funkyou! / funkyousounds



  • DanteDante 371 Posts
    well, i'm a person born and raised in mexico city whose name happens to be dante.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I have no small minded conspiracy theories about the one funkyou. As a matter of fact I was one who defended the dude on this very board when others complained about him coming to their town and scoring vinyl. Now he is in my town and I feel the same way, if he can do what I haven't been able to, more power to him.


    The Invaders auction is nothing but a scam. Stating basically that "Others have sold this boot as an OG so we are going to also" followed by a disclaimer about never selling boots is flat out dishonest. If he is conducting his buying business with the same degree of shadiness, giving record buyers in my town a bad rep, that is something I have a problem with.

  • BallzDeepBallzDeep 612 Posts
    djsheep said:

    *case in point -- you just found a copy of Bernard Wright - NARD - and hope more on the Strut's top 100 list show up -- you can eat a bag of dicks fuckstick (by the way, that should be your new location, it's way cooler), you wouldn't have lasted a day when this board was in it's prime --

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Sealed isn't a grade.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • Final Thoughts:

    Sheep: It's fairly obvious to anyone able to read that you're a Bipolar liar with anger management issues. It's really a shame that someone as crazy as yourself is even allowed internet access.

    Dante: I'm glad we agree on the tiny size of your brain. Mexico City must be a pretty boring place as much time as you spend parading around internet message boards.

    tripledouble: Glad you could step out of your Scooby-Doo van and put down the pipe long enough to join in.

    Jonny_Paycheck: Having a record boutique in NYC must make you the authority on EVERYTHING.

    Horseleech: Sounds like you know more than us about bootlegs, good for you.

    The_Hook_Up: It's a shame you think the Euroman has a short attention span...but I like the picture of you smoking a cigarette in your avatar.

    behemoth: Even big dogs leave scraps for mice every now and again. Nice attempt with the prank phone call, and oh yeah...your music is the wackest shit I've EVER heard.

    kala: You must have us confused with someone else. We don't use the EX grade.

    Rockadelic: Giving record buyers a bad rep? How about Forever Young, Bill's & HPB. I think the damage has already been done.

    mannybolone, holmes, Reynaldo, LoopDreams & ost: thanks for your intelligent posts and using common sense.

    Signing out.


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Son just stepped up his grading game!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    funkyou said:
    Final Thoughts:

    Sheep: It's fairly obvious to anyone able to read that you're a Bipolar liar with anger management issues. It's really a shame that someone as crazy as yourself is even allowed internet access.

    Dante: I'm glad we agree on the tiny size of your brain. Mexico City must be a pretty boring place as much time as you spend parading around internet message boards.

    tripledouble: Glad you could step out of your Scooby-Doo van and put down the pipe long enough to join in.

    Jonny_Paycheck: Having a record boutique in NYC must make you the authority on EVERYTHING.

    Horseleech: Sounds like you know more than us about bootlegs, good for you.

    The_Hook_Up: It's a shame you think the Euroman has a short attention span...but I like the picture of you smoking a cigarette in your avatar.

    behemoth: Even big dogs leave scraps for mice every now and again. Nice attempt with the prank phone call, and oh yeah...your music is the wackest shit I've EVER heard.

    kala: You must have us confused with someone else. We don't use the EX grade.

    Rockadelic: Giving record buyers a bad rep? How about Forever Young, Bill's & HPB. I think the damage has already been done.

    mannybolone, holmes, Reynaldo, LoopDreams & ost: thanks for your intelligent posts and using common sense.

    Signing out.


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Holy Pakora! I'd buy that for a dollar.

    Hey! You changed the object of my affections. I want the other thing you posted Sheep!

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I guess I'm a chimp because I can spot a reissue/boot/whatever and know the history of it as well?


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    funkyou said:

    : Glad you could step out of your Scooby-Doo van and put down the pipe long enough to join in.

    So good.
    Managed to shoehorn this into two meetings today, to general crickets and tumbleweed.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    kala: You must have us confused with someone else. We don't use the EX grade.

    your grading is wack,
    i don't forget when I get ripped off by someone-EVER
    I specifically remember thinking " how does this guy sustain such high prices for such poor condition records" and made a note to self to never ever buy wax from a "name brand seller" on ebay ever again.

    also no matter how you slice it selling an invaders reissue as "i don't know if it's a bootleg" for 565 bucks proves you are a greedy thieving cunt

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    skel said:
    funkyou said:

    : Glad you could step out of your Scooby-Doo van and put down the pipe long enough to join in.

    So good.
    Managed to shoehorn this into two meetings today, to general crickets and tumbleweed.


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,782 Posts
    This thread is great !

  • ScottScott 420 Posts
    funkyou said:
    Final Thoughts:

    Dammit, I wish I had posted earlier so I could get the Funkyou! critique.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    granjero said:
    skel said:
    funkyou said:

    : Glad you could step out of your Scooby-Doo van and put down the pipe long enough to join in.

    So good.
    Managed to shoehorn this into two meetings today, to general crickets and tumbleweed.


    i love it!
    extra points since i dont think he's old enough to ever have watched scooby doo on tv.
    i guess his mommy probably did bring him to the movie when it came out two years ago, but he probably couldnt figure out if it was original or not.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    i wonder if this pussy still rolls with "security" thru the hood as he empties out folks collections ,well below market value thru his nefarious unprecedented peculiar means and methods of his own valpak style

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    funkyou said:
    Horseleech: Sounds like you know more than us about bootlegs, good for you.

    Of course this isn't about bootlegs, it's about being an honorable seller who knows about and stands behind what they sell. The fact that this has escaped you is more than a little revealing about the sort of businessman you are.


    Offered that refund yet?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    kala said:
    as he empties out folks collections ,well below market value thru his nefarious unprecedented peculiar means and methods of his own valpak style

    Probably a high percentage of this board are in glass houses clutching fistfuls of stones on this issue.
    Which is why the barbs are aimed in other directions.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    funkyou said:
    Final Thoughts:

    Rockadelic: Giving record buyers a bad rep? How about Forever Young, Bill's & HPB. I think the damage has already been done.

    Being in the game pretty deep for 30 years you hear all kinds of bullshit about people. My philosophy is that most of the hate is based in jealousy and that's why when people came here and called you every name in the book I gave you the benefit of the doubt and defended your business tactics. You can search the site and see it for yourself. In a game where egos and asshurtness rule the day I don't believe any gossip until I witness it first hand.The Invaders auction is an inexcusable attempt to deceive and get over on people.

    I have known the owner of Forever Young since the 80's and he is an honest and honorable man. I have never known HPB to lie or try to cheat or deceive their customers on any level. I don't know enough about Bill's to agree with or deny your accusations but I have never heard any rumors to that effect. I don't believe you have any knowledge of the local store owners you accused, of being anything but good business people, yet you point a finger at them in an attempt to deflect your obvious shadiness

    Now, based on your unscrupulous auction tactics and your comments here I have been convinced you are the asshole many claim you are.. And yes, if you are employing these same tactics on your out of town house calls you could very well be giving us locals a bad rep.

    There are a lot of aspects to the record game, but for me the most important one is being able to sleep soundly at night knowing you didn't lie, cheat or steal in the name of something as insignificant as vinyl.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    Records aren't about money for me, but records are about money for Funk You. I bought some records from the kid back in 2004 or 2005, and always had a good experience. Back then, when Funk You was building its brand, you wouldn't have found a VG- record in their listings, neither would you have found reissues or bootlegs. As scorched earth inventory purchasing campaigns have dried up the quantity of quality records in clean condition, the downward drift of condition may be inevitable. When you buy a record with a VG to VG- grade, you're taking a risk. Hell, when you buy a record with a VG or EX grade you're taking a risk. What is not inevitable, though, is listing bootlegs and reissues among the records offered. The ethics of their buying practices have been a well-discussed concern for years, and now it appears that selling ethics are also a concern.

    On the two specific situations. Sheep had a specific need for a record, and the specific part that he needed is messed up and will not play through despite assurances that the record will not skip despite the low condition grade. He's right to be pissed, and it looks to me like they could have handled the situation better than they did. They eventually offered a refund -- full or half or whatever -- and I think heads would eventually cool there if they hadn't escalated over here. I've never been in a record condition fight with anyone in my life. It's just not worth it for me.

    On the Invaders record, extremely bad form from Funk You. Finding out whether the record you are selling is a bootleg should be part of your job as a seller if you advertise broadly that you do not sell reissues or bootlegs. The problem is it may cost you $500 to know the answer, so you prefer not to find out and pass the risk onto the public. You can stand by your listing, but you are diluting your brand big time. Eventually, that will cost you.

    See you later guys.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    JRoot said:

    On the Invaders record, extremely bad form from Funk You. Finding out whether the record you are selling is a bootleg should be part of your job as a seller if you advertise broadly that you do not sell reissues or bootlegs. The problem is it may cost you $500 to know the answer, so you prefer not to find out and pass the risk onto the public.

    Cosign. I was on funkyou's side initially based on his reasonable responses to that over-the-top Aussie dude (who, btw, in response to their siding with funkyou told a few strutters to stop engaging in their three-way) until the Invaders disclaimer was revealed earlier.


    Does anyone else wince when they read wordplay using the word "funk"? It's never a good thing.


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    i hope funky is allowed to come back for more back and forth. this has been fun

    not too sure why targeted mail carpet bagging is frowned on. i guess its similar to big fishing operations overfishing with deep sea trawling and mile wide nets, permanently destroying resources for local small operations. or is there something else insidious about his buying practices?

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    parallax said:
    Does anyone else wince when they read wordplay using the word "funk"?

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