Primaries (Pick Your Horse-Related)



  • Illegal Immigration will be The #1 issue[/b] come November....

    Yes. With the economy tanking, Americans need someone to blame.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Illegal Immigration will be The #1 issue[/b] come November....

    Yes. With the economy tanking, Americans need someone to blame.

    I think America's military empire is going to get more blame.

    "Currently, the United States has more than 700 military bases in 130 countries"

  • Illegal Immigration will be The #1 issue[/b] come November....

    Yes. With the economy tanking, Americans need someone to blame.

    I think America's military empire is going to get more blame.

    "Currently, the United States has more than 700 military bases in 130 countries"

    enough with the ron paul spam. you don't think having a president who doesn't believe in evolution is a problem? and the guy who still thinks the Civil Rights Act was a bad idea, and Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and who would eliminate affirmative action, federal funding for welfare and programs for the poor is the least racist of the candidates.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Illegal Immigration will be The #1 issue[/b] come November....

    Yes. With the economy tanking, Americans need someone to blame.

    I think America's military empire is going to get more blame.

    "Currently, the United States has more than 700 military bases in 130 countries"

    enough with the ron paul spam. you don't think having a president who doesn't believe in evolution is a problem? and the guy who still thinks the Civil Rights Act was a bad idea, and Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and who would eliminate affirmative action, federal funding for welfare and programs for the poor is the least racist of the candidates.

    He does believe in evolution but doesn't accept the theory as a whole (like many other creationists do). He is a doctor, do you really think he doesn't believe in evolution? And still, it's not relevant as he doesn't impose his beliefs on anyone. He is very clear about that.

    And as a foreigner i don't know too much about the civil war issue. But to my understanding he didn't like the way Lincoln acted as it resulted in a bloody war in which over 600.000 americans died. Of course, he wanted to abolish slavery but he said the U.S. could have bought the slaves like most of the other nations who held slaves ended slavery. But as i said, i don't know too much about this issue.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The one good thing that could happen in the next few weeks is the country and the Dems will realize Hillary is not a viable candidate and will get rid of her ASAP.

    Her absence of support is conspicuous in this thread.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Illegal Immigration will be The #1 issue[/b] come November....

    Yes. With the economy tanking, Americans need someone to blame.

    I think America's military empire is going to get more blame.

    "Currently, the United States has more than 700 military bases in 130 countries"

    enough with the ron paul spam. you don't think having a president who doesn't believe in evolution is a problem? and the guy who still thinks the Civil Rights Act was a bad idea, and Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and who would eliminate affirmative action, federal funding for welfare and programs for the poor is the least racist of the candidates.

    He does believe in evolution but doesn't accept the theory as a whole (like many other creationists do). He is a doctor, do you really think he doesn't believe in evolution? And still, it's not relevant as he doesn't impose his beliefs on anyone. He is very clear about that.

    And as a foreigner i don't know too much about the civil war issue. But to my understanding he didn't like the way Lincoln acted as it resulted in a bloody war in which over 600.000 americans died. Of course, he wanted to abolish slavery but he said the U.S. could have bought the slaves like most of the other nations who held slaves ended slavery. But as i said, i don't know too much about this issue.

    thats why we need a president like Bloomberg because he is rich enough to just buy all the slaves and avert a bloody and costly civil war, done and done.

  • The one good thing that could happen in the next few weeks is the country and the Dems will realize Hillary is not a viable candidate and will get rid of her ASAP.

    Her absence of support is conspicuous in this thread.

    of course she's still a viable candidate. she leads across the country by a large margin and leads in Iowa by a large margin among democrats. If Obama or Edwards wins in Iowa it will be because of all the independents.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I just want to say that being European just means you live somewhere in Europe.

    Its not anything to get mad at.

  • cardovacardova 743 Posts
    Now PLEASE explain to an outsider the incredible Hillary hate.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Now PLEASE explain to an outsider the incredible Hillary hate.


  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Now PLEASE explain to an outsider the incredible Hillary hate.


    Is that a reference to the European monarchies?

    Anyway, i don't like her because she is pro-war.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The one good thing that could happen in the next few weeks is the country and the Dems will realize Hillary is not a viable candidate and will get rid of her ASAP.

    Her absence of support is conspicuous in this thread.

    of course she's still a viable candidate. she leads across the country by a large margin and leads in Iowa by a large margin among democrats. If Obama or Edwards wins in Iowa it will be because of all the independents.

    Why do you think she gets so little support here at SS??

    Independents will decide this election.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Also, while we're on the subject of bloodlines. I just read the other day that Obama is a distant cousin of both Cheney & Bush.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Also, while we're on the subject of bloodlines. I just read the other day that Obama is a distant cousin of both Cheney & Bush.

    and Satan and Hitler...........whoa is right.

  • Now PLEASE explain to an outsider the incredible Hillary hate.


    Is that a reference to the European monarchies?

    Anyway, i don't like her because she is pro-war.

    she definitely is NOT pro war.

  • cardovacardova 743 Posts
    Also, while we're on the subject of bloodlines. I just read the other day that Obama is a distant cousin of both Cheney & Bush.

    and Satan and Hitler...........whoa is right.

    Rock, you seem to be closest to the religious right or whatever the fuck it is they are called - would you explain to me the Hillary hate?

  • IMO it's a combination of two classic American "gut instincts": discomfort with women in positions of significant power and discomfort with the concept of ruling dynasties.

    The only reason Bush got over on the second one is because he pandered to a slightly more significant American "gut instinct", that of wanting to have a beer with the guy.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Now PLEASE explain to an outsider the incredible Hillary hate.


    Is that a reference to the European monarchies?


  • Half of the country hates her b/c the Clintons are still blamed for many problems by many Republicans. When she was First Lady she was very visible but not universally likable.

    I'm not a fan b/c she has been positioning herself for prez for a long time, fundraising & taking "safe" positions on every issue -- the "inevitable" candidate. I was initially open-minded about her, saw her at a few early campaign events, but she was not impressive. I've never seen an actual reason to vote for her.

  • The one good thing that could happen in the next few weeks is the country and the Dems will realize Hillary is not a viable candidate and will get rid of her ASAP.

    Her absence of support is conspicuous in this thread.

    of course she's still a viable candidate. she leads across the country by a large margin and leads in Iowa by a large margin among democrats. If Obama or Edwards wins in Iowa it will be because of all the independents.

    Why do you think she gets so little support here at SS??

    Independents will decide this election.

    People don't like Hillary for superficial reasons. Anyone on here that is for Obama but bashes Hillary is evidence of that.

    I haven't seen many Edwards or Kucinech supporters on here, but their supporters are really the only ones who even have the right to take aim at her on the who will offer "change" front.

    Anyone who supports a republican in almost any election is either ignorant, greedy, xenophobic/racist, or making a decision based on religious views.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

  • Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

    American Gut Instict: distrust of smart people!

    It's all about the gut, dudes.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    keithvanhorn gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

    American Gut Instict: distrust of smart people!

    It's all about the gut, dudes.

    now rudy, you could have a beer with him.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Anyone who supports a republican in almost any election is either ignorant, greedy, xenophobic/racist, or making a decision based on religious views.

    So which one of those was Martin Luther King according to you?

    I can understand if you say that about a neoconservative but not about a traditional republican like Ron Paul.

  • Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

    American Gut Instict: distrust of smart people!

    It's all about the gut, dudes.

    now rudy, you could have a beer with him.

    Nah - that's why he's only polling well in Florida. He only plays to ex-New Yorkers, who hate New York, who think that it is still like 1989 or some shit and they'll get stuck up for their pocketbook after leaving their broadway show, and that Rudy CLEANED UP THE CITY.

    Everyone else I've ever talked to thinks he's weird.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Also, while we're on the subject of bloodlines. I just read the other day that Obama is a distant cousin of both Cheney & Bush.

    and Satan and Hitler...........whoa is right.

    Rock, you seem to be closest to the religious right or whatever the fuck it is they are called - would you explain to me the Hillary hate?

    Yep....I'm all about the Religious Right.

    Quite simply this country is tired of 20+ years of Bush/Clinton. (Was I the only one who noticed when Bill said that after Hillary wins he and Bush Sr. would travel the world to "smooth over" all the damage GWB has caused....Daddy Bush said....."the fuck I am")

    It's time for a change.... a big change.

    BTW....for the umpteenth time I'll state that my "Religious Right" self supports Obama.

    Apparently here on the ultra-liberal Strut if you aren't to the far fringe left, you're on the Religious Right.

    Some of y'all are beyond ignorant.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

    American Gut Instict: distrust of smart people!

    It's all about the gut, dudes.

    now rudy, you could have a beer with him.

    Nah - that's why he's only polling well in Florida. He only plays to ex-New Yorkers, who hate New York, who think that it is still like 1989 or some shit and they'll get stuck up for their pocketbook after leaving their broadway show, and that Rudy CLEANED UP THE CITY.

    Everyone else I've ever talked to thinks he's weird.

    he's a freak, I was joking

    I never got that 'I'd have a beer with the guy' bullshit, my own brother-in-law said that about Bush, then again his job is welding armor plating on Hummers so that totally makes sense.

    the guy I'd vote for would say, "Beer? I don't have time for that, I gotta get on fixing all this bullshit"

  • cardovacardova 743 Posts
    So there are some valid reasons not to vote for her mentioned above.

    But only Johnny comes even close to explaining the blatant haterade.


    And Rock, don't take it personal. I was just reacting to you namedropping Satan and Hitler. All i really want is people to elaborate on the Hillary issue.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Hillary gives off a smug 'I know better than you' vibe that makes it easy to hate her

    American Gut Instict: distrust of smart people!

    It's all about the gut, dudes.

    now rudy, you could have a beer with him.

    Nah - that's why he's only polling well in Florida. He only plays to ex-New Yorkers, who hate New York, who think that it is still like 1989 or some shit and they'll get stuck up for their pocketbook after leaving their broadway show, and that Rudy CLEANED UP THE CITY.

    Everyone else I've ever talked to thinks he's weird.

    It reminds me a bit of the climate that gave Perot's bid some credibility: "We need an outsider... a rebel... someone who shoots from the hip and understands the plight of the common man. How about THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD?"

    People are so desperate for a change from politics as usual that they'll settle for any lunatic who comes along.

    He also allows conservatives to feel like they're "edgy" and "loose cannons," which is a feeling I imagine is hard to come by for right-wingers.

    EDIT: I meant to tag those comments to the Ron Paul discussion, but some of the same thoughts apply to Rudy, too.
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