
  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

    This guy seems to have a good grasp on what's going on... but makes it all seem that more fucked and unfixable.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    It's all a bit RT stylee, innit? Eloquent, insightful but oddly selective and just a bit warped. Laying the blame for the Paris attacks at the feet of the Western and Israeli 'capitalist corporate elite' isn't much of an analysis, is it? Given the recent high stakes fuckwittery of Russia, the US and various other interventionists in that region, going the Zionist Industrial Complex David Icke route is a bit weak sauce. ISIL cells will start striking out blindly with sensational terrorist attacks overseas wherever they can because the movement is under increased military pressure back in Syria. France has a shocking rap sheet of overseas skullduggery but I think it could as easily have been London, Nairobi, Bamoko or Berlin last weekend. And Gearoid is a great name. 

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I googled this dude, and got as far as the tenth page of TFH "real news" sites linking to this clip and praising him for telling the TRUTH, and I still hadn't found a single link to any articles or books this "political author" had written.

    Some people wouldn't recognise government propaganda if it shit down their throat.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    Some people wouldn't recognise government propaganda if it shit down their throat.
    Which government's propaganda? 

    I'd love to know what's actually going on in Syria. Is the notion that ISIS was funded by the USA to oust Asad/destabilise Syria tinfoil hat logic? It seems reasonable to me. I realise the guy's use of "small ruling elite" could put him in David Ike territory though.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    this is the most thorough report I've seen on how ISIS came about. No conspiracy theories or other bullshit:

    and this article is pretty crazy:

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    this is the most thorough report I've seen on how ISIS came about. No conspiracy theories or other bullshit:

    Hmmmm. Interesting vid but 90% of it is documenting ISIS's activities in Iraq and the path to Iraqi civil war. There's a hazy 2 minutes that admits that without Syria, there would be no ISIS, and a mention of the fact that so-called liberal insurgents there were armed & supported, but the vid doesn't join any dots or dig very deeply. Just a few talking heads solemnly saying that enough wasn't done to stop this before it got out of hand.

    Looking at the history of US backing Iraq to fight Iran, then fighting Iraq, backing the Mujahideen (aka the Taliban) to fight the Russians, then fighting them, it fits into the depressing pattern of American foreign policy.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    this is the most thorough report I've seen on how ISIS came about. No conspiracy theories or other bullshit:

    Hmmmm. Interesting vid but 90% of it is documenting ISIS's activities in Iraq and the path to Iraqi civil war. There's a hazy 2 minutes that admits that without Syria, there would be no ISIS, and a mention of the fact that so-called liberal insurgents there were armed & supported, but the vid doesn't join any dots or dig very deeply. Just a few talking heads solemnly saying that enough wasn't done to stop this before it got out of hand.

    Looking at the history of US backing Iraq to fight Iran, then fighting Iraq, backing the Mujahideen (aka the Taliban) to fight the Russians, then fighting them, it fits into the depressing pattern of American foreign policy.

    well, the doc is only about the rise of ISIS, not its current status. It's one of the few in-depth pieces of journalism I've seen on them that's not based on conjecture or involve some type of conspiracy theory/propaganda/spin.

    They did start in Iraq, then eventually took advantage of the fucked up situations in both Iraq and Syria to gain traction, especially by seizing oil fields, which they apparently sell to the saudis or some shit. That's the part that boggles my mind, these dudes are making a few billions selling crude oil to someone, seems like it would easy enough to figure out who's buying it and tell them to stop. At any rate, it's not so much a case of the US funding them, but them coming out the botched job that was done in Iraq (which includes seizing huge arsenals of american weapons) and everyone turning a blind eye when they were only fighting Assad in Syria.

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    So this is where the ISIS discussion is.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    ppadilha said:
     At any rate, it's not so much a case of the US funding them, but them coming out the botched job that was done in Iraq (which includes seizing huge arsenals of american weapons) and everyone turning a blind eye when they were only fighting Assad in Syria. 

    Any/anyway = "inny/innyway"
    QAtAr = "cutter"

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    an opinion monologue on cbs 46 in Atlanta based on a document supplied by judicial watch?
    What is this doing in Take that shit to the brits.......

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    And not even a mention of city v pool

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    skel said:
    And not even a mention of city v pool
    I'm in good spirits... 

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts
    skel said:
    And not even a mention of city v pool

    the classico was pretty tasty as well

    my team, Corinthians, clinched the brazilian league mid-week, today was the derby against São Paulo. We thrashed them 6-1 and got to lift the trophy afterwards. If you want to know how I'm feeling, just imagine Arsenal winning the league then playing Chelsea at home the following week and thoroughly humiliating them.

    I know, I know, it's hard to imagine Arsenal winning the league.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    I googled this dude, and got as far as the tenth page of TFH "real news" sites linking to this clip and praising him for telling the TRUTH, and I still hadn't found a single link to any articles or books this "political author" had written.

    Some people wouldn't recognise government propaganda if it shit down their throat.
    This guy seems to slipped through the time-space continuum from Soviet-era Pravda. Here's one of his other stories, a touching puff piece about Belarus's brutal President Lukashenko. http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/03/our-hearts-are-paralyzed-with-sad-news/

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    Flomotion said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    I googled this dude, and got as far as the tenth page of TFH "real news" sites linking to this clip and praising him for telling the TRUTH, and I still hadn't found a single link to any articles or books this "political author" had written.

    Some people wouldn't recognise government propaganda if it shit down their throat.
    This guy seems to slipped through the time-space continuum from Soviet-era Pravda. Here's one of his other stories, a touching puff piece about Belarus's brutal President Lukashenko. http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/03/our-hearts-are-paralyzed-with-sad-news/

    Despite his ultra-left leanings, he seems to have been on the money with this from his blog:


    SATURDAY, MAY 04, 2013

    Stealing Syria’s Oil: The EU/Al-Qaeda oil consortium

    The decision of the European Union to lift the embargo on Syrian government’s energy exports by importing oil from the ‘armed opposition’ is another flagrant violation of international law. It violates the UN General Assembly declaration of 1962 on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources and is yet another violation of the 1981 UN declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States. But it is much more than a technical violation of the law. It marks the decent of civilization into barbarism.

    London and Paris, have more than Washington, been at the forefront of aggression against Syria. In spite of the fact that it has now been confirmed by most media sources that the Syrian ‘opposition’ is Al-Qaeda, London and Paris persist  in their insane drive to arm the terrorists, using the spurious argument that if they don’t arm the ‘moderates’ the ‘extremists’ will take over the country. However, in the words of the New York Times, ‘nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of’. [1] The fact that the Syrian ‘rebels’ are in fact Al- Qaeda has even  been admitted by the war-mongering French daily  Le Monde.[2]So, Paris and London are pushing for further arming of Al-Qaeda and the legalization of oil trading with the jihadi terrorists. In plain language this means that the loose, terrorist network known to the world as Al-Qaeda will soon become one of the EU’s partners in the oil business. A new absurd chapter in the Era of Terror is about to be enacted.

    EU governments colluding with terrorists

    Europe’s descent into absolute moral turpitude and lawlessness is further reflected in the fact that EU authorities are doing nothing to prevent brainwashed Muslim youths from traveling to Syria in order to fight NATO’s war. Yet, the officials of EU states readily admit that hundreds if not thousands of jihadis from Britain, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and other states are now joining the ranks of the so-called ‘Syrian rebels’.  But they also admit that their only concern is that these terrorists might be a threat to European security if they ever return. The fact that these terrorists are putting bombs in busy market squares; cars; universities; schools; hospitals and mosques throughout Syria, and that US State Department’s own reports confirm this, doesn’t seem to bother the EU’s governments. [5]Their only concern is that they might eventually bite the hand that feeds. The EU ‘anti-terror’ chief Gilles de Kerchove tells the BBC:

    "Not all of them are radical when they leave, but most likely many of them will be radicalized there, will be trained
    "And as we've seen this might lead to a serious threat when they get back."[6]
    We know from Israeli intelligence sources that most of the terrorists are being trained in US/NATO military bases in Turkey and Jordon.[7]
    So, why doesn’t the EU’s ‘anti-terror’ chief seem to know about this? This is the man responsible for protecting Europe from terrorism?  As I reported before, France’s ‘anti-terror’ magistrate actually admitted on French state radio in January 11th that the French government was on the same side as Al-Qaeda in Syria:
    There are many young jihadists who have gone to the Turkish border in order to enter Syria to fight Bachar’s regime, but the only difference is that there France is not the enemy. Therefore we don’t look on that in the same way. To see young men who are at the moment fighting Bachar Al-Assad, they will be perhaps dangerous in the future but for the moment they are fighting Bachar Al-Assad and France is on their side; they will not attack us’’.[8]
    The cynical double standard which states that all territories outside the EU are barbaric and therefore outside the realm of international law has now become a policy that goes unnoticed by Europe’s brainwashed masses.  Euro-Atlantic powers are not only behaving like criminals but are now openly displaying their criminality.  One should also note that the French government has now decided to call the Syrian president by his first name. Calling a state official by his first name is a sign of deep disrespect in French etiquette. Since the Sarkozy regime, French diplomacy has been dragged through the mud, with France’s diplomatic corps now behaving like a cross between spoilt brats and fascist thugs.
    Syria’s Oil Geopolitics
    The quest for sources of cheap energy is one of the geopolitical contexts driving the war in Syria. Christof Lehmann has written that the discovery of the Iranian Pars gas field in 2007 and Teheran’s plan to pipe the gas to the Eastern Mediterranean by constructing a pipeline through Iraq and Syria holds the potential of turning Iran into a global economic power, giving Teheran enormous leverage over the EU’s Middle East policy. This development would pose a threat to the Zionist entity. It would pose an existential threat to the despotic emirates of the Gulf, who depend on the power of the petro-dollar for their survival.[9]
    That is one of the reasons why NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council are using Al-Qaeda terrorists to break the Shite-led alliance of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. As Italian geographer Manlio Dinucci has reported, contrary to received opinion, Syria actually has massive energy reserves.
    Dinucci writes:
    ‘The U.S. / NATO strategy focuses on helping rebels to seize the oil fields with a twofold purpose: to deprive the Syrian state of revenue from exports, already strongly decreased as a result of the EU embargo, and to ensure that the largest deposits pass in the future, through the “rebels” under the control of the big Western oil companies. [10]

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    Putin wrote it!

    But seriously, Turkey shoots down a Russian jet fighter? 

    Is any country NOT supporting ISIS?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

    Possible lifetime bans for Blatter & Platini! That would be a fucking great result.

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    Is there a little bit of ISIS in everyone? Is ISIS US? How can we fight with ourselves?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

    2 in the pink, 1 in the stink. Why didn't we play like this in the previous game, or against Olympiakos? Barcelona's 2nd goal last night was quite nice. Reminded me of the Arsenal goal against Norwich, but not as good.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    Putin wrote it!

    But seriously, Turkey shoots down a Russian jet fighter? 

    Is any country NOT supporting ISIS?
    Because they hate everyone, they have been supported in places where they are busy hating people we hate too.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,253 Posts

    Possible lifetime bans for Blatter & Platini! That would be a fucking great result.

    it's sad to think about how little difference this could end up making though. They get pushed out and some equally slimy geezers take their places. Starting to think FIFA needs to be burned to the ground.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Messi to City?


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I think Pique himself raised the issue only last week: Barca, week in week out, and the Brit on a raw night in Feb?
    his verdict was No

    maybe we will bet to see.
    that said, even Stoke are not Stoke no mo


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Kun and Leo are bezzies, doe.  And there's Otamendi, Pab Zab, Dimmer, Willy Caballero and Bruno Zuculini to crack Malvinas jokes with.

    Only trouble will be who wears 10.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    No, he was talmbout could Barca win EPL, and the man from the Nou Camp said: no

    in fairness he said the same about any EPL mob winning la liga

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Jimster said:
    Messi to City?

    Certainly makes for a more worthwhile moneybags signing than "Pounds" $t€r£ing.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    The Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger criticised Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood in the Rocky Mountains, for a statement released on Friday afternoon. In the statement, Cowart said that though the motive for the attack was not known, “extremists are creating a poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism in this country”.
    Speaking to CNN, Kinzinger said the statement “was very premature”.


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Leo, when u back in town? Beer-R
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