say u have an Itunes 25$ gift card. wut do u get??

i was wonderin if u guys had any suggestions. like any cool itune release only material that i should get or u kno what im sayin, i usually can find waht i want to downnload, and what i want wouldnt really b on itunes. now and again usually has cool stuff, but i got all that.basically im sayin , what's some only in the itunes store type shit that is actually pretty dam dopeany ideas?
id be down for a good comp. any good soul/funk or reggae would b graet
just type in eccentric soul and they should pop up. the twinight one is my fave, its a double disc so its about 25, theres also the capsoul one for around 11 i think thats pretty good too.
feelin the capsoul
ok so now ill prolly have 14 left ha
unless some more options come in
fake money well spent.
$9.99! HoLLUR!
haha, elise i might have to, i got all tha tracks for;
Larry Levan's Classic West End Records Remixes
jus sittin thaer for me to look it, askin for someone named Elises' itunes user password! ahrg
::>pyrate hooker graem;: ha
wen i try to browse your soulseek files it always errors. i remember u told me i could get them from u thaer