greatest comic book-film adaptation of all time??



  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    V for Vendetta gets my vote. Its well worth a watch if you havnt seen it.
    Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man is a dope film too. I only just found out this was originally based on a comic book.

  • Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man is a dope film too. I only just found out this was originally based on a comic book.

    Didn't know that either. If that's the case, it goes straight into the Top 5.

  • X Men 2
    Batman Begins
    V For Vendetta (hopefully Alan Moores Watchmen will see the big screen soon)
    Superman 2
    Spiderman (hard to choose between 1&2, both were excellent, 3 looks good aswell)

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    They should make a "Preacher" movie. Saint of Killers and alla that.

    Wasn't there a rumored "Watchmen" film?

    i believe there was rumors of HBO developing a preacher SERIES. which could be badass or horrible. no in between.

    watchmen film is under development right now. i believe same director as guy who did 300. that is going to be horrible.

    Assuming it's still Howard Deutch directing and Mark Steven Johnson writing Preacher, it'll probably suck considering their track record.

    I think Watchmen could be decent with that director. I think The Incredibles convinced me that a Watchmen movie can work. As long as one doesn't mind not every subplot being ported over, anyway.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    Also, much love for Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (director's cut). Both are on par with Batman Begins.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    Will I be banned for saying SHELLIE (brittany murphy) is the true eye candy of Sin City? "slept-on" if you will

  • Will I be banned for saying SHELLIE (brittany murphy) is the true eye candy of Sin City? "slept-on" if you will

    I tend to agree. Alba is Alba and she always looks phenomenal but B. Murphy looked was sexy as fuck in Sin City.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Will I be banned for saying SHELLIE (brittany murphy) is the true eye candy of Sin City? "slept-on" if you will
    I tend to agree. Alba is Alba and she always looks phenomenal but B. Murphy looked was sexy as fuck in Sin City.

    I'm in the Brittany fanclub too. You guys should check her out in

    But you already know this. She looks cute to death in that one. Plus it has another good Mickey Rourke appearance.

    "Nice titties. Small ass."

  • I saw about 5 minute of "Clueless" on cable the other day...checking out young Ms. Dash. Anyway, my jaw about dropped when I realized they had B. Murphy playing the "frumpy" girl. You've come a long way, baby.

  • Will I be banned for saying SHELLIE (brittany murphy) is the true eye candy of Sin City? "slept-on" if you will

    I tend to agree. Alba is Alba and she always looks phenomenal but B. Murphy looked was sexy as fuck in Sin City.

    Too bad she can't act her way out of a paper sack. I remember almost all of her lines in that moving throwing me way out of the scene, although that wasn't as bad as Clive Owen's fakeass American accent. I am a hater- although I definitely enjoy that movie for a number of other reasons.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Sin City - for best accuracy
    Batman Begins for righting all the past wrongs
    Spider-Man for mixing the new w/ the old
    X-Men 1&2 for just trying to encapsule the feel of the book
    Superman 1&2 for setting up the genre
    Batman/Adam West 2 hr movie/intro - no words

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    Batman Begins for righting all the past wrongs


    I had high hopes for this but ended up being totally let down. It was supposed to be all psychological and cerebral, but in the end it just wound up being another hero-scuffling-with-bad-guy while speeding train armed with top-secret doomsday weapon heads for a important target and if hero doesn't stop bad guy everyone dies in some horrible manner. Seen it 10000 times.

    ++ END SPOILERS ++

    Anyhow, has this ever been made in to a movie, and if not, why?

  • I saw 'V for Vendetta,' mentioned on the last page. Man. Was that movie....forgettable. After it ended, I couldn't help but thinking of seeing that on shelf in about 10 years and thinking...'oh yeah. THAT movie. that was ... a Movie.'

    totally ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  • V for Vendetta was, in my humble opinion, a TERRIBLE adaption of the comic. I felt it didn??t capture ANY of the mood of the comic, and basically dumbed it down to yet another dime-a-dozen action flick rooted in the comic world.

    Sin City, on the other hand was incredible. Watched it last night as a matter of fact, and even though the acting isn??t amazing in certain places, I just feel it adds to the overall feel of the film.

    Oh no, could this be the start of a "Film with the best overall FEEL" thread? I hope not.

    Anyway, I loved the Lone Wolf and Cub comics, but I never saw any of the films! I need to see those!

    - J

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Batman Begins for righting all the past wrongs

    I had high hopes for this but ended up being totally let down. It was supposed to be all psychological and cerebral, but in the end it just wound up being another hero-scuffling-with-bad-guy while speeding train armed with top-secret doomsday weapon heads for a important target and if hero doesn't stop bad guy everyone dies in some horrible manner. Seen it 10000 times.

    What do you mean it was "SUPPOSED TO BE ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CEREBRAL"? Sounds like you had
    preconceived notions of YOU wanted to see vs what was shown.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    Batman Begins for righting all the past wrongs

    I had high hopes for this but ended up being totally let down. It was supposed to be all psychological and cerebral, but in the end it just wound up being another hero-scuffling-with-bad-guy while speeding train armed with top-secret doomsday weapon heads for a important target and if hero doesn't stop bad guy everyone dies in some horrible manner. Seen it 10000 times.

    What do you mean it was "SUPPOSED TO BE ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CEREBRAL"? Sounds like you had
    preconceived notions of YOU wanted to see vs what was shown.

    I had those notions because thats how it was promoted. It was supposed to be stripped down and back to basics. More about Bruce Wayne's journey (physical, spiritual, and mental) than about larger than life villians, wild sets, and outlandish plot devices. It delivered pretty well for the first half, but kinda just wound up being another goofy batman film in the end. They need to hire Scorsese next time. He'll end that shit properly.

    ps: what really needs to be made is Dark Knight Returns

    but I doubt that will ever happen

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Batman Begins for righting all the past wrongs

    I had high hopes for this but ended up being totally let down. It was supposed to be all psychological and cerebral, but in the end it just wound up being another hero-scuffling-with-bad-guy while speeding train armed with top-secret doomsday weapon heads for a important target and if hero doesn't stop bad guy everyone dies in some horrible manner. Seen it 10000 times.

    What do you mean it was "SUPPOSED TO BE ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CEREBRAL"? Sounds like you had
    preconceived notions of YOU wanted to see vs what was shown.

    I had those notions because thats how it was promoted. It was supposed to be stripped down and back to basics. More about Bruce Wayne's journey (physical, spiritual, and mental) than about larger than life villians, wild sets, and outlandish plot devices. It delivered pretty well for the first half, but kinda just wound up being another goofy batman film in the end. They need to hire Scorsese next time. He'll end that shit properly.

    ps: what really needs to be made is Dark Knight Returns

    but I doubt that will ever happen

    Scorsese? You might as well throw in all the rest of the overhyped Hollywood directors. You obviously wanted more Hollywood by that choice. Superhero movies should not be created for the Oscar crowd.

    And If you know your lore, Batman Begins is an amalgamation of Dark Knight Returns & Batman Year One both by Frank Miller. Dark Knight Returns is one of those books that should NEVER EVER BE TOUCHED BY HOOLYWOOD. You'll NEVER capture the spirit. You think theyll have Selina Kyle tied up in a Wonder Woman costume right after the Joker raped her?

    Did you expect to see a Batman movie w/out action? Did you want them to relaunch Batman as Unbreakable?
    They gave you both sides. The bullshit deep ninja/monk/hurt child thing w/ the big CGI bomb threat/kung fu/batgadjets.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    remember, before batman begins it was the gay fantasia that was "batman+robin"

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Im gonna go with batman from 89. that movie is still tops in my book. not for accuracy or anything, but its just the king of all batman flicks.

    I thought v for vendetta was one of the cheesiest wannabe political wank fests ever committed to film. So terrible. I can see how some of that all v dialog would look cool in a comic book, but on screen it just sounded so fucking stupid and ridiculously wordy.

    I think so far that they have done an amazing job with spiderman too. I might be in the minority, but i think those flicks are superior to almost all the other modern blockbuster comic movies coming out.

    Sin city and 300 are both dope as fuck too. but they are both based on smaller works, not some sprawling epic 50 year storyline like batman. I think its much more challenging when you are charged with interpreting the entire legacy of a charachter.

    I really liked batman begins too. But its not fucking with the O.G. And i really think if tim burtons batman hadn't come out, batman would not even be cool to kids today. It took the right inspiration from the ultra dark frank miller rescuing of badass batman from the comics, and still put it in a pg13 hollywood mainstream context.

    Plus its 89, so theres not alot of stupid cg crap ruining it. Its all just really creative filmaking. The fight in the belltower with joker at the end is so tight. Joker fucking up the paintings to prince songs. And the soundtrack was PERFECT.

    I also like how it straddled the line between realism and comic book magic very well by not taking itself to seriously. One of the only flaws i can think of in batman begins. Well....that and the stupid suv hummer batmobile.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    don't know the comic, but this movie is amazing.

  • dmacdmac 472 Posts
    Good call on A History of Violence. Loved it.

    But I am holding out for the Watchmen...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Im gonna go with batman from 89. that movie is still tops in my book. not for accuracy or anything, but its just the king of all batman flicks.
    I thought v for vendetta was one of the cheesiest wannabe political wank fests ever committed to film. So terrible. I can see how some of that all v dialog would look cool in a comic book, but on screen it just sounded so fucking stupid and ridiculously wordy.
    I think so far that they have done an amazing job with spiderman too. I might be in the minority, but i think those flicks are superior to almost all the other modern blockbuster comic movies coming out.
    Sin city and 300 are both dope as fuck too. but they are both based on smaller works, not some sprawling epic 50 year storyline like batman. I think its much more challenging when you are charged with interpreting the entire legacy of a charachter.
    I really liked batman begins too. But its not fucking with the O.G. And i really think if tim burtons batman hadn't come out, batman would not even be cool to kids today. It took the right inspiration from the ultra dark frank miller rescuing of badass batman from the comics, and still put it in a pg13 hollywood mainstream context.
    Plus its 89, so theres not alot of stupid cg crap ruining it. Its all just really creative filmaking. The fight in the belltower with joker at the end is so tight. Joker fucking up the paintings to prince songs. And the soundtrack was PERFECT.
    I also like how it straddled the line between realism and comic book magic very well by not taking itself to seriously. One of the only flaws i can think of in batman begins. Well....that and the stupid suv hummer batmobile.

    Do you realize that Batman 1 has about a half an hour of actual Batman, and Jack Nicholson/Joker gets triple the screen time. This is what has always disturbed me w/ the first joint.

    Begins > Batman/Returns/&Robin/Forever IMO. Begins got rid of the Adam West/60's references that haunted the character for years after the tv show. Hollywood would not let go of that Batman. The new director purged the mythology of that "curse".

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    The only thing I really appreciate about Tim Burton's Batman is that it allowed Batman: The Animated Series to be made the way it was.

    Also, I definitely dug History of Violence, but definitely deviates from the comic quite a bit -- it sort of takes bits and pieces of two characters and lumps it into Tom Stall. In the comic, there's really no hint that Tom himself could really be sorta violent and monster-ish to the core, the family is 100% devoted with no rifts w/ the wife at any time, etc.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Superhero stories that should never be touched.

    Secret Wars
    The Dark Knight Returns
    The Watchmen
    Arkham Asylem
    Wolverine Frank Miller miniseries
    Infinity War
    Crisis on Infinite Earths

    Just read the damn book. Hollywood should never try to sell these stories in 2 hour happy ending form to popcorn people. Im sorry, but not everything needs to be interpreted/recontextualized onto the movie screen.

    As much as i like Sin City, take away the big name director/actors and i guarantee the hype would be different. Put no name actors in those roles w/ the same CGI and Becky would not have gone to see this.

  • brothas be fuckin vampires up!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    brothas be fuckin vampires up!

    Blade 1 and 2 were good but there wasnt much of the OG book in there. They really just modernized the idea, which they had the freedom to do 'cause nobody knew who Blade was and he isnt weighed down by history. Blade's CGI innovations was the precursor to the MATRIX.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts

    I can see the other choices (too convoluted, detailed, or whatever to make a faithful movie adaptation), but this one strikes me as odd as untouchable. To me, Hush just felt like a generic romp through Batman (e.g., fights with most of his rogue gallery? check. Conflict with Superman that Batman inevitably wins? check. Life-threatening injury that's brushed off a few pages later? check. Potential romance ruined by Bruce placing Batman over any other aspect of his life? check. Desire to kill the Joker that's deaded at the last second? check.) with sweet Jim Lee art...engaging and fun while reading, but falls apart on deeper analysis, sorta like a stereotypical Hollywood blockbuster.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    I can see the other choices (too convoluted, detailed, or whatever to make a faithful movie adaptation), but this one strikes me as odd as untouchable. To me, Hush just felt like a generic romp through Batman (e.g., fights with most of his rogue gallery? check. Conflict with Superman that Batman inevitably wins? check. Life-threatening injury that's brushed off a few pages later? check. Potential romance ruined by Bruce placing Batman over any other aspect of his life? check. Desire to kill the Joker that's deaded at the last second? check.) with sweet Jim Lee art...engaging and fun while reading, but falls apart on deeper analysis, sorta like a stereotypical Hollywood blockbuster.

    Youre right but I dont want to see the death or rebirth of Jason Todd at all.
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