Has Anyone Here Dated a "Becky"
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sure y'all act like you hate them, but I know some of you sent a vermont teddy bear or two to some of these girlsme? I stick with ethnic fetishes so I can't add a good story to this.first non-porn google to pop up after typing in "Becky"I heard she likes Prince
of course the real question is why you refused to play Biggie.
It was like 9:30 and i was within my whatevers warmup hour. Soul/Jazz/electronica/etc. She runs to the booth on some Play Me some Biggie cause I hit you off this weekend type attitude. Check this out sweetheart, im not your jukebox regardless of what we did. Ill get to the Radio Hip Hop around 11, so go have a fuckin' drink and chill. Of course I was diplomatic but she gave me the icegrill anyway. WTF.
And Biggie was "played out" at the time anyway. Cocaine is hell of a drug.
damn, I think half of soulstrut just fell out of it's chair.
oh WHATEVER dude. let's not pretend all Beckys are Frickin' white. Bay Area heads know what's up with Asian beckys. you're just biased.
oh fa sho. but we have to acknowledge the O.G. of this "Hiiiiiiiiieee! can I make a request!??!?!?!" shit.
"Kanye" is the crazy buzzword for these types. I was getting swarmed by them last night at the ambassador.
And of course cold-hearted me was kinda ruthless in response on the "that-shit's-way-realer-than-you'd-ever-care-to-admit" tip.
We didn't last much longer after that...
Then again, I kinda got to know the guy she wound up marrying and although he was whiter and seemingly more conservative than me, I knew him to keep a loaded 9mm under his bed and listen to Spice 1's debut album incessantly.
I sometimes wonder how things worked out for them...
ha..naw I said that because she was white. And for the record I've been described as "comely". I-ight!
Are you eggshell or something?
accept and move on
how white are you?
better yet what does the term "white" mean to you?
Did I just open up a can of worms?
I guess I just took it there.
The psychology of a man named Harvey/ Sheid revealed Pt. 326,209: the opaque thought process
How white are your ancestors?
How white are your features?
How white do you act?
How do you rate Z-Ro?
I exclusively date Becky's... currently a Brazilian Becky. I also only hang out with Chad's. I enjoy being around people who aren't always judging each other with their false sense of superiority.
But who am I to talk? Yesterday I was told by two separate people that I looked like:
1) Kevin Federline
2) Michael J. Fox
becky/ie is GENERALLY a white girl(stop pretending its not) who is so pre-occupied with herself and her friends that she really isnt into music, but loves those songs she heard on the urban station that her and her friends always sing to.
Ha! In college, I was often told I look like:
1) Jerry Seinfeld
2) John Travolta
3) Trent Reznor
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
(Bonus Beats: My friend--named Becky, coincidentally enough--said that when I'm mad, I look like Antawn Jamison when he's taking free throws. Uhhhh....OK, then.)
There are girls who can just party w/ whatever is playing, and then there are girls who have the need to control the music. Its str8 control issue.
and there are women who know how to compliment the djs choices w/ a clever request.
A good handfull of them - I make spin around and show me their booty if they want me to play the song.It works.
Anothet time I shut the music off and announced that Becky was gonna DJ since she wanted control.....she walked away from the booth real quietlike.
beck??y (b??k-ee)
An inebriated woman who solicits a busy DJ for bad songs.
One who has bad taste in music; advocates extreme hipsterism in music and lifestyle
tr.v., -??ify, -??ies
1. To demand a song because it's your "Birthday".
2. To drink margaritas and yell, "No one likes this music".
3. To complain and send boyfriends up to the booth for a pop song.
[Hebrew Rivkah, from Catholicism mother of Esau, and Jacob who bugged God to get the party crunking.]
- spidey
What's the male equivalent called?
N., chads.
An inebriated male who goes to bars to pick up Beckys. Usually identified by trucker hat, spiked hair, fraternity shirt, and light beer.
tr. & intr.v. Archaic., chad??ded, chad??ding, chads.
(See also Frats, Douchebags, and Bros.)
[Greek, from greek mytholgy Ch??daraenamous god of cockblockers.]
- spidey