


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    That made me think of how MEGA Michael Jackson was back then. Stand up if you had a Beat It jacket and/or t-shirt! When that pepsi commercial came on I was in awe.

    When I was in first grade, the Michael Jackson joints with the zippers were huge.

    I recall one kid offering another kid his lunch money in exchange for being allowed to wear the zip-off sleeves only of the other kid's jacket.


    Things were VERY REAL back then.

    No doubt. I feel like the one james would have a worthwhile comment on this particular statement of style gone awry.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    Yeah I was older when Anime got big but before Tranzir A and Voltron there was Star Blazers and before that Speed Racer.

    And I remember all the kids being into Kiss and I think I remember that 321 Contact when they had Kiss. All the kids used to "pick" what member of Kiss they were - I always wanted to be Peter Criss for some reason. Ugh.

    Remember the game "That's my car?"

    i was pretty young when i saw that Kiss thing. i knew who they were, but i wasn't old enough to really know them and their music. weren't they like, the Satan band or some shit? it's kinda wild they were on a kids show back then.

    i played a bit of That's My Car, but my friends and i were more "Punch Buggy" kids.

    did any of yall have good street games? like Kick the Can and shit? i played all the standard ones, like Ghost in the Graveyard. we also had "Budda Budda" (pronounced like Buddy, not herb), which was like a broke-ass shooting chase game like "I shot you!" "No you didn't" holding your hand out like a six-shooter. i feel like kids don't play shit like that anymore, so let me know what you used to do. there's got to be some ones out there.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    The MuthaFuckin' KOJAK car

    - Tonka Toys
    - The Evil Kenevil playset with the launch ramp.
    - When GI Joes were BIG.
    - Being amazed at the first time you played "Pong."

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    --Finding a discarded porno mag in the forest
    --Going to the carnival was the highlight of the year
    --Looking at, and wondering what goes on inside, The Gravitron
    --Getting misted with puke spray by a dude who took it a little too far...perhaps even going upsidedown
    --Busting a friend's faded black L.A. Kings Starter parka after he moves on to the Hornets pullover or maybe even a San Jose Sharks jacket

    The Bizarre

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    - Pinky ball, Pimpleball, Stickball and my favorite, Halfball.
    - Captain Kangaroo
    - Chief Jay Strongbow
    - People smoking in hospitals.
    - The Scooby Doo TV show with Don Knotts, Cass Elliott and The Harlem Globetrotters.
    - The Jackson Five TV show (Michael had that pet snake.)

    Yo, on 321 contact, what was the name of the "kid detectives?"

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    did any of yall have good street games? like Kick the Can and shit? i played all the standard ones, like Ghost in the Graveyard. we also had "Budda Budda" (pronounced like Buddy, not herb), which was like a broke-ass shooting chase game like "I shot you!" "No you didn't" holding your hand out like a six-shooter. i feel like kids don't play shit like that anymore, so let me know what you used to do. there's got to be some ones out there.

    Ahh yes. Few things were as satisfying as running out of your hiding spot and being the first to kick the can, especially when whoever was It was still in the area.

  • I remember Channel 5 in New York playing great kung-fu movies in the mornings on Sunday

    4:30 Movie
    Chiller Theater
    Kung Fu double feature Saturdays

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    - The Evil Kenevil playset with the launch ramp.
    - When GI Joes were BIG.
    - Being amazed at the first time you played "Pong."

    I had Robbie Kenevil & the Chopper

    I had Black Commander GiJOE W/ The KUNG FU Grip & BULLETMan & The Crazy Big Foldout Headquarters w/ the flashing spotlight.

    Bieng amazed at Atari. I was out West in the the Summer of 77 and i went to a kids house in San Diego.
    Their father wouldnt let them touch the Atari. All he had was Poker/BlackJack. I was open.

  • Chief Jay Strongbow

    I saw this dude cashing a check in North Miami, FL circa 1990.
    He was amazed I knew who he was and told me (after I asked him) that "Little Beaver is doing fine in South Carolina."

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I don't think kids that are sixteen years old today will ever know what it's like to pore over liner notes to see what other rappers your favorite rapper was cosigning.

    This was how I found out about Grandmaster Flash. In fact, it was pretty much how I discovered rap beyond "Rapper's Delight" and "The Breaks". Kurtis Blow shouted Flash out on the inner sleeve of his debut album, and I remember wondering who the fuck he was. About six or seven months later I was in a record store in Liverpool, going through the racks, and I saw 12"'ers for "Freedom" and "Birthday Party", and a copy of that Sugarhill "Great Rap Hits" album with "Funk You Up", "Superwolf" and "To The Beat Y'All" on it. Purely on the basis of that namecheck, I copped the lot there and then. For a while after, I bought anything on Sugarhill or Enjoy, or anything similar, that I could get my hands on until I became a bit more discriminating. I genuinely felt like I'd discovered something nobody else (or very few people) knew about. I can't imagine getting that excited about music now.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    True story - I've always been pretty smart, and pretty well informed and whatnot, so in 1981 I was all about Bobby Sands and the H-Block prisoners. I did a "Current Events" report on the whole situation for my class (got some strange looks from the teachers, you know the kind that get's you moved to the "special class.") ANYWAY, in 1981, I NEEDED Atari. I mean, I never needed anything else in my life like I needed Atari. So, using Bobby Sands and the Maze Prizoners as a model, I went on a hunger strike until I got my Atari. My mom couldn't say anything to me, I was committed to it in mind, body and spirit.

    I lasted until maybe 7:45pm. But I eventually did get the Atari. Played "Combat" and "Adventure" like a motherfucker.
    The Bizarre

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Yo, on 321 contact, what was the name of the "kid detectives?"


    Remember the RED HAND GANG?

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Chief Jay Strongbow

    I saw this dude cashing a check in North Miami, FL circa 1990.
    He was amazed I knew who he was and told me (after I asked him) that "Little Beaver is doing fine in South Carolina."

    When I first moved to Brooklyn I was in line at the bank, right behind this dude who looked mad familiar. After he left the counter I realized it was Dana Dane.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    the tv show "that's incredible"

    busting my first nut and running into the bathroom to see what the hell was going on

    glacier & ferrari sunglasses

    brigantine castle (jersey heads)

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    I can STILL sing that shit by heart!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts

    That game had a pretty intricate story line. Lots of twists and turns.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    the tv show "that's incredible"

    busting my first nut and running into the bathroom to see what the hell was going on

    glacier & ferrari sunglasses

    brigantine castle (jersey heads)


    PrimeCutsLTD, keep on with the Philly references.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    True story - I've always been pretty smart, and pretty well informed and whatnot, so in 1981 I was all about Bobby Sands and the H-Block prisoners. I did a "Current Events" report on the whole situation for my class (got some strange looks from the teachers, you know the kind that get's you moved to the "special class.") ANYWAY, in 1981, I NEEDED Atari. I mean, I never needed anything else in my life like I needed Atari. So, using Bobby Sands and the Maze Prizoners as a model, I went on a hunger strike until I got my Atari. My mom couldn't say anything to me, I was committed to it in mind, body and spirit.

    I lasted until maybe 7:45pm. But I eventually did get the Atari. Played "Combat" and "Adventure" like a motherfucker.

    No "dirty protests", I hope.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    Yo, on 321 contact, what was the name of the "kid detectives?"

    wasn't that the Bloodhound Gang?

  • busting my first nut and running into the bathroom to see what the hell was going on

    i thought i had cancer; so i went home the next day to do it again.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    3 Finger Rings

    Lines shaved into yo head (Tho, Vanilla Ice made is wack quick)
    Gumby haircut


    pyramid mixers

    Troop suits & Travel fox shoes

    When it was alright to get down with ur badself at the club.

    Scott La Rock Lives

    When 99.9% of parents didn't know what hip hop was.

  • the wolfman used to live under my bed.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    Please feel free to add on...

    Shoeboxes full of floppy disk beats.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    Yo, on 321 contact, what was the name of the "kid detectives?"

    wasn't that the Bloodhound Gang?

    sorry, i was late on that.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The Flip Wilson Show
    Captain & Tenille
    Donny & Marie
    007 knives
    Jesus Medallions
    British Walkers
    Sewed in creases in your LEES
    Iron-Ons in the sunday paper
    Regular - ass squirt guns
    Slime/Slime worms
    Candy cigarettes
    Jawbreakers - that made you spit different colors
    When a Big Mac was a big step up for you.
    Smoking in the theatre & the subway
    Spontaneous Beatbox battles
    Designer Jeans in the Hood on a Ghetto Booty
    When Gold Hoops first came out
    Triple Socks or even more than that
    Ironing Fat Laces
    Toothbrush for your kicks
    White shoe Polish
    Forty Duece
    Big ass cardboard cutout LP promos
    Long ass cardboard CD Cases
    When other adults could lay a hand on you

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    the tv show "that's incredible"

    busting my first nut and running into the bathroom to see what the hell was going on

    glacier & ferrari sunglasses

    brigantine castle (jersey heads)


    PrimeCutsLTD, keep on with the Philly references.

    shit I'm running out

    how about mr tickle (head shops in the mall!!!!)
    iron ons
    the VET (greg luzinski & bake mcbride related)
    christmas light show in gimbels?
    the heart at the franklin institue
    wearing striped tube socks up to my knee
    slow dancing to stairway to heaven at school dances and continuing to slow dance when the song rocks out....

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    Shoeboxes full of floppy disk beats.

    Still a reality for me.
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