fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get on with their life.


    Most aren't doing that. If this is you, then you should get off your ass and do something instead of whining on the internet.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    and yes, even an additional penny cost per transaction can have a gigantic effect on overall prices which would hurt retail investors (the few that are left) FAR more than any instituional investors.

    LOL! It would have the effect of increasing the cost of the transaction by $.01. That's it.

    If you have evidence it would do more, post it up.


  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    So college graduates don't have disabled children? They don't get cancer?

    As far as bootstrap is an over simplification of how any situation can be blows MY mind that folks think shit is so simple, so black and white that you just "rub some dirt on it" and work hard that you will be successful. It takes luck and help. Anyone who says it doesn't is just selling the " we built it" lie.

    PS if you tell me get the fuck outta here, I'm going to keep going and tell you how full of shit you fuck off asshole.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    what team am i on?

    How many people here who blindly ride for Obama can really say that anything has really changed for the better during his term?

    Wouldn't all those that "blindly ride for Obama" agree that at least something has changed for the better during his term? I mean, if they "blindly ride" for the guy.

    A better question is do YOU really think nothing has gotten better? Because if you do, that's provably false.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    ..... live out their 20???s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at the fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get on with their life.


    Most aren't doing that. If this is you, then you should get off your ass and do something instead of whining on the internet.
    Definitely not me and I don't whine on the internet or in real life. Instead of whining or looking for the government to solve every little problem, I bootstrapped it and moved from Hawaii to New York. I wake up every morning at 5 to work a minimum of 12 hours per day so I can pay a fuckload of taxes for all this wonderful wasteful government spending that still has us at a miserable employment level.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    So college graduates don't have disabled children? They don't get cancer?

    As far as bootstrap is an over simplification of how any situation can be blows MY mind that folks think shit is so simple, so black and white that you just "rub some dirt on it" and work hard that you will be successful. It takes luck and help. Anyone who says it doesn't is just selling the " we built it" lie.

    PS if you tell me get the fuck outta here, I'm going to keep going and tell you how full of shit you fuck off asshole.

    In all fairness, you're right. Luck and help are essential to anyone's success. I would add 'good timing' as well.

    But I would also say that if you are not happy with your life/situation etc., you are always in control to fix it. You can't point fingers forever at the unseen forces that shape the reality you live in. You have to take control. I am currently in a decently paid position that I worked my ass off to get. If I was given the ax tomorrow, I would have no qualms about working a McJob immediately until I re-established myself.

    Good, meaningful work is out there. Good people? Not so much. I don't personally know the man outside of buying a few records from him, but ask Rockadelic, who hires people, how hard it is to find 'good people'.

    I completely agree with the notion of helping those who are disadvantaged - 100% on board. But if you are capable of going to college, you are capable of running your own life.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    The problem with the bootstraps life moto is a huge % of the people that tend to profess it, have never practiced it. From the very poor in Kentucky who say it until they find out it effects them, not realizing they themselves use it. To the current Republican VP nom, who has been on the government tit for a good portion of his life.

    As far as college/university goes. It's sold as the only answer to advancement and has become more of a business than anything. Higher education will probably become the next mortgage crisis IMO.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    ..... live out their 20???s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at the fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get on with their life.


    Most aren't doing that. If this is you, then you should get off your ass and do something instead of whining on the internet.
    Definitely not me and I don't whine on the internet or in real life. Instead of whining or looking for the government to solve every little problem, I bootstrapped it and moved from Hawaii to New York. I wake up every morning at 5 to work a minimum of 12 hours per day so I can pay a fuckload of taxes for all this wonderful wasteful government spending that still has us at a miserable employment level.

    Your taxes are the lowest they've been. Ever. In your life. You don't know what a fuckload of taxes is.

    It seems that you have no real concept of the damage done by the financial implosion of 2008. Why you think everything would be all better and dandy by now is bizarre. It's been 4 years. I also shows a shocking disconnect from what has been going on in Washington.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    ..... live out their 20???s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at the fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get on with their life.


    Most aren't doing that. If this is you, then you should get off your ass and do something instead of whining on the internet.
    Definitely not me and I don't whine on the internet or in real life. Instead of whining or looking for the government to solve every little problem, I bootstrapped it and moved from Hawaii to New York. I wake up every morning at 5 to work a minimum of 12 hours per day so I can pay a fuckload of taxes for all this wonderful wasteful government spending that still has us at a miserable employment level.

    Your taxes are the lowest they've been. Ever. In your life. You don't know what a fuckload of taxes is.

    It seems that you have no real concept of the damage done by the financial implosion of 2008. Why you think everything would be all better and dandy by now is bizarre. It's been 4 years.
    still bush's fault am i rite

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    still bush's fault am i rite
    You having problems reading? Did I say that?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    ur quote iz broken bro

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    So college graduates don't have disabled children? They don't get cancer?

    As far as bootstrap is an over simplification of how any situation can be blows MY mind that folks think shit is so simple, so black and white that you just "rub some dirt on it" and work hard that you will be successful. It takes luck and help. Anyone who says it doesn't is just selling the " we built it" lie.

    PS if you tell me get the fuck outta here, I'm going to keep going and tell you how full of shit you fuck off asshole.

    Dang sound really extreme and tough. Due to shear and totally non-sarcastic fear, I'm going to tap out on this win.

    But if you must know the answer to your off topic and extreme diversion from the real topic...yeah, I think extreme situations/tragedies/challenges need to have programs available to help/assist....hell, I volunteer for programs that are funded by tax dollars.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    ur quote iz broken bro

    So you are having problems reading. Got it.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    im having no problem reading. 4 years is a long ass time. instead of focusing on employment our president decides to try to make "history" and pass some weak ass healthcare law that only increased uncertainty and caused people to freeze up on hiring. taking leadership instead of pointing fingers at republicans might have also helped things out but what do i know. all of the same problems that caused the financial crisis still are out there and our wonderful government is still pushing all the same shit that caused it. but yeah, let's feel good about voting for someone cos he doesn't have an R after his name and everything will be better once we're done singing cumbaya. k.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    im having no problem reading. 4 years is a long ass time. instead of focusing on employment our president decides to try to make "history" and pass some weak ass healthcare law that only increased uncertainty and caused people to freeze up on hiring. taking leadership instead of pointing fingers at republicans might have also helped things out but what do i know. all of the same problems that caused the financial crisis still are out there and our wonderful government is still pushing all the same shit that caused it. but yeah, let's feel good about voting for someone cos he doesn't have an R after his name and everything will be better once we're done singing cumbaya. k.

    Ah, you're a believer in the uncertainty fairy, Good to know. There really isn't anything uncertain about the ACA. What has been uncertain is whether the law would be implemented. That was created by it's opponents. The uncertainty should be gone, since SCOTUS found the ACA to be Constitutional, but the GOP isn't having it. They are creating the problem. You blame Obama. That's fine. It's not supported by factual events, but it's fine.

    And yes, 4 years is a long time, if you're a child. If you're an adult, and you have an actual concept of the damage done in 2008 by the financial collapse, and you are aware that around 8.5 million jobs were lost (whichdoesn't account for new people entering the work force since then), then you would know that 4 years is not very long in the grand scheme of things.

    Our goverment isn't pushing the same things that caused the collapse. If you were informed you would be aware of this, One side is, the other isn't.

    It seems you don't know much, bro.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Sorry??? But I think this is a great thread.


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