Interracial dating done changed!

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central opinion essay from the Stanford daily newspaper is crazy when compared to how this dialogue used to run back when I was an underground. Then it was, "how come we can't date across the color line" (as Asian dudes). Now we got White women complaining that we're not giving them enough love?! Fuck has this world come to?
What???s Race Got to Do with It?The older I get, the harder it is to date across the color line.BY camille rickettsDining out at the Six Chilis Caf??, Chaynor and I sat side by side, across from our best friends, Mark and Jie???another interracial couple. When two unsolicited forks arrived with our Mongolian beef, I knew one was for me and one for Mark, the other Caucasian. I could tell the waitress assumed Mark and I were dating, so I planted a kiss on Chaynor???s cheek, noting the surprise of many Asian patrons. Their response was nothing new.Born and raised in a predominantly Asian community in the Bay Area, I have dated only Chinese men, and each of my four relationships drew the same stares. I???m commonly branded a ???rice chaser??? and accused of having an ???Asian fetish,??? labels that???even though I???ve learned to laugh them off???prompt a sinking feeling in my stomach. But in spite of every discouragement, I know the reality: my heart beats fast when I pass an attractive Asian man on the Quad, I can listen to a boyfriend speak Mandarin for hours, and since age 12, when I???ve pictured the man of my dreams, he???s been Asian.A week into seventh grade, a cute kid named Derek Chu folded me a paper crane. Our torrid romance lasted six months and basically consisted of holding hands. At the time, race meant little more than liking different food.Now, however, the interracial dating game isn???t as simple. Upon arriving at Stanford, I was stunned by the relative isolation of the Asian community. They had their own organizations, clubs, sororities, parties and dances. Before college, my best friends, boyfriends and boss were Chinese, but none of us had dwelled on race. For the first time, I felt a widening divide.At Stanford, I have heard both Caucasian and Asian people contend that American culture does not view Asian men as sexually attractive. Ironically, I found myself feeling undesirable as more of the young Chinese men I encountered confessed they were only interested in dating Chinese women, that white women didn???t fit their standard of beauty. I wonder who is more shortsighted???these men for rejecting me on the basis of skin color, or me for automatically discounting white men. Self-imposed segregation isn???t the only obstacle to interracial dating. I remember Chaynor telling me about the time his parents asked if his girlfriend was white. When he nodded, he saw sadness spread over his mother???s face. When he added that I went to Stanford, his father responded, ???Well, that???s something.??? I made a point of wearing my Stanford sweatshirt when I first met them, almost as compensation for my whiteness. Sitting around the dining room table with his family???including his 12-year-old sister, who twice asked me for my last name???I tried to show off my refined chopstick skills and limited knowledge of Mandarin. At one point, Chaynor???s father asked me if I knew anything about Hunan province, and I was stumped. More than that, it felt like there was no place for me in Chaynor???s future, that I would always make his life more complicated than it had to be.As difficult as that was, my boyfriends have had to submit to my dad???s quizzes about the infield-fly rule to prove they weren???t athletically inept. While my parents have tried to be accepting, they???ve said they don???t know how to talk to my Chinese boyfriends, as if they really don???t speak the same language.When Chaynor and I broke up, we agreed we didn???t have enough in common to make it work. In truth, we knew our relationship had been a casualty of parental expectations.My Chinese friends will be the first to say that I???m just as Chinese as they are???I was even invited to rush Alpha Kappa Delta Phi, Stanford???s Asian sorority. But recently I???ve found myself drawn to Asian men who pride themselves on being more American than Chinese. Maybe I???ve given up trying to fit impossible cultural ideals. I wonder whether I???ll eventually decide to date Caucasians???and if this will necessarily mean I???ve surrendered.Either way, I???m glad I???ve had the chance to live and love on the fine line of racial difference. It has allowed me to grow into myself, learn about others and recognize the traits I desire in a potential partner. I???ve had the chance to appreciate the tremendous influence of culture, even as I struggled against it. And when a waiter brings me a fork, I still pick up the chopsticks.CAMILLE RICKETTS, ???06, is a history major from Fremont, Calif.


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Dining out at the Six Chilis Caf??, Chaynor and I sat side by side,

    I love to be on a first-name basis with the ex-boyfriends of my college newspaper columnists.

    At one point, Chaynor???s father asked me if I knew anything about Hunan province, and I was stumped.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    I???m commonly branded a ???rice chaser??? and accused of having an ???Asian fetish.

    my heart beats fast when I pass an attractive Asian man on the Quad, I can listen to a boyfriend speak Mandarin for hours, and since age 12, when I???ve pictured the man of my dreams, he???s been Asian.

    This sounds like a fetish. If it was a guy who wrote this, people would be like "he's a perv" or some ish.

  • i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

  • i think it has less to do with the fact that she is white and more to do with the fact that she is BUUUUUSTED!!!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

    You probably live in NYC then.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Whats rice got to do with it?

  • I love how her version of the color line doesn't seem to mention the black men. Clearly there's more than a few brothers that might want to slide up in her ziggy buttocks....

    her forehead is Herman Musteresque

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

    You probably live in NYC with Kingmost then.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Quote of the day #1
    Clearly there's more than a few brothers that might want to slide up in her ziggy buttocks....

    and #2
    her forehead is Herman Musteresque

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with her "Designing Woman"-era Delta Burk fits.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

    You probably live in NYC then.

    I see plently of Asian sistas w/ Caucasoid cats.

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts
    In terms of clowndom, this is like "Tyra from Saigon: Part Deux"


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

    her face is Herman Musteresque

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts
    Caucasoid cats.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

    You probably live in NYC then.

    I see plently of Asian sistas w/ Caucasoid cats.

    Then you probably live in America.

    Why are you confused? I'm merely saying that in NYC, you see a lot of WM/AW but you see very few AM/WW unlike out in Cali.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    i'm asian and my girlfriend's white. all of my friends are white too.

    am i ?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.
    You probably live in NYC then.

    I see plently of Asian sistas w/ Caucasoid cats.
    Then you probably live in America.

    Why are you confused? I'm merely saying that in NYC, you see a lot of WM/AW but you see very few AM/WW unlike out in Cali.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,900 Posts
    i almost never see white girls with asian dudes, which is interesting, cause almost all of my white guy friends are into asian women.

    Not around here... The Uni I work at is pretty close to being 50% asian. Lots of gurls of different races with asian guys.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i'm asian and my girlfriend's white. all of my friends are white too.

    am i ?


    Either that a self-hatteur.

    Don't you live in the Bay Area? I mean, if you were living out in central Ohio I'd understand but you're in Berkeley. Last time I checked, we ran that shit.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Dining out at the Six Chilis Caf??, Chaynor and I sat side by side,

    I love to be on a first-name basis with the ex-boyfriends of my college newspaper columnists.

    At one point, Chaynor???s father asked me if I knew anything about Hunan province, and I was stumped.

    I didn't know Chaynor was a Chinese name. I thought that shit was hindoo or somethin'.

  • i'm asian and my girlfriend's white. all of my friends are white too.

    am i ?

    and u live in philly? am i wrong, or are you in the extreme minority.

    i'm not exactly the census beurau, but i can't remember the last time i saw an asian guy holding hands with a white girl. although...working a block from chinatown might disqualify me from making a reasonable conclusion.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i'm not exactly the census beurau, but i can't remember the last time i saw an asian guy holding hands with a white girl.

    We keep our forbidden love strictly underground, keep the crossover.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    i'm asian and my girlfriend's white. all of my friends are white too.

    am i ?


    Either that a self-hatteur.

    Don't you live in the Bay Area? I mean, if you were living out in central Ohio I'd understand but you're in Berkeley. Last time I checked, we ran that shit.

    yeah i'm from the bay area, just moved to philly though. i can't explain it. a lot of my friends are jews too. i rowed on the crew team in high school which is straight up whiteboy land. i guess i got a couple of asian friends, but by and large i've only connected with the white man.

    i guess i'm just a

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts

    i'm not exactly the census beurau, but i can't remember the last time i saw an asian guy holding hands with a white girl. although...working a block from chinatown might disqualify me from making a reasonable conclusion.

    you're right. i rarely see asian guys with white women too. it's so rare in fact that i make mental notes when i do see it.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    a lot of my friends are jews too.

    i rowed on the crew team in high school which is straight up whiteboy land.

    Actually, I wouldn't normally think that fact 1 would be related to fact 2 but I guess I always thought that crew was as WASP as it got short of lacrosse or field hockey.

    But Jews + Asians go together like mah jong tiles. At least, that's what Jewish men always say when they're trying to holler at AZN women. Something about both having high educational values and crazy mothers.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    i'm asian and my girlfriend's white. all of my friends are white too.

    am i ?


    Either that a self-hatteur.

    Don't you live in the Bay Area? I mean, if you were living out in central Ohio I'd understand but you're in Berkeley. Last time I checked, we ran that shit.

    yeah i'm from the bay area, just moved to philly though. i can't explain it. a lot of my friends are jews too. i rowed on the crew team in high school which is straight up whiteboy land. i guess i got a couple of asian friends, but by and large i've only connected with the white man.

    i guess i'm just a
    Also, you're tall, so that defeats the asians being below avarage height stereotype. You're just defying convention Maru, while I continue the trend of white minority colonialization.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    But Jews + Asians go together like mah jong tiles. At least, that's what Jewish men always say when they're trying to holler at AZN women. Something about both having high educational values and crazy mothers.

    It might have to do with the Jewish love of Chinese food. Have you ever heard Jackie Mason's routine about this subject? You'll plotz.

  • her forehead is Herman Musteresque

    forehead? schitt, she's got a fivehead.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    her forehead is Herman Musteresque

    forehead? schitt, she's got a fivehead.

    x 1000

    The internet is a dangerous thing.

  • But Jews + Asians go together like mah jong tiles. At least, that's what Jewish men always say when they're trying to holler at AZN women. Something about both having high educational values and crazy mothers.

    It might have to do with the Jewish love of Chinese food. Have you ever heard Jackie Mason's routine about this subject? You'll plotz.

    ha, i haven't , but as a jew who knows a lot of other jews, i'd guess that sunday night chinese food is about as common as matzah on passover.
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