Soul Strut Wayback Machine Link

Having heard about this archival thing and having not been here from way back when, thought people may appreciate the link to older Soul Strut threads from before the infamous board crash of whenever it was.*/ perfect by any means, as anything from the forums in '04 seem to not exist but best your gonna get it seemsEDIT: I suspect this may be what people would be looking for if I have my SS folklore down EDIT: Actually I suspect it ain't . oh well.
Man, alot of us have been on here for a long ass time.
Sayin. I was re-reading some of those like
"Is this Doug Carn record any good?" hahaha
5 years is a minute tho.
Possibly the first "state of the strut" post, where whitlily gets all up in some of y'alls (faux_rills-doing-the-backslide-rare) business:
Other points of interest:
DLS was putting sets up from 2001-2002.
I first registered here (under my own name) on November 18th 2001, and pretty much lurked for months. I was still Mr. Shorty Post-Count with a grand total of nine posts almost a year later.
There used to be a lot more Brits posting here back then. I think the number of us who post here regularly now would be lucky to reach double figures.
The days of people openly jocking Shadow aren't as long ago as some might think.
EDIT: Vinylneck disses a (kinda lame) comp I put together.
Your boy is an O.G. in the game over here.
Junkies Prayer is AI
SOul Purpose, Brocolli Bonzai, Brocolli Loc, = Johnny Paychecks.
Bsides88 = Bsides.
whoa, the only time in history 2 members of Memphix on soulstrut posted in the same thread(the only post from "jones" himself it looks like)
CLASSIC. I can't believe I actually remember some of these threads. Didn't realize I lurked on here that long.
this made me laugh out loud...
"Topic: Gay Breaks
posted 09-27-2002 01:56 PM
There's lots of talk about lesbian breaks on this forum, but what about their sisters in crime, gay men. There was an article just recently in the NYTimes about out gay jazz musicians that listed Andy Bey and Gary Burton as to of the more well known musicians. Anyone know others? I've heard rumors that Sun Ra was, well, just plain strange, but also maybe had leanings."
by my man mikefreedomrock. mike where you at?
bsides on dj shadow!
180 gram Pressing
Posts: 279
From:Boston Ma.
Registered: Nov 2001
posted 04-05-2002 03:06 PM
Im not really sick of hearing about him anymore. The man's just finished a new album, and its quite a piece of work! Spine magazine does really dope interviews and shadow actually gives really open and insightful responses. Even Going so far as to talking about how he flips snare drums! For all the talk, I very rarely read a first hand interview with the guy. Spine magazine's done two, and I remember one from like 94 asking him all about trip hop. Havent seen alot of press for the album though. Thats fucked up that only 4 people had access to it and it still got leaked.
180 gram Pressing
Posts: 279
From:Boston Ma.
Registered: Nov 2001
posted 04-06-2002 06:05 AM
Please people, lets try to tone down the sarcasm a notch. I'm drowning in hatorade over here!
Re-issue Pressing
Posts: 16
From:elizabeth, nj
Registered: Jul 2003
posted 08-21-2003 10:10 AM
if the recent dipset beats have been any indication, i think dizzee has a definite chance for US acceptance.
lol @ everyone hating tupac! how daring
180 gram Pressing
Posts: 348
Registered: Apr 2002
posted 07-18-2003 05:57 PM
I never bought a Tupac record after his first, but I did like I get around.
I've never owned an NWA record.
I'm not crazy about Pete Rock and CL Smooth's albums, though I think the beats were incredible.
I liked Kwame -- The Rhythm
I liked Kriss Kross -- Jump AND Warm it up Kris. [/b]
OK, that's enough. I feel dirty.
The old me kind of reminds the current me of deej.
Let us not speak of this again.
2003 = Soulstrut's golden age?!?