sesame street raer
7,636 Posts
check out this interview of a philly record show staple...Dante the sesame street collector
very sweet dude
i think that was eilon's mistake. in the comment section Dante sets the record straight
in the last picture in the blog, thats me tanding next to DAnte with his sesame street want list in my hand. i asked him one day what his deal was and he basically said, "get it all" and proceeded to write out a want list with catalog numbers off the top of his head. dude is on top of his sesame game
C is for Cookie Remix as mentioned
I'd like to see/hear that early Elmo. Might be totally different than what we currently know Elmo to be
does he need the willie dynamite ost because gordon II is in it?
i don't see bob mcgrath in there.
this is a good movie. y'all should peep.
what is this replayed bullschitt version?
If Biz was here in town he would have been down with that for sure!
Dude played all the obvious hits in his mix though. Where's the raer? lol
Bert gets interrupted by Ernie while hes taking a bath.
dude squeezes in a piano and then the entire cast runs up in the bathroom and starts singing songs together.
bert is buck naked through the entire shit.
shit just got really real in the comment section of the blog...someone from the original cast's family just appeared and DAnte started dropping sesame LP science.
and just so you know that shit is definitely NOT a game, here are a couple tidbits from Dante's sesame wantlist (which i carry in my wallet in case i stumble across possible sesame raer in my travels):
Big Bird & Oscar Camping in Canada
Dont forget the oatmeal (storybook and record)
How to be a Grouch ( may already own this one?)
Just the Two if Us (2 LP set)
Muppet Masquerade (3 LPs and 7 Masks)
It hath been tooken there.
Great title.