let's choose the WORST MOVIE EVER

SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
Since I go first, I get to hit a home run. Potential "All-Star" cast embarassing themselves in every scene?Check.Pointless visual effects/animation?Check.Constant switching between Elvis songs and Crystal Method score?Painful.Even Jon Lovitz can't save this disaster.I could go on, but why bother. Try to beat it, if you can.And none of that "so bad it's good" stuff ... so bad it's awful only.


  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    Nominated for hype-to-disappointment ratio.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    not so fast
    its a toss off, i mean toss up between these two:

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I forgot. Theatrical release for more than 48 hours required

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    Scientology pet project-related.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    don't get it twisted though, I ride hard for secret of the ooze

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    Will Ferrell, squandered. And a shit script. I actually worked as a grip on this one, for no credit.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    this ones a contender:

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts

  • hertzhoghertzhog 865 Posts

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Last two movies I walked out of were Catwoman and Alexander (in Nairobi!). Completely irredeemable.

  • magpiemagpie 160 Posts
    Since I go first, I get to hit a home run.


    "All-Star" cast embarassing themselves in every scene?


    Pointless visual effects/animation?


    Constant switching between Elvis songs and Crystal Method score?


    Even Jon Lovitz can't save this disaster.

    I could go on, but why bother. Try to beat it, if you can.

    And none of that "so bad it's good" stuff ... so bad it's awful only.

    ha ha, ice t suspended by his legs shooting everyone...LOL

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Guys, you can all GTFOOHWTBS

    THIS is the worst movie ever made, and it's out now (at least here)

    To quote the beginning of a random movie review, "Words cannot accurately describe what a depressing experience each new film from spoof-laden writer-directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer is."

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts


    any movie with Bob Cousy can not even be CONSIDERED.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts


    All the college cameos make that shit heat.

    Allan Houston at Tennesee =

    Breakaway rims on a wooden backboard.......

    Penny talmbout..."Coach I needs to play in a 4 & 1 system"

    Shaq takin reading lessons!

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts


    any movie with Bob Cousy can not even be CONSIDERED.

    Is this a transmission from a private mind garden where the movie you're talking about is not[/b] blue chips?

    Come on, dude. Blue Chips. Think about it.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts


    any movie with Bob Cousy can not even be CONSIDERED.

    Is this a transmission from a private mind garden where the movie you're talking about is not[/b] blue chips?

    Come on, dude. Blue Chips. Think about it.

    Is that the reason why i dont see u in the NBA thread?

  • LeftyLefty 259 Posts

    cosign on pretty woman too

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

    and come on...you can't have a worst movie thread without:

  • LeftyLefty 259 Posts
    someone should make a love movie with kevin kostner and julia robets

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    I wish everyone on earth could have the privilege of beating Freddie Prinze Jr. to death with 300 copies of this DVD in potato sack.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    only movie I have ever walked out of, god awful:

    I know some people think this thing is great, but it is an abortion of a movie, I would have walked out, but my date and I were having too much fun making fun of this pretentious piece of shit:

  • kicks79kicks79 1,345 Posts
    I see your waterworld and raise you The Postman

    This is truely the worst movie i have ever seen. I walked away 2/3rds into it not even caring what happened in the end.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Ha, I almost posted a Postman v. Waterworld thread a few days ago. Costner was running things for a minute of the over-budgeted, overly-melodramantic. I have been considering throwing A Perfect World a bone to see if it has any value; hadn't watched that one since it first hit cable.

    I am going to have to go with Waterworld as the absolute worst -- but it was a lot of value, main;y, Costner, with gills, drinking piss.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

    I walked away 2/3rds into it not even caring what happened in the end.

    he delivers the mail. credits roll.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Worst movie I ever saw in a theater...

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    By far the worst movie I ever saw was:

    And before I saw snatch it was:

  • deepbrntdeepbrnt 241 Posts
    Breakaway rims on a wooden backboard.......

    The whole post made me laugh but this is great.

  • oh hell naw.

    If we're talking just movies with a reputable director and/or cast - or, at the least, movies that attempted to be good - I nominate these turds:

    EDIT: word to Brooklyn Rules. That shit was pitiful. Michael Corrente is such a hack director and it looks like Terrence Winter can't write shit outside of the Sopranos. Fuck that movie.
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