Hollywood Sux Ass

The Bucket List? Really?One Missed Call? Really?First Sunday? Really? A seemingly colossal waste of Kat and TM funniness btw. Is this as good as it gets? I really do think Matt & Trey were onto something when they were saying Hollywood lost its imagination. Just cash in on the sure thing guaranteed seller/sequel, no matter how garbage you know it to be. After Transformers success, they're making GI Joe and Thundercats movies. Lay some spit on this, I wanna hear all yall thoughts.
I'm waiting for the Movie version of "My Super Sweet 16" to be announced
But overall Movies have been trash for a minute.
cats still referencing 9-11 is
obviously not paying attention.
me too. I wasn't too sure in the first 5 minutes, but then I enjoyed it a lot. I wish there were more movies like this.
No doubt. Tracy Morgan and Katt Williams might be the two funniest guys out there right now (to me, at least), and they get on the big screen with this terd of a movie? That sucks.
On a related note, I didn't realize that American Hustle came out already, has anybody seen it?
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
i'm glad my fiance dragged me to this movie because i was really tired and got in a good 90 minutes of napping.
this movie was an embarassment. it was basically a bad indie rock soundtrack with cute little scenes in between each song (of which there must have been 30+ over the course of the movie.)
haha! katherine heigl is SO WHACK. not fine. not funny. not a particularly compelling actress. does stupid movies. am I missing something?
it was entertaining. the dialog was a little over the top. i don't think 17 year olds are that hip and quick-witted, but i guess if they talked like normal teenagers it would have been a a bore. jason bateman's character was unnecessary. the guy from Oz who played the Dad was probably the only real character, but again, its an entertaining movie, not a novel, so who cares.
Little Miss Sunshine demographic.
Depending on Hollywood to crank out 35 gamechanging movies a year is crazy.
I thought the stepmom from West Wing was the best. Bateman was indeed a bore. And Jenifer Garner looks like an alien to me.
Yeah, that's how I see it - name drop-laden "wink wink that's so quirky!" dramedies that are relatively low-budget and award/festival bait. Generally not my cup of tea, but inoffensive.
That's it, we need an official soulja boy graemlin with him saying YAAH TRICK YAAH real quick. Controller 7, where you at?????
Psuedo-Smart Dramadies for the Royal Tenenbaums demographic.
I Heart Huckabees is one of the worst in this genre IMO.
I was thinking of seeing either Southland Tales, The Kite Runner or The Orphanage this weekend. Anyone want to chime in on any of these?
--The Bourne franchise is better than most '90s action franchises
--Most of Apatow's output is better than most '90s comedies
--We're seeing more R and NR comedies and horror flix, as opposed to the 90s when they all had to be PG-13.
--documentaries continue to get wider distro pushes than ever before (to say nothing of their increased DVD presence)
--in the last year or so we've seen all these decent-or-better films:
Children of Men
Rescue Dawn
Bourne Ultimatum
No Country for Old Men
Michael Clayton
The Ten
Knocked Up
Year of the Dog
Gone Baby Gone
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
There Will be Blood (I'm presuming it's good -- opens here today)
Darjeeling Lmtd
to name a handful.
As usual, creative people generally have an uphill battle w/ the people who hold the $$$ to get good films made. But I feel like they're suceeding more frequently than in the past 10 or 20 years.
What were the great Hollywood comedies of the 90s again?
There's Something About Mary and...
even if you don't like Apatow, over the last few years you'll probably see 5-10 entertaining hollywood movies a year. that was NOT the case in the 90s.
what are the funny Apatow films?
40 y/o virgin - ehhh. would rather watch 4 back-to-back episodes of the Office.
superbad- not as funny as 40 y/o virgin
knocked up - not funny
If i hadn't watched every episode of Ali G, i'd say Borat kills everyone of his movies and the last half hour of that movie was painfully bad.
Something about Mary kills all of the above. Its a classic.