supertoaster interview

yes, you read that right, with soulstrut slang to boot. peterson played his stuff on worldwide. I cannot explain that one.catnip for y'all
instant classic
And those 2 ST tracks are straight unlistenable.
Not even trying to hate, it's just reality.
Where did it say this, i didn't catch it?
Honestly I'd love to hate on this kid but his beats were actually good.
I was able to catch on of his samples used in that track "Father" he used the drums on "Soft wind" by Gary Pacific Orchestra.
I guess I'm just disconnected from what good beats are these days.
no there not.
they border on terrible
on this week's playlist
IG Culture- ???Girl U Need A Change of Mind??? (Freedom School)
John Matthias- ???I Will Disappear???
Jesse Futerman- ???Untitled) (Test)[/b]
Bob Cunningham - ???Lover???s Theme??? (Nilva)
Tetine- ???A Historia Da Garca??? (Soul Jazz)
to quote gp "one to watch for, remember you heard it here first"
this makes me sick to my stomach
That is definitely retarded. He's nowhere near radio-play quality.
And when some local kid gets down, they try and drum him out of town.
They say, you coulda least faked it, boy.
At an early age he hits the street and winds up tied with who he meets,
And hes unemployed.
And the cradle will rock.
Yeah, the cradle will rock.
And I say, rock on!
Rock on!
Have you seen juniors grades?
And when some local kid gets down, they try and drum him out of town.
They say, you coulda least faked it, boy.
At an early age he hits the street and winds up tied with who he meets,
And hes unemployed. his folks are overjoyed.
And the cradle will rock.
Yeah, the cradle will rock.
And I say, rock on!
Rock on!
Rock on!
Rock on!
there's no way that was good, not even for 16.
Unfortunately it's difficult to convey over the internet how much of a passive "good" that was.
^^^ copping pleas ^^^
I guess I'm just
come on now, kid is 16 and he's just getting started, and at the stage he's at shit is pretty remarkable. what were most of you doing at that age, ya know? and what do his jazz downtempo ambient beats have to do with rappp? he's not killing any artform.
But like I say, fair play to him and at 16 he's gotta lotta scope to improve, so who knows.
I'm sorry, you're right. He's gone from sergio mendes flexing to making sub-myspace quality beats. Truly a virtuoso and music polymath. Is there anything he can't do poorly?
Okay, if it makes you happier, he is killing all sample based music.
off topic, the Jose James album is incredible. Album of the year for me so far.
like I said, this thread is instant CATNIP.
I like Jose James album a lot too, his voice reminds me of Doug Hammond off Tribe.
please to explain? how is he killing it?
dramatic hatteration makes you dudes sound sour