Online Racism
So I've been lurking on some other message boards lately, and I was shocked to discover the virulent racism espoused by some people, even when they are aware that ethnic minorities are present...It's bad enough to make a war-weary veteran like me cringe. FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="">INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1119385006coselmed">
How does SoulStrut rank compared to some of the other online communities you participate in?[/b]"SoulStrut represents a new paradigm in racial tolerance.""Despite the occasional ignorant comment and abuse of Ebonics, SoulStrut is pretty cool.""Thanks to SoulStrut, I now have some black friends to discuss my love affair with African American cultural production. Who cares if I only speak to them through the internet?""Not a day goes by without someone saying something about race on SoulStrut that I find objectionable.""Racist? Nah...The only thing this place is guilty of is being a hotbed of sexism and homophobia!" INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons">
Can I choose both?
-Soulstrut is a hotbed for white liberal guilt in which it is ok to think less of people based on thier skin color but only if they are anglo
thats the one that gets my vote
in canada anglo is short for anglophone, or english-only speaking folks. Like francophone. I assume you meant something different..
yeah I meant anglo as in white.
anyone want to guess how many pages this thread is gonna end up being?
I don't think I did; you missed a word.
Co-sign! Can I change my vote now?
yeah I meant anglo as in white.
anyone want to guess how many pages this thread is gonna end up being?
I only think less of people based on the whiteness of their skin when it comes to their opinions on issues of/or related to Blackness.
4 pages by 7pm EST, easy.
Yeah, because white people can't possibly have valid opinions on black culture.
9 pages within the next three hours.
without a doubt... This site has taught me that people who claim to be against racism make more of a point of pointing out skin color in non-joking ways than anyone else.
file under: the new and improved "you wouldn't understand its a eskimo thing"
"Overcompensation really means I'm down with the really it does"
Perhaps I should have added this:
[polloption=Thanks to SoulStrut, I now have some Asian-American friends to discuss our love affair with African American cultural production. Who cares if I only speak to them through the internet?]
Ye jest yet ye jock king most nonetheless.
ding ding ding
I'm especially enjoying reading the doozies on this thread while checking in on the Edgar Ray Killen thread now and then.
this wasn't directed at me was it?
Why are you getting your crust in a ruffle over white people being made to feel guilty, poptart?
Haven't you expended tremendous effort in attempting to convince the forum to share in your delusion that you're not white?
Hi new Asian-American friend! Isn't African American cultural production neat! Hey, speaking as a "honky" (it's ok to call me that - I can take it, and probably deserve it), I want to know - are you able to enjoy black genius music even without the self-hating Anglo liberal guilt that makes it so fun for me? Just curious!
"Holla back my niggle!"
funny how you get angry about this, almost as if I touched a nerve. Your right I still don't view myself as white and considering the anti-semitism I've had to face that many wasps don't I'll continue to claim that.
I just find it disgusting that white dudes somehow think they are more understanding or down with equality when they bash the white race; Shits pathetic.
Young Guz:
You're my e-woadie and all but maybe it was directed at you. I've read so many SUPREMELY SUSPECT responses by so many soulstrutters that I can't even keep track.I've seen so many threads in the past 2-3 weeks alone that I sit and say to myself "are these dudes for real? am in the twilight fucking zone?"
White ain't a race. And dare I say, neither is Jewish.
NOW this thread is going to kick ass!
is green?
You're the only one that's in a tizzy here, Guzzle.
I just asked you a couple of questions, and have yet to really assert a perspective of my own in this thread.
I will say that I don't think I've ever encountered any bashing of white people on here, though.
But a hacky sack is obviously the first sign of an impending apocalypse.