

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Terrorism is a very subjective word. What some view as acts of terrorism are viewed differently by others who commit these acts.

    absolute bullshit, typical left-wing progressive moral equivalence that helped create this mess in the first place. Tolerating the intolerable.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    Terrorism is a very subjective word. What some view as acts of terrorism are viewed differently by others who commit these acts.

    absolute bullshit, typical left-wing progressive moral equivalence that helped create this mess in the first place. Tolerating the intolerable.

    You're right, Right-wing intolerance is really doing a lot to quell terrorism.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Terrorism is a very subjective word. What some view as acts of terrorism are viewed differently by others who commit these acts.

    absolute bullshit, typical left-wing progressive moral equivalence that helped create this mess in the first place. Tolerating the intolerable.

    You're right, Right-wing intolerance is really doing a lot to quell terrorism.

    Let the fucking muslims who breed these shitstains quell terrorism by taking care of their own people instead of blaming everything on Israel and the US.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Terrorism is a very subjective word. What some view as acts of terrorism are viewed differently by others who commit these acts.

    absolute bullshit, typical left-wing progressive moral equivalence that helped create this mess in the first place. Tolerating the intolerable.

    You're right, Right-wing intolerance is really doing a lot to quell terrorism.

    Let the fucking muslims who breed these shitstains quell terrorism by taking care of their own people instead of blaming everything on Israel and the US.

    There is a midway between liberal relativism and your brand of moronic knee jerk reactionism but I don't think you're bright enough to realise that.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Terrorism is a very subjective word. What some view as acts of terrorism are viewed differently by others who commit these acts.

    absolute bullshit, typical left-wing progressive moral equivalence that helped create this mess in the first place. Tolerating the intolerable.

    You're right, Right-wing intolerance is really doing a lot to quell terrorism.

    Let the fucking muslims who breed these shitstains quell terrorism by taking care of their own people instead of blaming everything on Israel and the US.

    Bam and in comes Saba
    Wow your reply is so eloquent.

  • All I know is if someone killed my loved ones over some hocus pocus like Allah, I'd be pissed as hell. Money I can understand killing for, heck, oil too. People need money & they can't get enough. But God? That's like getting shot over the easter bunny.

    H***rd thank you for this morning dose of perspective! hahaha....

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    All I know is if someone killed my loved ones over some hocus pocus like Allah, I'd be pissed as hell. Money I can understand killing for, heck, oil too. People need money & they can't get enough. But God? That's like getting shot over the easter bunny.

    Actually, I think its less about God and more about the basic elements of human greed that drive these guys. Its like the Mafia, they sell ideas like honor, resistence and paradise to the suckers, but they're all about extorting money from complacent governements, gaining power over and exploiting others and subjugating women and children.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,989 Posts

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts

    Look, moron: I'm not racing to bring up Darfur to trump your ass, because Darfur and floods and tornadoes and the Loch Ness Frickin' Monster have nothing to do with the fact that the potential loss of thousands of lives has just been averted HERE and NOW. I'm not on the Bush/Blair bandwagon simply because I CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIVES. Seriously: fuck you for injecting irrelevance into this.


    Treat flood risk like terror threat, says report author

    David Batty and agencies
    Monday December 17, 2007
    Guardian Unlimited

    Flood prevention should be on a par with Britain's counter-terrorism preparations, the author of an official inquiry said today.

    The torrential downpours that caused billions of pounds worth of damage to thousands of houses this summer should be seen as a "wake-up call" for the country, the interim report said.

    It warned that England only narrowly avoided "several near disasters of an even greater magnitude" with an "even greater loss of essential services".

    4pm GMT update
    Treat flood risk like terror threat, says report author

    David Batty and agencies
    Monday December 17, 2007
    Guardian Unlimited

    Flood prevention should be on a par with Britain's counter-terrorism preparations, the author of an official inquiry said today.

    The torrential downpours that caused billions of pounds worth of damage to thousands of houses this summer should be seen as a "wake-up call" for the country, the interim report said.

    It warned that England only narrowly avoided "several near disasters of an even greater magnitude" with an "even greater loss of essential services".

    Article continues
    The leader of the review, Sir Michael Pitt, said: "I want to raise up the priority and importance of flood-risk management nationally and locally. I think we should put this on a par with things like terrorism risk or influenza pandemic where we already have national frameworks in place to deal with these sorts of emergencies."

    His report called for improved weather forecasting, better planning by local councils and the emergency services, and for new buildings in flood-risk areas to be more resistant to damage.

    Urgent action was required because the risk of major flooding was growing due to increasingly intense rainfall leading to more flash floods, the report warned.

    The study identified failings by both the authorities and the public in response to the floods.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Democracy is not a guaranteed panacea and not the only model of successful government. There are democratically elected leaders and governments who fail to serve their people and apparently despotic states where life is good. Which is worse - a state with a benign but absolute ruler or a country with an elected leader who pursues their own agenda at the expense of their people?

    Would you care to name these despotic countries where life is so good ? North Korea maybe or how about Cambodia under Pol Pot, Uganga under Amin or maybe somwhere closer to home, Argentina when they where under the military junta ???

    I'm not saying democracy cures everything however, I would rather take Bush or Blair/Brown and live in a country which has an elected government.

    Where do you see Chavez & Castro?
    Chavez stages/holds elections, but there seems to be some implication that food-for-votes keeps him in power - to the very poor this is surely preferable to 'real' democracy and starvation. He's renationalised resources that bled money to foriegn companies with no responsibilities to the populace that rely on democracy, and ensured that the very poorest can at least eat. Even if only in the build-up to elections.
    If life under Castro was so bad, wouldn't another younger Castro decided to kick his arse out of Cuba?
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