Maybe playing for Becky's is better...



  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I have learned something. Lesbians are the alpha people. Not because they make out and touch eachother, but because they like soul caliber 3, hot sauce on their wings and they have great taste in movies and they are sensitive like cats or even a school of dolphins. Lesbians are the best.

    pod of dolphins.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Lots of bad looks in this thread, lots of laughs and a lot of locations

    don't come waving your bible or your ass in my face.


  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    My take on it is that Gays have money and like really good loft disco music! I'd rather play to that crowd then some becky's......

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    i like how the banners running at the top are now all gay related.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Harv, life is so short & the best thing you can think of is to vent on some gay dudes? The 2 minutes you spent posting this nonsense could have been better served doing something useful. Spread joy. Speak on some Texas rap ish. C'mon.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Sexual preference is like religion....

    It's a private personal matter.

    Do whatever the fuck you want to do in your home, church, bedroom, gay bar, etc...

    Just don't come waving your bible or your ass in my face.

    And sure as hell don't try to convert me.

    I'm not interested.

    It must be tough for you, having all those gay men waving their asses
    in your face, and trying like hell to "convert" you to homosexuality.

    I don't know how you can leave the house every morning.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Sexual preference is like religion....

    It's a private personal matter.

    Do whatever the fuck you want to do in your home, church, bedroom, gay bar, etc...

    Just don't come waving your bible or your ass in my face.

    And sure as hell don't try to convert me.

    I'm not interested.

    It must be tough for you, having all those gay men waving their asses
    in your face, and trying like hell to "convert" you to homosexuality.

    I don't know how you can leave the house every morning.

    OK wise ass......I lived for 6 months across the street from Washington Square in my late teens.......believe it or not I was once young and not terrible looking.....I hung out in the Village and got hit on at least once a week....going into the local Bakery and hearing "Oh the buns look good today" from the guy behind the counter...worked in a Disco that wasn't exclusively gay but certainly not without some gay regulars.....and yes, they sometimes hit on the long haired freak that looked like he didn't belong there.......I acted the same way I do when a Christian tries to convert me......not insulted.....not offended....just not interested.

    Today I have no fear of being hit on......I'm old and ugly.......too ugly for most Christians to approach too.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    going into the local Bakery and hearing "Oh the buns look good today" from the guy behind the counter..

    your buns never looked good.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I can't believe I just read the entirety of this thread. You will know you're not homophobic when you just don't care.

    This isn't in reference to Rockadelic's remarks, but on the whole debate of "But all my friends are gay, they just, like, I don't want them eating my shrimp and using my toilet... it doesn't mean I'm a homophobe.. but no, they got wack clothes, i hate their close, not their sexual preference... right guys?!?!?"

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    You know what brings out the phobe in me? rectal exams. I'm all like "STOP IT FAG! I DON'T LIKE IT! NO!"

    I should grow up more.

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    This thread needs to

  • Man I think this is the second or third week IN A ROW Rashied gets Frickin' school, served, and straight up embarrassed up here.


  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    You know what brings out the phobe in me? rectal exams. I'm all like "STOP IT FAG! I DON'T LIKE IT! NO!"

    I should grow up more.

    Yeah man. Just relax and enjoy it.

  • i like faggots, non-faggots, purple's all good to me

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