Trading Places Welcome To The Dollhouse Revenge of the Nerds Amazon Woman From The Moon Coming To America UHF When Harry Met Sally Billy Madison Money Pit Bachelor Party
Zoolander is a better and funnier movie than all of the above.
DING DING DING!!!!!!! We have a winner!!!!! You're the new champion of the whole entire world times infinity. Yowsah.
Hey dude, it's hardly my fault you have prepubescent taste in comedy.
I love Trading Places, I rank it as one of the great 80s comedies. However, including the following films in your favourite comedies of all time
Billy Madison Money Pit
destroys any shred of credibility you have left in this discussion.
I admit that Money Pit is a little weak for that list....that one holds a little sentimental value for me....and young Hanks is mad ill.
I can also understand why someone wouldn't like Billy Madison - no one's saying it's an outstanding film.....but quotable as a motherfucker (and I'm not talking about gay shit like "stop looking at me swan" and all that corny ass shit) "What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do? Are there horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?"
And holy shit! Did this guy just say I have a juvenile sense of humor when defending ZOOLANDER? Come on guy. Turn it off.
totally serious....I can't tell if you're joking or not. If you are, funny. If you're not......I'm beyond impressed.
destroys any shred of credibility you have left in this discussion.
Hey dude, it's hardly my fault you have prepubescent taste in comedy.
I admit that Money Pit is a little weak for that list....that one holds a little sentimental value for me....and young Hanks is mad ill.
I can also understand why someone wouldn't like Billy Madison - no one's saying it's an outstanding film.....but quotable as a motherfucker (and I'm not talking about gay shit like "stop looking at me swan" and all that corny ass shit)
"What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do? Are there horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?"
And holy shit! Did this guy just say I have a juvenile sense of humor when defending ZOOLANDER? Come on guy. Turn it off.