

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    Right? Looks like we're already gearing up for Sox-Yanks and pitchers and catchers haven't even reported yet. You may have won this round, New York, but prepare your collective self...

  • but you have to realize the guy acts like a Dick, comes off as a Dick and by all logic, is probably a Dick.

    Then there's this:

    Belichick, what happened to you? The stunt you pulled at the end of Sunday's game, after Brady's fourth-down pass fell incomplete with one second remaining, was comically unnecessary and regrettable. Venturing all the way across the field to shake Coughlin's hand (and essentially ruining his rival's moment), then essentially saying "peace out" and leaving before the Giants' final kneel-down is something I might expect to see from an immature player ??? come to think of it, Randy Moss did the same thing as a member of the Minnesota Vikings in a loss to the Redskins at the end of the '04 regular season, as he was understandably skewered as a result. So were the nine Pistons who they left the court in the final minutes of a four-game Eastern Conference Finals sweep to the Chicago Bulls in 1991. Give Belichick credit for one thing: Consistency. He is both a bad winner and a lousy loser. From the celebrated blowoffs of Eric Mangini (in '06) and Tony Dungy (and '07) to the running-up-the-score episodes from earlier this season, the guy shows as much disrespect for his opponents in victory as he did in Sunday's rare defeat. Maybe he'd handle a tie better? I don't know, but I hope Belichick takes some time to reflect on how far over the edge of reasonable behavior he has gone over the past couple of seasons, and how needless it all is. We're talking about one of the greatest coaches of all time, and a guy who I know has great respect for the game of football. He should start acting like it again.;_ylt=Aj...=yhoo&type=lgns

    Actually did not see the last 0:29 live due to a technical difficulty, so I didn't see all this go down.

  • damn, that was a hell of a superb owl

    pittsburghers couldn't possibly be more happy after a game not involving the stillers.

    Plaxico's post-game interview and subsequent tear-shedding were so righteous and

    other highlights were Tyree's miracle catch

    and Belichek making himself look bad. I mean, i give NE their just due (as an amazing team) but that doesn't mean i have to like them. Blowing the 4th and 13 call, and lack of sportsmanship were gratifying. not that he probably cares about how he's perceived but still.

    i never liked the mannings before, but they're starting to seem OK

  • See,, I will not make the argument that this was the best team of all time. they didn't finish.

    i'm Frickin' exhausted, and sick, and so Frickin' sick of phoenix. going to the game last night was incredible. Whne i get back to town Weds. i'll post a full report.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    damn, that was a hell of a superb owl

    pittsburghers couldn't possibly be more happy after a game not involving the stillers.

    Plaxico's post-game interview and subsequent tear-shedding were so righteous and

    Straight up! I think this is the first time I've ever been happy about a Giants win as well.

    David Tyree = this year's Lynn Swann

    Tangentially related: What the fuck was up with that messed-up ad with those heavily accented panda bears? It seemed like something from the old Dick Tracy cartoon.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Tangentially related: What the fuck was up with that messed-up ad with those heavily accented panda bears? It seemed like something from the old Dick Tracy cartoon.

    Yeah, that was in poor taste.

    Tangential to your tangent:
    "Bud Light: Suck one."

  • Cosign on the racist panda commercial. WTF??

    ETrade baby was the highlight of the night for me.

    "Me and the boys were talking about what to do with all this extra coin... and I'm like, I'm renting a CLOWN."

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Cosign on the racist panda commercial. WTF??

    ETrade baby was the highlight of the night for me.

    "Me and the boys were talking about what to do with all this extra coin... and I'm like, I'm renting a CLOWN."

    I dug that one and the Fed-X carrier pigeon one.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Cosign on the racist panda commercial. WTF??

    You forgot "Rameesh" in the first half. Same company. Apparently, they WANTED to do some really dumb ass ads in order to get people talking.

    They can straight up eat a dills.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Then there's this:

    Belichick, what happened to you? The stunt you pulled at the end of Sunday's game, after Brady's fourth-down pass fell incomplete with one second remaining, was comically unnecessary and regrettable. Venturing all the way across the field to shake Coughlin's hand (and essentially ruining his rival's moment), then essentially saying "peace out" and leaving before the Giants' final kneel-down is something I might expect to see from an immature player ??? come to think of it, Randy Moss did the same thing as a member of the Minnesota Vikings in a loss to the Redskins at the end of the '04 regular season, as he was understandably skewered as a result. So were the nine Pistons who they left the court in the final minutes of a four-game Eastern Conference Finals sweep to the Chicago Bulls in 1991. Give Belichick credit for one thing: Consistency. He is both a bad winner and a lousy loser. From the celebrated blowoffs of Eric Mangini (in '06) and Tony Dungy (and '07) to the running-up-the-score episodes from earlier this season, the guy shows as much disrespect for his opponents in victory as he did in Sunday's rare defeat. Maybe he'd handle a tie better? I don't know, but I hope Belichick takes some time to reflect on how far over the edge of reasonable behavior he has gone over the past couple of seasons, and how needless it all is. We're talking about one of the greatest coaches of all time, and a guy who I know has great respect for the game of football. He should start acting like it again.;_ylt=Aj...=yhoo&type=lgns

    So, do they have 12-year-olds writing for Yahoo! Sports now? Seriously, that thing
    is riddled with grammatical errors and is just poorly and amateurishly written in general.

    Anyway, did Belichick act a lil' bitchmade after the game? Sure. He just watched his team
    blow a chance to have the greatest season in NFL history, so maybe he was a little caught up
    in that. I also still say that if you watch the replay (although why would you) you'll see the clock
    go down to zero when he runs on the field, then they decide to put a second back on, so it wasn't
    like he ran out early on purpose, as the 12-year-old above insinuates, he saw "zero" and went to
    shake hands with his old colleague, Tom Coughlin. Hate on Belichick all you want, but he is very
    close to the Giants organization and I know he has nothing but respect for Coughlin and his team,
    so please don't try to twist it into some intentional display of disrespect.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    went to shake hands with his old colleague, Tom Coughlin. Hate on Belichick all you want, but he is very close to the Giants organization and I know he has nothing but respect for Coughlin and his team,
    so please don't try to twist it into some intentional display of disrespect.

    It was even more than that???Bill gave Coughlin a full-bore man-hug. I'm sure he was disappointed about the loss, but in no way did he disrespect Tom Coughlin. And having paid his respects to the other team and left the field, are people really that worked up that he didn't come back out for the kneel-down when he found out they put a second back on the clock? You don't think you might just keep walking down the tunnel?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Apparently, they WANTED to do some really dumb ass HALFTIME SHOW in order to get people SLEEPING.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Fed-X carrier pigeon one.

    That one had me rollin'.

  • debardebar 215 Posts
    I know he dropped that pass that deflected into an interception, but Steve Smith impressed me last night. He had 5 catches, and 4 of them were first down pickups on 3rd down. I think if and when Toomer leaves, they have someone ready to step in his place.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Apparently, they WANTED to do some really dumb ass HALFTIME SHOW in order to get people SLEEPING.

    There was a half time show going on?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Fed-X carrier pigeon one.

    That one had me rollin'.

    Yeah, that one got me, too. And as much as I hate "talking babies" it definitely cracked
    me up in that ad when he said "I waaaay underestimated the creepiness factor" or
    whatever ... that was hilarious. Also the ads for the new Will Ferrell and, surprisingly,
    Adam Sandler(!) movies had me falling out my chair. I wonder if that Sandler movie
    can live up to the ad ... he's doing some Ben Stiller/Zoolander shit in this one ...

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Will Ferrell

    Yes. There were an awful lot of lame ones though.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Here is what the local radio call in shows have echoed all morning about Bellichick...All season he ran up the score on teams who's coach's had to stand out on the field for every embarrassing second of an ass whooping and then he runs off the field like a bitch when it's his turn.

    I don't disagree.

  • Here is what the local radio call in shows have echoed all morning about Bellichick...All season he ran up the score on teams who's coach's had to stand out on the field for every embarrassing second of an ass whooping and then he runs off the field like a bitch when it's his turn.

    I don't disagree.

    There is a fair amount of evidence that would support a "sore loser" claim.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    Chiming in from Disney.

    Eli says

  • Just got out of bed an hour ago, I partied like a motherfucker last night!
    Wow, at no point in the season would I have thought the Giants would win the Super Bowl. After that Vikings game I thought we were through, just goes to show you that you should never give up. That was one hell of a game last night, and one thing I have been saying all year is that the defense is for real!
    SOI, Jaymack, KK, GBH, and the rest of the Boston heads, you have one hell of a team to be proud of which will be a force next season. Thank you guys for not being sore losers and generally not talking crazy shit all season. You are good sports fans, I appreciate that.
    Philly Phill, you have been wrong about the Giants since day one. I know as an Eagles fan you have to hate, but here is a big fat I TOLD YOU SO!!!!
    Slavin, you fuckin called it!!!
    This has been one hell of a football season. Thanks to Rock, Gene, and all the other football heads who kept the thread alive and interesting. Fuck all this Pats coach talk and get focused on one thing, NY GIANTS SUPER BOWL CHAMPS 2007!!!---Garcia "Riding High" Vega

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    thanks gv.
    but i need to stop checking this thread. especially with that new batch of pics. it's making me queazy.

  • went to shake hands with his old colleague, Tom Coughlin. Hate on Belichick all you want, but he is very close to the Giants organization and I know he has nothing but respect for Coughlin and his team,
    so please don't try to twist it into some intentional display of disrespect.

    It was even more than that???Bill gave Coughlin a full-bore man-hug. I'm sure he was disappointed about the loss, but in no way did he disrespect Tom Coughlin. And having paid his respects to the other team and left the field, are people really that worked up that he didn't come back out for the kneel-down when he found out they put a second back on the clock? You don't think you might just keep walking down the tunnel?

    The ref told him there was a second left and he still decided to leave. As a team, you win together and you lose together.

    Fuck him.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    Philly Phill, you have been wrong about the Giants since day one. I know as an Eagles fan you have to hate, but here is a big fat I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

    well, you gotta admit they looked like rat feces for most of the season... even Strahan didn't believe they'd make the Super Bowl 5 weeks ago, let alone win it. But respect is most definitely due... they earned that dam trophy by beating the top 3 teams in the league, all on the road. making big plays when they had to... that's what champions do, and that's what they did. unbelievable.
    one thing, though... the media hasn't been making a big enough deal about this guy's part in all of this:

    rookie gm, only the 3rd african american with that job in NFL history, comes in and drafts 8 rookies that all made the team and contributed (unheard of) and just like that, this team that were basically bums with a dead-man-walking head coach go on to win the Super Bowl. phenomenal.

    congratulations, Garcia_Vega... your dudes deserved it

  • they earned that dam trophy by beating the top 3 teams in the league, all on the road.

    Damn, I hadn't even thought of that.

  • i don't wanna work for a team anymore...too much wrapped up in the fortunes of one entity. shit, i can't imagine how long it's gonna take to get this expense report back...and the size of this motherfucker: of: The scene in the hotel last night, and the post party, wasn't as bad as you'd expect. But, some of the veterans were gone, or hiding out, not wanting to see or be seen. Can't blame them.

    Hats off to the Giants...Better team when it counted, no doubt. They made the best oline in football look foolish, and they deserve the win.

    The Pats had a great year, but couldn't finish. And, as I said before, they'll be the first to tell you that is what counts.

    The scene at the hotel this morning was wild. Picture moving an entire NFL operation, from football, marketing, television, PR, etc. to a hotel for 10 days...and, then shipping it out in 4 hours. It was like the fall of saigon in there. The cheerleaders were all sleeping on neck pillows, spread across a lobby floor, in some bizarre male fantasy. Players walked through holding sleeping children, looking not much more awake themselves.

    That cross country flight must suck.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    SOI, Jaymack, KK, GBH, and the rest of the Boston heads. Thank you guys for not being sore losers and generally not talking crazy shit all season. You are good sports fans, I appreciate that.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    You know who lost? TIKI BARBER.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You know who lost? TIKI BARBER.

    & Jeremy Shockey.......

    The talk I heard was that Shockey was constantly on Eli's the locker room, on the field, etc.......just ripped the guy whenever he wanted and Eli sat back and took it.......amazingly Eli really started to play well after Shockey went out with his injury. I even heard one guy say that if you go back and look at most of Eli's interceptions from the first half of the season they were passes to Shockey where he didn't run the route correctly.....not sure if all this is accurate but it kinda makes sense.
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