Talented10, what's the significance to your name? If AI had little weight, what is the importance of this. just curious.
i am still developing this persona, nevermind trying to run a whole other one undetected at the same time
Hi guys.
i am still developing this persona, nevermind trying to run a whole other one undetected at the same time elise?
I am so confused.
Talented10, what's the significance to your name? If AI had little weight, what is the importance of this. just curious.
if i change, it'll just be to my name...which is what my name on here is anyway. gareth IS the KITCHENKNIGHT, Folls!
yes? someone call me?
I loved your mix.
I ran 5 miles to it yesterday
then I went home and smoked a bongload to it
it just fits every mood like customized socks