Your "slept on" digs that you passed on and regretted ever since

InnerSpaceInnerSpace 443 Posts
edited August 2010 in Strut Central
I passed this one up in great shape and never found it again.

Cannon's Jug Stompers 78- Noah's Blues

And this one... Our Generation- Xian Psych


  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts

    because at the time I was a young buck didn't know any better.

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    The biggest slip of my diggin career is passing on a mint Bad Medicine - "Trespasser" 45 for $2 at Amoeba.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Yeah like back in the very early 90s when I passed up James Mason for Rasputin's Stash or some shit like that KILL me NOW.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I dread to think what was in the three or four huge crates full of library joints that I routinely ignored during my digging sessions in a second-hand bookshop in Streatham around '93/'94.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Lovelites Lp for 8 euro in the shop down my street. I jedimindtricked myself that its not real. Infact, it was. I still have bad dreams about it from time to time...

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts
    original popcorn for a buck or so at a mid 90s record fair... YEAH I FUCKED UP!

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts
    but YO... EVEN WORSE, my homeboy grabbed it seconds later, and he has been making fun of my dumb ass ever since!!!

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    There was this album by T.I.M.E. (psych band on Liberty Records) that was in Second Hand Tunes so long that they gradually marked it down from $7.99 to a dollar...I wasn't 100% convinced about psych at that point (this was back in the eighties) so I let it slide...I've seen it since , but it's usually $15 or above...I will bend my "no-album-over-$8" rule every little once in a while, but STILL...

    And while we're on the subject of psych: Color Blind by the Glitterhouse. At Spin-It Records in Chicago, 1984. Still sealed. Cut-out bin. Did I buy it? Hell, no. But then again, would I have liked it?? (I have since found a used copy elsewhere, and the adult version of me loves it. But my teenage self? Not so sure. Probably would have had to grow on me.)

  • a $7 vg+ copy of the 24 karat black lp10 years ago because it had scratches and i wanted a cleaner copy. wtf was i thinking? someone here please hook me up so i can put this one out of my head...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    sticky_dojah said:
    I jedimindtricked myself that its not real.

    yeah, this has definitely been my downfall more than once ... "too good to be true" deals where I convince myself it's a boot/reissue, only to realize later it was the real deal. I definitely remember doing this with a EXC/EXC promo of the first O.V. Wright LP on Back Beat at a record fair for $15 ... I realized I was wrong and went back minutes later to find it had already been snatched up.

  • tabiratabira 856 Posts
    Johnny Harris Movements, thrift store, mint UK copy, ??1.50. After some deliberation I thought nah must be some country harmonica shit. When I finally connected it to the stepping stones track that was buzzing in my head at the time I felt violently sick.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I've passed by dozens of gross Memphis small label modern soul 45s in the past just because they sounded awful...I've later found out that more than a few of them were $500+ records...I scoop all small label jheri curl soul 45s now...

    But as far as records for my collection...passed up a $20 Johnny Watson/Larry Williams "2 for the price of one" because it had a seam split...dumb.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    This is more of just being not aware...I was google image searching for pics of the store I used to work in for the ss city guide thing...I found a pic from someones blog of them standing in the shop in front of the "alternative" the bin Next to them is an obviously misfiled record...Bliss S/T on canyon! I had no idea that record ever sat in our bins as I would of scooped it had I known we had it. What sucks is that pic was dated when I was working there...,uuggggggh.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    man, I've passed by so many raers it's absurd

    "what's this album with a b/w print of Munch's 'The Scream' on the cover? how adolescent..."


  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I would rather not think about it.......

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Sealed copy of Billy Brooks 'Windows Of The Mind' for 25 quid back in 1992.
    Fast forward to the last Heatrocks auction and I got a copy of Harvey for considerably more...

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    A mint copy of Surprize "Keep on truckin" LP for $5 at a record show about 15 yrs ago.
    A mint copy of Les DeMerle "Spectrum" LP for $10 about 10 yrs ago when I still was unaware of what it was.

    I tell yall what though, I WILL NEVER have a story like this again!!! Now I buy everything. I'm broke all the time but I don't miss out on nothing. LOL

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    Miles Davis Ascenseur pour l'??chafaud french 10''.
    It was the first record in a crate of 12"s and I ignored it because
    I didn't care for 10"s.
    My friend grabbed it 5 minutes later and till today rubs it in my dumb face.

  • About 5 years ago The silhouettes conversations, jimmy smith root down, some weird booker ervin collabo album, Love Forever Changes-at a house sale where an 18 year old kid was dishing off many raer he had picked up at fleas and thrifts for around 5 a piece. In my defense i was broke and a friend had told me that i would easily find the silhouettes at a thrift store...

    I also bought a poetry and jazz album with Shake Keane and Joe Harriot on the Argo label and for some reason left a double at the flea market. it was only 50c and looked unplayed. Not enough coffee i guess

    Both situations have lingered in my mind

  • strataspherestratasphere Blastin' the Nasty 1,035 Posts
    The Sylvers I and II at one of my 1 - 3.00 spots unplayed. And the sad thing about it was I had the 6.00. I can't find them in that condition now for less than 50.00.

  • strataspherestratasphere Blastin' the Nasty 1,035 Posts
    Woimsah said:

    because at the time I was a young buck didn't know any better.

    Pick up all things Eastbound!!!! That label didn't release too many lps. Alot of 45s on the label are worth picking up if you can find them clean and cheap.

  • SunfadeSunfade 799 Posts
    Passed this up at The Thrifty Pilgrim in Plymouth, MA. 1999

    This is deceitful, evil cover...I still think about it often...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I'm pissed at myself for not stepping foot into the Groove Merchant for the first 10 years of its existence even though I lived in the Bay Area that whole time.

  • 2 copies of curtis - how can i tell her 12" for $1 each......just didn't know it at the time but found out a day later, went back and they were gone.

    Hilton Felton - Family & Friends Sealed copy for $15.....i still kick myself for this!!!

    Tommorow's People - Open Soul for $5

  • CraigCraig 269 Posts
    pickwick33 said:
    And while we're on the subject of psych: Color Blind by the Glitterhouse. At Spin-It Records in Chicago, 1984. Still sealed. Cut-out bin. Did I buy it? Hell, no. But then again, would I have liked it?? (I have since found a used copy elsewhere, and the adult version of me loves it. But my teenage self? Not so sure. Probably would have had to grow on me.)

    I wouldn't have lost too much sleep over it as it's a fairly common record, and easy to grab for $10/15.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Craig said:
    pickwick33 said:
    And while we're on the subject of psych: Color Blind by the Glitterhouse. At Spin-It Records in Chicago, 1984. Still sealed. Cut-out bin. Did I buy it? Hell, no. But then again, would I have liked it?? (I have since found a used copy elsewhere, and the adult version of me loves it. But my teenage self? Not so sure. Probably would have had to grow on me.)

    I wouldn't have lost too much sleep over it as it's a fairly common record, and easy to grab for $10/15.

    Like I said in my post, I did find a copy later. But the price range was more like $7-$8.

  • I passed on a huge box of Italian soundtracks a year ago and I have nightmares of Umiliani, Piccioni, and Cipriani all pointing and laughing. Oh, what a year of popsike memorization can do for a collection.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    leprechaun said:

    Tommorow's People - Open Soul for $5

    How could you pass on this cover?!!

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    merely cherrypicking through a storage shed full of old store stock soul & funk 45s in late 2000. God damn I shoulda made an offer for everything. To think what I missed back then - just because the label didn't say "soul" or "funk" in the title or if it didn't have a logo design incorporating an afro and the shape of texas... I'm pretty sure I just flipped right passed it.

    Oh I'm still kinda kickin myself over trading in a minty, in-shrink Alice Clark LP to a local store, having no clue it was more valuable than any of the other $1-5 turds I brought in that day to exchange.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    Breez said:

    A mint copy of Les DeMerle "Spectrum" LP for $10 about 10 yrs ago when I still was unaware of what it was.

    just picked that up last fall in Seattle at that Bop Street place for $8, it was just sitting by the listening station turntable!?!? so i guess second chances are still possible even in todays hyper-dug world.

    as for what ive passed on... oof.... i try to block out those terrible memories... best not to remember... heh...
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