PC crashed after I wrote a long message... never mind:I've just spoke to Kev on the phone and he says he's extremely sorry about all this and that he still has everyone's records that is owed and that they will get them soon. The theories are right in that he had some issues in his personal life that knocked the wind out his sails (sales?) ahem but I hope for him that he's on the up.His computer still won't let him access this site but he says he will try and get on at by other means to try and explain what exactly has happened which he will do in due course.He apologised to me and vice versa and I'm glad we sorted this amicably as he sounds like a very affable chap (no homo)now I'm going off to quietly reflect.
fair play mate, seems the people who actually have cash invested in this are dealing with it better than others who don't.
Regardless, it's good to hear K is still alive (!) and hopefully things will get sorted.
Good luck K, hope you're okay.
Everyone is probably holding their breath.
I noticed that. It's ashame they don't have anything else to contribute to the board.
that'd be pretty lame behaviour for an internet messege board user.
good job i'm not one of them!
Why would it? It's hardly a resolution.
So contact was made and he promised to return the records/money--what would you expect him to say? "Yes, I've got your money, and, no, you're not getting your records"?
that is true.
vj- as predicted, you moved, and i have a grip of your records and cds. i'll be down to D( in oct. maybe we can meet up?
I'm cutting my losses.
My real concern now is for the health of Kevin.
bring it, M*tt
I wanna smell the beef, yadadamean????
why do I always have to take the hits for you fucker's entertainment?
allow me to add some real flavor
Dear Kevin,
I know that going through ssexual reassignment surgery can be a trying time for any record dealer. I hope that once you come out of this you are much perkier and happier than you've ever been. I can remember our first talks about going through the change, I knew you were shy about it, but she was yearning to come out and I'm glad you let her. those bicylcle rides will be much more pleasurable now, Banana seats are truly going to make the Raggae journeys much more pleasurable.
Call me if you're lonely
did I miss an addition to the soulstrut lexicon?
I think you and I are both on the cutting edge
You are turning out just like your father, my son.
I'll go back to piping down
Now that's a post I'm feeling.