Plastic inner sleeves UNAPPRECIATION
ako 3,419 Posts
god, i fuckin hate these things! no matter how careful i am i can never seem to get them back in the sleeve, and if you try to put the record back in without taking the sleeve out first, it just gets mashed up in the bottom. i usually just throw them away and replace with a paper one. what is the advantage of these? are they supposed to be easier on your records or something? whoever invented them is an idiot.and to avoid any confusion im talking about the totally transparent thicker plastic ones. usually U-shaped. the completely square translucent kinda wax-papery ones arent too bad. its the clear plastic ones that i hate.
i can usually at least get the sleeve back in, but usually theyre either stretched out or so long that the excess plastic still sticks out the end of the sleeve!
i will ride for the plastic-lined paper inner sleeves though.
yeah. except i hate when the plastic part comes loose from the paper part and then its just a disaster all over again...
I just throw them out and replace them with a nice new white inner sleeve. Problem solved.
Might have to rename them "australasian sleeves" because everything pressed here I have ever bought has them. Totally blows.
ive had my share of european records with them too....the record that sparked this thread was one of the many israeli records ive found with a plastic inner sleeve.
Yeah - pretty much every record released in Australia has plastic inner sleeves. Man, maybe I'm just used to them because they're in records here, but I'm pretty good at taking the record out without pulling the sleeve out, and then also putting the record back in. I do prefer paper sleeves though, but plastic sleeves are less likely to scuff your records on their way in or out of the cover.
where is that from? ive never seen a copy of that album on Island.
in the court of the crimson king, i dont know, look closely and its not hard to read...
do you guys even scratch?
I'm ok with square ones, just apply pressure to one of the spine side corners and you're sweet. You must be some kind of zen master, the curved ones drive me INSANE.
They do seem to be less prone to scuffing, but the plastic on some seems to break down and gets all crumby and mashed into the grooves
Some of the crappier ones to disintegrate, and THAT is wack, but yewah... i dunno, on the whole they never both me. Those Japanese opnes with the wax paper inside one side of the plastic sleeve are probably my favourite ever sleeves though. It just works so well.
These get special hate... causes hazing and a NM record to play G+. Who thought this was a good idea?
I too like the plastic lined paper inserts, and i prefer the ones with the holes in the middle so you can read the label.
try these on your new vpi - a lot of that hazing and grime comes right off.
Mr. HCrink must deal because he washes records like dishes.