A graffiti wall with drawings by original graffiti subway artists Fab Five Freddy, Futura 2000 and some traces by Jean-Michel Basquiat is seen Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 in New York. The large mural, created by some of graffiti???s earliest pioneers, was discovered recently in a 10-story limestone building just as developers were converting it into luxury condominiums. (Mary Altaffer, Associated Press / November 27, 2007)
Oh, my bad..didnt see it. Thanks for the heads up.
yeah, i cant find the thread either.
i bet all the comments are either racist, anti-grafitti, or somebody arguing with another person posting.
dont prove me right...i wanna enjoy this as-is.
for more pictures & no comments:
Good thing their wasn't any black guys involved in this "black wannabe art"
Really cool on so many levels of preservation of history and culture. This is probably not "white enough" for the developer to keep. That wall should be sealed and displayed as a clubhouse/workout room for the condo's but it won't.
I read the article the other day, but I thought it implied that they would be transferring a thin later of the plaster to some other medium in order to preserve it.
Also, it reminded me of this:
What is this all about? Is there an accompanying article?
During the early 1970s when aerosol art was in its formative stages several young women participated in the male dominated field. Two of these women were the partners BARBARA 62 and EVA 62 from Manhattan. They were not necessarily the first female writers, but they were among the earliest to become widely recognized and respected.
They would become the most well known female writers of their time. They wrote on the subways and streets of New York City. As with most writers of the time period, their graffiti was limited to tags and tags outlined with an additional color. Their names were seen along side legends of the day such as LEE163rd, SUPER KOOL 223, PHASE 2 and Many others. BARBARA 62 and EVA 62 are acknowledged for their prolific writing. They paved the way for future generations of female writers.
Photos courtesy of ZEPHYR.
When you think about it, it makes sense that there would be hidden pieces all over the place from (relative) ages ago... most of them aren't Basquiat's though (and thus, "aren't worth shit"), so they get no shine.
However, as cool as this is I dont really get it. I mean I like graffiti but both Basquiat and Futura are pretty well documented and I dont see why this wall should be considered to be among their important works of art. Its cool when this kind of stuff shows up though.
Fab 5 never really did anything too amazing except maybe for being a part of the christmas wholetrain. Correct me if Im wrong...
I would love to read an interview with Barbara and Eva 62. Where are they?
if yall actually read the article, it says its already been removed and it will be on display i think at the brooklyn museum of modern art or somesuch place in nyc.
mabye in years previous it would have just gotten torn down, but basqiat paitings selling for millions makes it all crazy. They halted all development on the renovations and went in there like it was an egyptian tomb searching for more.
Plus, the early 80's are huge right now, so id expect to see more shit like this.
pretty cool though. I dont think the actual piece is anything visually remarkable, but its cool that they found it intact so many years later.
I know fred was down with lee and stuff but I wasn't aware he was part of a christmas whole train. The fablious 5 did one (well mostly done by lee by all accounts although slug and mono did help).
The whole story is in Getting Up which I havent read for a couple of years.
I wonder when the earliest examples of graffiti originated in Sao Paolo?
- spidey