
  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I just like pointing out mundane hypocrisies - but only when it suits, natch.

    In vote is nailed on I think, but I still haven't heard a single simple killing point on either side.
    I really hope the 'talmbout immigration = racist' idea has been banished.
    We do need to reach an accommodation between the need for people to be here with the skills we need, and the real grind (for me on a daily basis) of trains, roads, housing etc etc feeling totally full up in my city.

    Anyways, as usual, I will abstain.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    All the scaremongering has been "Might cause this...., potentially could cause that..." - no facts.

    I'm voting OUT because:

    • I watched an interview with Tony Benn before he popped his clogs and nondem bigwig Euromangs were elected, they were appointed and that status quo is still in place.  That is some Blatter ish right there, for starters.
    • I watched a lecture on the vote from a professor at LSE and it made good OUT points.  I am not an LSE lecturer but would imagine they know the deal, yo.
    • Cameron and dem want IN.  It is because their masters decree it.  Well, F*CK THEM because it cannot in the interests of the average man.
    My job was sold to Germans who have sold it to yanks who have sold of most of it to Indians - what jobs are my kids going to do?  I refuse to be told by my elitist masters that they are the only ones educated enough to manage our money.  If they are so f*cking clever, why are we in a global mess?

    It's pissing in the wind, but y'know...


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    House Of Lords are unelected buttholes but nobody's demanded changing them, because...

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    House Of Lords are unelected buttholes but nobody's demanded changing them, because...
    ..Who in their right mind would elect them? 

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    I say IN simply because leaving means the UK will become more like USA than it already is... less social services, higher cost of healthcare, education, and even more likely to behave like a drunk with a gun on the world stage.
    Minimum wage a good thing, yes? AFAIK only happened in the UK because of EU membership. If that's bureaucratic meddling, I'm all for it.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I've no idea how to vote. It's all way too complex for average joe to understand. But the idea that we're going to somehow going to be freer once out of the EU seems like a nonsense. Seeing as this country seems to be ruled by The City and dark forces found within, I imagine they'll freak if 'we' vote OUT, the economy will suffer, the rich will use that as an opportunity to consolidate more power/wealth like they did in the last recession, more freedom will given to The City and dark forces found within in the vain hope that they can dig us out of recession, whilst everything else gets cut, sold off and scrapped, with the net result of widening the poverty gap ever further. If there's an IN vote it'll just be business as usual. So kinda the same but without the added turbulence. 

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Think you are right, the rich will find a way to stay rich whatever the outcome. Of course the status quo (no Quo) suits them better as they don't have to change their MO.
    There will be some politico upheaval either way. Neither side have had their finest hour in this debate. 
    Its clear that the Euro is long-term unworkable unless we have a US style Union. And Europe can't stop itself from wanting to move from 'trading bloc' to political entity.
    Cant see a happy resolution any time soon.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    We are only in because Euromang knew T*d Hea*h was a bad n*nce and threatened to out him lest he play the game back in the 70s.

    http://www.vernoncoleman.com/euillegally.html :
    "Many constitutional experts believe that Britain isn't actually a member of the European Union since our apparent entry was in violation of British law and was, therefore invalid.

    In enacting the European Communities Bill through an ordinary vote in the House of Commons, Ted Heath's Government breached the constitutional convention which requires a prior consultation of the people (either by a general election or a referendum) on any measure involving constitutional change. The general election or referendum must take place before any related parliamentary debate. (Britain has no straightforward written constitution. But, the signing of the Common Market entrance documents was, without a doubt, a breach of the spirit of our constitution.)

    Just weeks before the 1970 general election which made him Prime Minister, Edward Heath declared that it would be wrong if any Government contemplating membership of the European Community were to take this step without `the full hearted consent of Parliament and people'.

    However, when it came to it Heath didn't have a referendum because opinion polls at the time (1972) showed that the British people were hugely opposed (by a margin of two to one) against joining the Common Market. Instead, Heath merely signed the documents that took us into what became the European Union on the basis that Parliament alone had passed the European Communities Bill of 1972.

    This is even more worrying:

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Hmmm, very sketchy shit that on the face of it sounds tin-foil hat but then thinking about the way it's been swept under the carpet and the resistance investigators have encountered is incriminating to say the least.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Vardy to Arsenal : Good move for the lad.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Really? Does he suit the playing style? Or is it just bullshit from his agent?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    I think it will come to pass.  Could be the new Van Persie.  At 29, it's the Big Club™ he wants on his C.V.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    That shit makes me so pissed. Great first half, underwhelming 2nd. Get a goal and then turn into a bullshit defensive team. Bring on Milner and Wilshere?

    Why does England do this to me? They need to dbl the attack pressure, not try and hold them off... Fuckin' hell. 

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Mrs has gone to bed fuming.  She takes her footy very seriously indeed.

    As a City fan, I am used to seeing things turn to shit in the final throes. 

    Sailor V.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    On the bright side, not often that England dominate a match so comprehensively (although failing to score was predictable). Thought Kane & Sterling needed to come off sooner for Vardy & Sturridge/Rashford to get the necessary second goal. Smalling looked like a free-kick waiting to happen as he spent the entire game shirt-pulling but got away with it. The rest of the team was really good though.
    The subs Hodgson did make; Wilshire for Rooney made sense as Wazza was looking a bit tired but Milner offered no threat on the wing and that whole idea of playing defensive to hang on to a win just hands the initiative to the opposition - even one as limited as this Russia side. Wales & Slovenia won't be so easy.

    But hell, Dier can crack a free kick!

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Hooligan mandems doe... Some beligerent folls right there.  @Skel to call whether they are up to proper 70s-80s pagga standard.

    Shame it's not the World Cup - Chinese and Japanese football hooligans is what I want to see.  Rice-flails and shit.  Backflips.  Turning into smoke. 

    "The tear gas... Was NINJAS!!!"

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    The English hooligans for the most part seem to still be beered up fat cunts who love throwing their weight around. I don't think they were ready for those MMA trained paramilitary Russian nutters. I feel bad for the fans in the stadium because for the most part the days of stadium violence in the UK are behind us so it's full of genuine fans, with the 'trouble makers' being kept outside. But the Ruskies are still deep into this shit and the authorities seem to be happy enough to accept a certain amount of that behaviour. I don't know if it took off but there was someone out in that part of the world who was trying to turn football firm fights into a spectator sport, like some group melee MMA type deal. Hunger Games the lot of them I say. Russia 2018 is going to be messy. 


    All Wilshere haters can eat a dick. He was our best player for the of the qualifying, but people apparently can't remember back that far. Lolana & Milner are high work rate low yield type players who will rarely ever win you anything. Sterling should be dropped, he seems have lost it & was taking an age to do anything. Kane went missing. As did Ali. Overall we looked half decent, if a litte Spursy. 

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    OF COURSE FIFA will kick Russia out of their own tournament for hooliganism.


    Replace the cup wth a replica made out of polonium.   Minimum.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Would be funny if it did happen doe. Although it would probably end up in genocide or something knowing the Russians. I just can't see a tournament in Russia going off without at least one death. 

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    I thought the Euros increasing in size was a bad move, then I heard Iceland is having some national moment of pride and a huge fraction of the country made the trip to France to watch a team.
    Meanwhile Copa America Centanario is half empty stadiums and miserable field conditions with high temperatures and some of the teams just don't care.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I liked the idea of the additional teams, but 24 in a knockout completion just doesn't add up. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (not 24). 

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Okem said:

    All Wilshere haters can eat a dick.

    My issue with Wilshere is not his play. More to do with injuries and how much he's been out for the past year and a half. I personally don't feel like he's earned his spot on the squad to be honest.

    But Milner being brought on... Fuck that.

    Who I was most impressed with was Walker. I've never paid much attention to him in the past, but the guy has heart IMO.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    DOR said:
    Okem said:

    All Wilshere haters can eat a dick.

    My issue with Wilshere is not his play. More to do with injuries and how much he's been out for the past year and a half. I personally don't feel like he's earned his spot on the squad to be honest.
    My comment was just the broadest of broadside swipes and not at all directed at you, I just see a lot of hate directed at him on the internet and I don't feel the majority of it is justifiable. It's just haters hating and so they should have a bag of dicks dispatched to them posthaste because they're obviously in need. 

    But let's address it. So. Being their best player for the majority of the qualifying games that got England into the competition isn't earning a spot. We'll also ignore the fact that he's one of the best English midfielders of his generation and that he brings something to the national team that practically no other player does. That he's now one of the more senior players in the squad who's played at the top level and has more big game experience than a lot of the rest of the team combined. But because he was injured for a long time he doesn't deserve a place? 

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I will speak on hooliganisn shortly.
    Liberals will not like it.

    That is all,

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    To think the best English team we've had for a few tournaments might get thrown out because of proppa nawty geezers... maybe I should thank them for saving me the grief of the inevitable exit via penalties.
    My main complaint is that apparently they're getting their butts whooped by Ruskies.
    Do we need Elijah Wood to defend our honour?

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Apparently some nutter claiming Britain First has shot an MP. Brexit's got the country going crazy - http://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2016/jun/16/eu-referendum-live-osborne-brexit-budget-leave-tories

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Damn. She died. 

    RIP Jo Cox

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

    I wanna Vardy Party, but that shit bums me out.
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