O-Dub Give the New Quasimoto 5 STARS OUT OF 5



  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Right about now people are arguing about the new Quasimoto LP, the Further Adventures of Lord Quas, on the web. Is it too abstract?

    (this is not neccessarily directed at you taza) i've always been baffled by the argument that if you don't enjoy so called abstract or experimental music that you must be somehow offended by or not understanding of the experimental nature of the work. and thus an environment is created where anything that the artist declares to be "experimental" is somehow immune to criticism.

    there's no such thing as "too" experimental. there is such a thing as an experiment gone wrong. i distinctly remember being told that I "just don't understand" I>electric circus/I> when it came out. No, I understand perfectly what he was trying to do. But I also feel that he failed. i've listened to enough (good) experimental music to make the distinction.

    That said, I don't like quasimoto, i like the concept and I guess lib did it as well as you could possibly execute it, but there'd never be a point in my life that i would want to listen to it. it's like what hansel says about sting in zoolander - "i don't really listen to his music, but i like the fact he's making it"

    That's all well and good, but I think this album went over your head, son.

    Just playing.

    But seriously, I agree with you and wonder how people expect another person to respond when they say some dumb sh!t like that, which insults not only the other person's taste but his very ability to understand music and presumes that the speaker has a superior ability?

  • BigBBigB 30 Posts
    the "over your head" statement wasn't referring to the Quas album, it was referring to my self-deprecating humor in claiming that a line about toilet paper & shit was "art". Irony, nowhamsayin, it clearly wasn't picked up on.

    And f*ck the 8th grade statement, fauxrillz, you have no idea what your talking about because you don't know me. I've been through more "real world" sacrifices and trials than is worthwhile talking about on a Board such as this. Sorry if you're trying to develop a chip on your shoulder about some statement that I made and you mistook. But you're wrong.

    When these discussions become about some personal issues they cease to be any value. Petty shit.

    As soon as someone comes up with something original that breaks down some boundaries, it's picked up by the mainstream and sold back to you. That's art, that's commerce. I wouldn't be suprised to hear some knockoff Madlib making beats for TV commercials in the next couple years.

    Folks like to create that divide between experimental and "different" vs. mainstream and commercial, but it can coexist and it does. As far as the generalizing about the audience for a T.I. vs. a Madlib... that's for the market researchers and people who like to choose sides. There's no reason why someone can't make up their own mind and not have to always subscribe to the same likes and dislikes as everyone else. Go get that T.I., go get that Quas.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    the "over your head" statement wasn't referring to the Quas album, it was referring to my self-deprecating humor in claiming that a line about toilet paper & shit was "art". Irony, nowhamsayin, it clearly wasn't picked up on.

    And f*ck the 8th grade statement, fauxrillz, you have no idea what your talking about because you don't know me. I've been through more "real world" sacrifices and trials than is worthwhile talking about on a Board such as this. Sorry if you're trying to develop a chip on your shoulder about some statement that I made and you mistook. But you're wrong.

    When these discussions become about some personal issues they cease to be any value. Petty shit.

    As soon as someone comes up with something original that breaks down some boundaries, it's picked up by the mainstream and sold back to you. That's art, that's commerce. I wouldn't be suprised to hear some knockoff Madlib making beats for TV commercials in the next couple years.

    Folks like to create that divide between experimental and "different" vs. mainstream and commercial, but it can coexist and it does. As far as the generalizing about the audience for a T.I. vs. a Madlib... that's for the market researchers and people who like to choose sides. There's no reason why someone can't make up their own mind and not have to always subscribe to the same likes and dislikes as everyone else. Go get that T.I., go get that Quas.

    You mad?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    As soon as someone comes up with something original that breaks down some boundaries, it's picked up by the mainstream and sold back to you. That's art, that's commerce. I wouldn't be suprised to hear some knockoff Madlib making beats for TV commercials in the next couple years.
    Madlib already has beats on Cartoon Network commercials and it's not like dude is doing anything that people were already doing in the 90's as far as production goes.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    i gotta say there should be more people in music(regardless of genre) that do things in the vein of madlib, which is making music that sounds like outta your bedroom (not saying this in a negative connotation at all, see cody chestnut's "headphone masterpiece").

    I don't know man, I don't think this is something that actually does work for most artists, I think the successes are the exceptions to the rule... I dig some Madlib, some Chestnutt, Sebadoh, Guided By Voices and Pavement have some "bedroom masterpieces" but overall it usually comes off as a gimmick or just ruins any potential appreciation of the music entirely... for the most part I want records that are well-produced and clean, where every element can be heard...

  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    Okay, time for the number one cheerleader to get up in this...

    So like JB, I waited and didn't DL it, picked it up on the street date. Some random thoughts:

    1) Surprised by some of the cats on here liking it, straight up the sky is falling, wow guys!

    2) Let's not forget the difference between an artist and an artist's fanbase. Josh is a great example. I like a lot of the man's music, for the most part can't stand his fans. With Madlib, I dig his work a lot and constantly recommend it to people, and I would hope that as many people as possible hear his stuff, because I think he deserves the exposure. At the same time, I think it's kinda funny how he would gain exposure and attention from a lot of "white rap nerds" because he's "so experimental and different from all the mainstream stuff." What people fail to realize or notice a lot of the time imo, is that the Quasimoto material actually has its own very distinct and worthy spot in the rap continuum. It's not that crazily different. Go listen to old Rza beats, all off kilter, but they have that pulse to them. With a lot of Madlib's beats, its the same thing. As far as the fanbase goes though, who am I to judge? But still, I know girls that dig Madlib's work, but have you ever been to a Stones Throw show? Kinda sad actually. I had to bring girls to get girls in there. Wow, I'm rambling, well take what you want from what I'm saying, I don't know.

    3) The beats are crazy, but I gotta say I think he stepped up his rhyme game as well. Go listen to "1994" again if you haven't and then come talk to me. Better than the Unseen for sure. And deeper topics, "Players of the Game" being a good example. The Unseen felt like more of a bug out session, not that FAOLQ isn't, but just wiser imo.

    So...yeah. Its dope. 5 stars agreed.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Dude...this is the best scratch record ever!


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Where does the Lootpack stuff rank amongst Madlib's output?

    I really like that album. When I heard it I was like "fuck, this an actual listenable/enjoyable hip hop record".

    For someone who doesn't even check for albums, you dudes got me way hyped to peep the Quasimoto stuff.

  • Pistol_PetePistol_Pete 1,289 Posts
    well soundscan came out and the Quas debuted at 174 on the charts, selling 6,350 copies. Not bad for Stonesthrow.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I broke down and got Quasimoto. I was very impressed. Production was incredible.
    Non-radio format was refreshing. The helium voice didn't hinder the music.Not overdone. But when he does open his mouth to rhyme it wasn't spectacular.
    A Classic? Hold your horses on that one.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I broke down and got Quasimoto. I was very impressed. Production was incredible.
    Non-radio format was refreshing. The helium voice didn't hinder the music.Not overdone. But when he does open his mouth to rhyme it wasn't spectacular.
    A Classic? Hold your horses on that one.

    Joker virus???

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Problem is, EVERYBODY (almost) agree that beats are hella nice, myself included. But when you buy a "rap album", you are listening to the whole song, moreover you listen to what is saying...His verses are purely ...So why not put out an instrumental LP? He would still sell 6.500 the first week (i guess). I don't see anyone picking Quas for his helium balloon rhyming skills, or maybe i live on the Moon...Anyway. 5 stars for that, i dunno. Lil' Wang was bored at work and maybe tried to raise discussions while doing such a thing.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    theres a new quasimoto album?

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I still listen to the second Quasi album pretty frequently. To me, if you can't get into that album, then you can't appreciate real innovation in rap music. i am so bored with mainstream hip-hop. I can't even name another hip-hop artists whose new releases i'd buy without listening to them first.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts


    and three years later, that album still holds up better than a lot of other albums that year. It's funny, people know and appreciate Madlib, but only want to hear him as Madlib. Quas is a character, and yet that is not considered worthy because it makes Madlib look bad. Either you get it or you don't, and even if you do get it, it doesn't mean you're one of the select few who understands the unwritten secret code. Hip-hop can be very conservative when it wants to be, and the moment someone dares to do something different from the current norm, it's considered weird. You know what? Good.

    BTW - I'm sure I'll be around in some form in 2011 when this thread comes back.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    i never picked up the percee album that dropped a few months back, but i was just listening to the madlib remix new joint and it sounds pretty good.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I still stand by this review (for a change!)

  • they were playing this in a record store the other day and i wanted to leave.

    he tried to remake show & ag's "fat pockets" and butchered it.

    i liked that shit. is that the one with with the ill don ellis sample?

  • The last time I listened to this album was the week I bought it. Bo-ring!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Hip-hop can be very conservative when it wants to be

    Never that! I think the album (and review) stood the test of two years, seven months. However, this thread seems dated.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I still listen to the second Quasi album pretty frequently. To me, if you can't get into that album, then you can't appreciate real innovation in rap music. i am so bored with mainstream hip-hop. I can't even name another hip-hop artists whose new releases i'd buy without listening to them first.

    Quas isnt the measuring stick to innovation in Hip Hop.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Randomly googled bump

  • dammsdamms 704 Posts
    3rd Quas album is :next_level:
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