how do you open your dj set?

so i was just thinking about how whenever you start a dj night, you are setting a mood and vibe, not only testing out the crowd and the equipment out but setting a foundation to build on for the rest of the night. what songs do you like to start out with?a couple of mine are Bambaata "Jazzy Sensation" and Harlequin 4's or Strafe "Set it Off".
i too love busting out the seasonal jams. Shirley Lites "Heat you up", Vicky Sue Robinson "hot summer nights"...even the crazy 12" mix of Power Station "some like it hot". and of course bananarama "cruel summer".
and dude...the third song i played the other night was the "strawberry letter 23" 12"! which led into Barry White's "it's ecstasy when you lay down next to me".
very funny with the coldplay johnny
Comedy! Microwave d.j. lol
I like to start off with some Betty Wright "clean up woman" or "tonight is the night".
I LOVE that song, 'specially the 12" version....loud as hell!
Some "openers" that have been favourites this year from different kinds of gigs:
LR Superstars "i just can't say it"
Asso "don't stop"
Randy Brown "are you lonely?"
Lime "angel eyes" (Inst dub)
David Ruffin "slow dance"
Loui$ "pink footpath"
Nexus "stand up" (inst.)
peace, stein. . .
Truth - 'Excedrin Headache #24'
Randy Maverick - 'Pure love'
Maggie Thrett - 'Soupy'
This is not fake at all! Premier is maad fake! Beats for X-tina and Coca Cola??
listen & download @
So I did that (forgot about the mega bass drop) and then hit the crowd with "Get It Together f/Q-Tip"
worked pretty well.
(I played Jazzy Sensation & Set It Off later
Silvia Striplin-Can't Turn Me Away
Chocolate Milk- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Billy Garner-Super Duper Love
Janet, Jay Dilla and Q-Tip- Joni Mitchell jernt
Stevie- Hey Love (more of a closer these days)
Choklate- Waitin'
E-40- Hope I don't Go Back (whole damn yay blend)
The Coup- My Car Is Better Than Your Shoes
But a quick cut and paste from one of my favorite threads reveals this priceless gem from the one edpowers:
When I read the title of this thread this exact post came to mind.
that reminds me. has anyone seen someone putting cash into a jukebox while you are DJing?
The first time I did Wonderland after they got that CD Jukebox upstairs....someone was loading it up with a bill while I was setting up....I think they were pissed when I started!
yes, happens all the time at this one little bar shingaling and I DJ....there is a wall between the bar and the space where we are set up...we can come in, set up and get rolling without half the bar even seeing us, so I guess they still think the jukebox is still going while we are playing. I wonder if they get peeved that their Johnny Cash song never comes up...
Ditto. This post = classic.
Best fake account ever.