Post a Good Documentary You Have Seen Recently



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Just watched. Pretty interesting and never knew about this. $25 billion in art.CRAZY.

    The Art of the Steal

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  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Jamal said:
    Which Way Home

    Very painful to watch, but also has something beautifull as to see young kids being so wise, and have such pride and will to survive and help their families.
    But when seeing that little girl and when she told her story..i wont even front..I shed some tears.. If I had the resources I would really want to adopt some of these kids..
    pffff... this world...damn.

    La Bestia! Just watched this last night. Really impressive. Somewhat sad but strangely uplifting in that these kids inspire you and give you hope for the future. Wise beyond their years, as you say. Except maybe the getting adopted at 15 in the US idea. oof!

  • Welcome to Lagos, 3-part BBC documentary about hustling in modern-day Lagos.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    DJ_WubWub said:

    Giving birth to a child, snorting coke in the hospital room shortly after then whinging when CPS decides to keep the baby was a bit much.

    saw this last night and really enjoyed it.

    and I don't think it was coke, but crushed oxycontin or xanax. Regardless not the best look for a new mom.

  • Interesting enough doco but kinda like stopping at a car crash.

  • Has anyone seen "My Name is Albert Ayler"?

    Doesn't seem like they're going to release it on DVD.

  • That "wrecking crew" doco was fascinating thanks for the heads up

    The godfather of Disco was a good one for disco heads

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    Wow. that Roky Erickson documentary was insane, thanks for that.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    willie_fugal said:
    Welcome to Lagos, 3-part BBC documentary about hustling in modern-day Lagos.

    I watched all three parts of this (all on youtube, in 10 min segments) over the last several days during lunch at work. Excellent documentary. I could see such a thing for a lot of different cities, including Mumbai, Beijing, etc.

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    I had a great time with Winnebago man. Thx to whoever mentioned it.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Between the Folds. About some serious next level origami. Only saw the first 20 minutes or so, but shit blew my mind.

    This is going to sound pretty crazy if you haven't seen it, but Between the Folds was incredibly inspirational. Like, make you want to be a better person inspirational.

  • watched this last night, thought it was great.

    On the Shoulders of Giants

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    This Trimpin documentary is mind blowing

  • i heard the herzog cave flick was a fail.

    can anyone confirm?

    [no i have not read this entire thread.]

  • i heard the herzog cave flick was a fail.

    can anyone confirm?

    [no i have not read this entire thread.]
    I really liked it, but might have preferred if it wasn't in 3d. Didn't like the headache and mild nausea.

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    Must have been posted before, but I thought this was really great.

  • i heard the herzog cave flick was a fail.

    can anyone confirm?

    [no i have not read this entire thread.]
    I really liked it, but might have preferred if it wasn't in 3d. Didn't like the headache and mild nausea.

    i loved it, i thought it was extremely profound, and even though i don't love herzog, i thought he only really got in the way of the amazing content he had available to him at the very very end of the movie.

    the 3D didn't make me sick, so i thought it was a great addition.

  • My brother worked on a documentary called "Never Make it Home" which will premiere at the Silverdocs in DC on June 24. The subject is the band Split Lip Rayfield.
    Here's a review/preview -
    and here's the trailer -

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    edith head said:
    This Trimpin documentary is mind blowing

    Thanks, added to the queue.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    meistromoco said:
    Between the Folds. About some serious next level origami. Only saw the first 20 minutes or so, but shit blew my mind.

    This is going to sound pretty crazy if you haven't seen it, but Between the Folds was incredibly inspirational. Like, make you want to be a better person inspirational.

    Loved it.

  • Saw "rejoice and shout" tonight, pretty darn great...some facemelting footage for sure. Good interviews. Recommended. Puzzling there isn't one word nor mention of Sam Cooke however.

  • I just watched the Tribe Called Quest - Documentary.

    It was good but not great. it's a little over an hour and a half, they kept the first hour or so very very basic. Pretty much just we grew up here, we've known each other for this long, etc.. It doesn't really go into them making their albums or anything else really. It's pretty much like an episode of the MTV/VH1 show Driven. The last 30 or so mintues is pretty much Phife saying Q TIp is a control freak and thinks Tribe is his group and Q Tip just says that's not true.

    It's was good because it was tribe but there's no nothing in at all where'd you'd say "oh wow I didn't know that."

    It was a fun watch.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Can't recommend this one I saw Friday enough:

    Saw the trailer for If A Tree Falls and it looks great. Most of this took place here where I live and it looks like this doc does a professional job of exploring and explaining.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,221 Posts
    Follows a group of Danish soliders (some likeable, some very unlikeable) on their first tour in Afghanistan. The filmmakers are literally on the front lines of battle.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,221 Posts
    a complete mindf*ck about a total sociopath. endlessly fascinating and well constructed.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    LaserWolf said:

    Saw the trailer for If A Tree Falls and it looks great. Most of this took place here where I live and it looks like this doc does a professional job of exploring and explaining.

    If A Tree Falls is very good. It makes a nice companion piece to Better This World, one of my favorite documentaries of the year; both films deal with earnest leftist activists who end up prosecuted as domestic terrorists:

    If you don't already know the story, this one also functions as a thriller/mystery up to a point.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Just watched this. Wow... Didn't know the truth about the famous McDonalds coffee suit.

    Tort reform mind blown.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts

    I saw this docutragicomedy double feature at the Silent Theater in L.A. on Thursday. Between his lively, unintentionally funny parents and his tall tale telling heroin addict roadie buddy, it's no wonder why Scorsese has good stories in his filmography.

  • awesome short documentary/dramatization ditty about 1960s philly gangs. im pretty sure it was a student project. you can catch the whole thing on youtube.

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