Minstrel Show?

Anyone else getting kind of hyped about this album? I dunno after the controversy and I just checked the video for "Lovin It"... If its anything like the video it sounds pretty nice. Alot better than Late Registration.opinons? Late pass? Kufi pass? what's your take?
and you just killed it.
Lovin It Video
As average as it is, I LOVE that fucking beat (anyone else notice that one sample sounds warped or slower on the chorus?) but that last MC is garbage. I don't know how you could say that one song (a gigantic loop and drums) is better than Late Reg. though.
Oh SHIT it looks like I'm riding for Kan
did 9th buy a new snare kit?
Lovin It Video
i guess not........
nice beat as usual, but can someone please send this man some new snares & kicks
Nah sayin or insinuating if the whole album is as solid as the first track, it could be better than Late Registration. And cosign on Joe Scudda, he was average at best. And no Kanye hate, I am just less than impressed with late registration after the build up around it. The Just blaze track is bananas.
How old are you - out of curiosity.
i am officially an old ass man
ever, in hiphop. well maybe that comment was a bit rash tbh. maybe top 25 ;]
in your private mind garden
Nah it wasn't everything the hype made it out to be but it was decent.
i wasnt really up on LB till i got the LP, so i wasnt aware of this hype. to me its just fucking tight. no fast forwards which is a
9th with boring MC's[/b]
Take that schitt to www.okayplayer.com, son.
Yeh i enjoyed 9th Edition alot more than I liked The Listening, the production was more story oriented vs. track 1- ...
eh, its all subjective. i will personally think about this list for you and get back to you. i dunno if you could? if so cool, what are they? i will get back to you!
Real nice beats and some ok lyrics, but after a while it all gets a bit bland i'd say, no real adrenaline music to wake you up, and not the kind of chilled music i'd put on to relax to... solid album, but no more than that for me...
Pretty much.
Had those dudes actually come out during the era that they pay tribute to, people would have just regarded them as another Hard 2 Obtain or Trendz of Culture, if that.
That may be the most profound statement yet.
Little Boring
aah the Faux reply. Typical, but quality as usual. Anyone else?
Yeah, I have never understood LB's appeal. I think you have to be over 30 and have kids to like their music and I'm both and I DON'T find it very appealing.
I haven't heard the new CD yet but I speculate the same folks chatting it up are the same ones who thought Be was a 5 star album.
'The Listening' sits like 1 long song w/ IDs tacked on; it's tailor-made for elevator Muzak rotation already.
Long Stylistics sample on 'Lovin' It' from what I can hear...
Phew! You love hating on Be, dont you? I'm not defending it... but damn you bring it up a lot.
Little Brother has some dope songs. I really liked the the title track off The Listening.
I thought it was good up to "So Fabulous". After that, it got mad monotonous, "fillerish", and boring. My take on Little Brother, including "Minstrel Show" is that they make nice songs but bad albums. All the songs have the same sound, which I suspect, is because Big Pooh and Phonte like to write to those kinds of songs. MCs are notorious for being "niche-like" in their selection of songs. My MC only picks the smooth ones which irks the shit out of me. I keep yellin' for him to write to the intense, rugged joints too. 9th Wonder shows better creativity when he produces for others, which forms the basis of my theory that Phonte and Big Pooh create the monotony, musically. And yes, dude needs some breaks, but he has a great sampling and arranging ear, on the strength.
Big Stacks from Kakalak