New Music / Release Thread



  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    A new music mix of mine. All from 2011 (except one track)

    Future Beat, UK Funky, Garage, Deep House and Footwork

    1. Sepalcure ??? Fleur [Hotflush 2011]
    2. Arkist ??? Fill My Coffee [Apple Pips 2011]
    3. B.Bravo ??? Substance ft. Lady Alma [Earnest Endeavours 2011]
    4. Brackles ??? Take Me Home [Rinse 2011]
    5. Sly ??? Girl Is Alright [Zest 4 Life 1998]
    6. Zed Bias ??? Music Deep Inside [ Swamp81 2011]
    7. Gongon ??? Crush [Boiler Room 2011]
    8. Klic & Lokiboi ??? Won???t [Top Billin 2011]
    9. DJ Dom ??? Sunshowers [Blunted Robots 2011]
    10. Joy Orbison ??? Knock Knock [Swamp81 2011]
    11. French Fries ??? Hugz [ClekClekBoom Recordings 2011]
    12. Full Crate ??? Joy [Wonderful Ear Recordings 2011]
    13. DJ Lil???Tal ??? Pop Yo Back (Mr Ries Remix) [Loose Squares 2011]
    14. Machinedrum ??? Now U Know The Deal 4 Real [Planet Mu 2011]

    Liking this looks like my cuppa tea. The first tune sounds like it has a chopped up vocal singing something about "dol-phins"? You go the LP by Sepalcure released late last year? Lovely stuff.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    [strike]I think this is new...[/strike]

    deleted for Beatnik

  • Junior said:
    TheKindCromang said:
    Ulysses31nicholas said:
    not feeling evian christ then? i like it. probably biased.

    John Talabot's album is out this week and is a really interesting listen, deeply rooted in the kind of digging culture we approve here on the strut.

    i asked him a few questions about it here

    Good interview! Was he wearing the tin foil over his face while you interviewed him?

    Whoops, posted a track from the album and totally missed your preview and interview Nick. Really good read, always interesting when someone with really different musical tastes to me makes an album I love.

    Will give his mix a listen.

    Also, do go check out Aguirre

    haha, cheers folks, i watched aguirre last weekend, pretty damn good. and no he wasnt wearing tinfoil at the time, fortunately

  • can someone recommend me some new hip hop that isn't shit please?

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    Congratulations: You are now old.

  • J i m s t e r said:
    Congratulations: You are now old.

    Ha ha.

  • lol. /injoke. any good rap music to recommend? I'm liking that "ADHD" by Kendrick Lamar.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    There's lots of good stuff in the Rap-U-Like thread.


    I've been liking this, it's not really hiphop so I'll stick it in 'ere.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Ulysses31nicholas said:
    lol. /injoke. any good rap music to recommend? I'm liking that "ADHD" by Kendrick Lamar.

    To be honest I listen to so much new rap music I wouldn't know where to start with recommendations, especially as I suspect our tastes are pretty far apart regarding what we consider good rap music. If you like Kendrick though (who is superb) you may like Schoolboy Q, he doesn't really do it for me but I think I'm in the minority.

    Would really though agree with Okem and suggest that you take a trip to the Rap-U-Like thread and work backwards through it to see if anything in there tickles your fancy. If there is stuff that hits the spot I can probably recommend similar stuff to it.

  • I tell myself that I let the hype die down a little before picking up certain new releases (in reality it's usually because stuff sells out before I get around to buying it...)

    So, months after the fact I would just like to concur on what others have already said in this thread by recommending the Kuedo album. To my ears it leaves Zombie, Burial and the like in the dust.

    Really, really like the new Bullion 10" too (it sounds like a far better version of some of the tunes I'm working on at the moment):

  • I realise this is shameless but I recently started a label and put out a record from Jon Phonics which fits the style of the stuff posted in this thread so I thought i'd post up some snippets:

    It came out a couple of weeks ago on vinyl and today digitally:

    End of spam.

    p.s. That Kuedo album is nice, and I have high hopes for Evian Christ.

  • ahh thats your label shears? dope release.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Thom Yorke?

  • Ulysses31nicholas said:
    ahh thats your label shears? dope release.

    Yep, cheers for the Kudos hook up and glad you like the release!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Shears said:
    I realise this is shameless but I recently started a label and put out a record from Jon Phonics which fits the style of the stuff posted in this thread so I thought i'd post up some snippets:

    It came out a couple of weeks ago on vinyl and today digitally:

    End of spam.

    p.s. That Kuedo album is nice, and I have high hopes for Evian Christ.

    Let me add my congrats on setting up a label Shears and this actually sounds like it may be up my street from the snippets.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Thom Yorke?

    Jamiroquai called, he wants his hat back.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Beatnik/Ulysses31 in effect.

  • that sbtrkt remix is really great and Mr Beatnick killin' it too

  • cheers lads, it's just got "song of the day" over at iD magazine.. vibes.

    lots of good bits about, i'll whack some up in the next couple. Jon Phonics is smashing it for sure.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Grandfather said:
    that sbtrkt remix is really great

    I love the rave-vibe; with the child sample, it takes me back to Altern8 and The Prodigy, plus the analogue-y keys are warm and full, yet industrial at the same time. It's great.

    and Mr Beatnick killin' it too

    Yes, think he's reason to be pleased with himself on that one. It will be kopped.

  • minimini 880 Posts

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Grandfather said:
    Mr Beatnick killin' it

    Indeed, nice tune. Putting "Carry On, Turn Me On" to good use.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Burial & Four Tet:

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I'm not really up to speed with anything Four Tet has done in recent years but is it safe to assume that his main contributions were the keys layered over the top of a standard Burial "soundscape"? I like the slow multi-layering around the 3.30 mark but then it fades out just as I was getting interested which is ironic considering I've been moaning about his over-long releases. Either way, I'm beginning to get the depressing feeling that I'm done with Burial for the moment; haven't really been very excited about anything new I've heard from him in quite some time now.

    Something a bit different and cross board pollination, anyone listening to the new Julia Holter? I'm warming to it more each listen as I manage to control my knee jerk dislike of the music based on what I think a lot of the listeners would be like. This isn't my favourite song but there's a very limited amount available on youtube at the moment:

  • not sure about that julia holter track... a bit too enya-esqe for my ears. but i'm glad i'm not the only one who has a irrational dislike for some music based entirely on a (probably mistaken) idea of what the listeners are like.

    this might be a bit too balearic for the post-dubstep/whatever crew around here, but i'm feeling this:

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Ha ha yeah a friend of mine who is himself a self denying hipster described it as "C*nt music" which seemed harsh but understandable. To be fair that is probably the most clannad-esque moment of the album and one of those times where it verges on cleverness over content - I would have posted the video to the livelier (and better) In The Same Room but the horrendous video to it overrides the beauty of the song.

    Not sure about that Kindness track, it's still a sound that I'm adjusting to liking but at the same time anything with an eighties vibe kind of has me at hello.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I'm not really up to speed with anything Four Tet has done in recent years but is it safe to assume that his main contributions were the keys layered over the top of a standard Burial "soundscape"?
    [...] I'm beginning to get the depressing feeling that I'm done with Burial for the moment; haven't really been very excited about anything new I've heard from him in quite some time now.

    Yeah, it's a bit samey, but will get lots of hype I expect.

    I'm not liking the tunes-for-Berghain direction that the post-Dubstep sound has taken. Four Tet's last solo single was some pure techno thing that left me cold, and Caribou/Daphni seems to be heading the same way with his Junior Boys remix and this thing:

    It's well done, but I don't like it as much as stuff that either contains samples or somebody playing instruments.

  • i just listened to that daphni remix and thought it was pretty good (and not really pure techno to my ears). but i do think that a lot of the post-dubstep artists are jumping on the 4/4 or house bandwagon...

    while i've been doing some work this morning i've been playing this album from sandro perri, and if your into slightly leftfield, folky with some electronics you might like it:

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I think that Caribou remix is ok but the second half's descent into Acid just leaves me a bit cold. A remix is the place to get that kind of thing out your system though so eager to hear some new music from him. A lot of the recent stuff I've been hearing from many of the post-dubstep artists has definitely been on a throwback tip. I like some of it but I'd also like to see them pushing the boundaries more, it all feels a bit safe.

    That Sandro Perri is a strange one. I really liked the first track and the Shuggie influence but never really listened to the rest of the album. Should probably go back and revisit it.

    Really need to pick up some new electronic releases.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Junior said:

    Really need to pick up some new electronic releases.

    There's some cracking represses of early (and v rare) Various Production stuff in at Boomkat. Worth a gander.
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