record blunders...

last week came across doubles of gangstarr's "flip the script" test press. $2 each. bought only one because i was low on cash and tempted by the fat stack of other worthy singles (gza, gravediggaz, early jay-z, atcq, etc.). also ended up with some turds. went home, checked it on popsike and saw this: i went back the next day it was gone. hopefully one of you all got the other copy... what are some of your record blunders?
amongst the 30,000 lps in bananna crates ,strewn haphazardly everywhere ,
the lps vanished ,got chucked,or misplaced in the fray of piles and were never to be found oh fucking well
and recently i lost out on the sickest 4 full crates of 45s i have ever come across
at a freak market
10 bucks a crate
i was almost in tears and hopping mad
i had begun sorting them when the seller told me he had already sold them....
someone beat me to them-some no name old ass senior citizen motherfucker that i have never seen before[who i made a ridiculous $$$ offer to ,but the old crusty fucker wouldn't budge-like what the fuck is that old bastard gonna do with that heat anyway?] popped out of the woodwork and snagged them minutes before me
all because i didn't get up early enough[wood was being polished -tuff trade off]
i am still fucking fumed but u can't have it all
But time in bed with my girl was worth it
Hmmm...I have a test press of "LoveSick", maybe I should find it.
I threw this record away by accident when we moved from our last place.
What am I gonna do
Damn, that's one I wouldn't have even thought to check about price.
I remember passing on a Betty Davis for a dollar when I didn't know shit...I'm sure I've passed on more private stuff without realizing it, or just records that are out of my knowledge base, like a lot of doo wop & early 60s business. Not mad though, I've had some damn good luck this year for a non-dealer/non-collection buyer so I really can't complain.
How is this a blunder on your part? Dude beat you to the LPs, right?
... and then some term for sex that sounds like
Go down the hill real fast. If something gets in your way... turn.
My biggest blunder was when I found The Four Sights - Love is a Hurting Game for $1 at Goodwill. I was on my lunch break at work and I left the bag out on the front seat. I came back out after work and the sun had warped the record quite drastically. Doh!
... and I may have thrown away 10-15 stock copies
of Emanuel Laskey "I'd Rather Leave on My Feet" ...
but I try not to think about it.
^^^ do you always lie in all caps?
That was 2 years ago and since then I have probably missed crazy stuff that I still dont know.
The funny thing is: I'm pretty sure I know the guy who got that other copy of the Gang Starr 12". Lemme guess - did you happen to buy it off someone on the sidewalk?
your in LA now you'll find it again. I had regrets abouttrading my copy away to N**e B***o but afte a few months I tracked down the drummer on the LP and he hooked me up with a copy.
LMI is plentiful in these parts
You know, I've never even heard this record.
SO GOOD. You really need to hear this record. If even for the Beans sample, haha. Check your PMs in a bit.
A few weeks ago I saw a copy of O.V. Wright's Nickel and a Nail on the wall at a local for $80. I'd seen the cover before somewhere, but wasn't familiar with the music at the time, so I left it. Later that week, I saw the cover again looking around online and downloaded a comp with most of the tracks on it. Then I rushed to the phone to see if the LP was still in stock and that sucker was GONE. I still feel a tinge of emptiness when I listen to Wright's music and wonder what could have been. Not that I can't get another copy, but the price was rather nice.
gave three of these away for free before I checked popsike (luckily I had two copies left):
Recently put one of these out in the bins at the store I work at for $1.99, went back a week later and it was still there:
Biggest regret is not bidding enough on that JB's mystery LP.......
You sound young.
As far as a single record goes. This one hurt when I passed up on it on the cheap.
Sad day.
but not like dolo
Agreed - but all these folks THROWING AWAY rare records, thats just unforgiveable.
If you don't know what you have, at least give it away... I only trash stuff that I know was mass produced and will always be around. Some of these things just barely exist already and you're taking (at least) one more copy out of circulation permanently.
Ranking second would involve me trading that Black Fairy record for super cheap - kinda of a throw-in record to buffer a trade for something else. Still don't want that record but if I had a little popsike in my life at the time that trade woulda went down differently.