45 storage for cheap
623 Posts
I was never into 45s before but I'm starting to collect them now. I think it's the soulstrut effect. What's good for storage? I'm not a dj so I don't need some carpeted heavy duty case, more like found objects from around the house or a common vintage boxy thing.I'm sure this has been discussed before, but not in the last 3 months.
sierra nevada (or lots of other beer) 12 pack boxes are good. you want the thick corrugated boxes, not the flimsy ones. like the corona boxes which aren't as sturdy.
I'm not really going out of my way to collect these 45 cases, but they keep accumulating. Bought a couple at the flea market this week for a couple bucks a piece (note shameless flossing of The Trinikas)
IKEA was selling these for a while for a few dollars (not sure if they still have them). They hold a lot of 45s and are easy to flip through but not sturdy at all, so transporting them is not an option. But great for home use.
First time I came to DJ at the bar carrying my fo-fives in a Blue Moon box the doorman stopped me...
Corona boxes used to be heavier and not have that flip-top lid, they're no longer an option
If that can give ideas to some...
That's how 45s are stored at home. I would have liked to make this storage in wood by myself but no time, no money... I'm fed up with cardbroad and I'll manage sooner or later to give a better look to my living-room. Because of this storage it has definitely
BUT... What's intersting here is that The crates under my turntables are long, I can store so much 45s in here! Above the turntables are some 45s for sale / trade and smaller crates (where I put my favourite selections).
Hasn't someone come up with some sort or shelving or non-carboard solution?
These are dope. I am definitely checking for them but I need something in the meantime.
I will probably go the cardboard route for now and get my decoupage on so my living room doesn't look like a liquor store.