Soul Strut needs a booster rocket



  • dude I cut down on my bullshit posts months ago and this site is running at least as slow as it ever has

    I wanted to (to have an issue agreement with )you when i read this earlier but then I stopped and considered
    how ridiculous that would be. I would be both a)clogging the server, b)making a bullshit post all the while attesting that I dont do either of these.
    After consideration, I decided to post my cosine because really I can't wrapp my head around how self-relexive this is and Im not sure what it is Im actually doing. Am I acting within my framework and the framework that you set up at the same time if I decide to post this? Arent I sort of mocking the spirit of your post? Thats assuming you meant what you said, and I cant assume that by any means.

    So here goes:

    Dont blame me if the universe suddenly collapses on itself.

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