this guy
seems part james bond villain/part fabulous vampireand i think he is faking his accent.the guy who put this basket on the model's head is crazy
i like the dude from atlanta's dress of coffee filters
i also like that 1940's mother of five
in the clips they show bitchy michael kors ask "are you a virgo??" and she replies, "no, i'm an architect". i like her she is cool as a cucumber

I'm glad Vincent didn't get bounced even though it's sort of clear he's fucking crazy.
I hope punk dude learns to chill with the attitude because I think he'd be an interesting guy to keep around. Just not for too long.
Fake British accent guy is entertaining but he's begging for a beatdown sooner or later.
I also like former-Mattel-designer. Even if he brings his own pillow on trips with him.
YES!!! This dude's laugh is so out of hand
Accent is totally fake
Yes I really like this guy he is completely gone. Burned out and missing like half his nose from all the coke. I was so happy he didn't get sent home, so far the most entertaining
Despite initially thinking she was a man I am down with her non sweatpants lifestyle and she seems to know what she's doing.
That LA guy with the neck tat is super annoying and ghey, the guy that won is an ass hat, and the Black dude from ATL is good.
That chelsea muscle queen dude is talented but I predict will be totally lame.
yeah i agree. during the auditions chloe was the only one pulling for him, but he proved that he has no only the technical ability but the innovation.
fake british accent guy's laugh is calculated too. seriously who cackles? this guy is covered in bourgouis affectations, i can't wait for him to fight with someone he deems classless.
He's like sommalier dude from Top Chef, just times infinity.
Wow! Now I have to check this out.
serge gainsbourg's long lost son...
no cable,
i thought his garment was sloppy, but the first challenge was pretty difficult since they had use only items from their apartment. his bio video was pretty awesome and the clothes and sketches in his portfolio were cute and looked like stuff i would want to wear.
sorry mike, i don't remember katherine's too much.
I can't believe crazy hat dude didn't get eliminated, but I'm glad he's still around because he is wacko.
What about tattooed neck guy? Ultimate NAGL.
I'm so excited for this shit.
Fake English nobleman? Check.
Hot ATL stylish black dude? Check.
Self-obsessed gay man? Check.
Cute blond chick? Check.
Refined mother of five? Check.
Possibly hetero tattoo guy who thinks he's all that? Check.
and Tim Gunn!!!!!
carry on....
they both turned out some ill shit yesterday along with that barbie guy and the guy that won the challenge. i don't know if the guy that won the challenge will be able to keep up. that was the first dress he ever made, i don't think he has enough experience to get through all the challenges in the long run.
edit: mdd is deader than dead today.
Can't post on the internet with your DJ hands chopped off...
no internets? eztv
just started downloading myself. had no idea the new season started. shouldnt have read this thread. what a spoiler orgy!
hell yeah! those SI swimsuit editions she did helped me through my early teenage years! Seal is one lucky bastard.
Anyways, the Mattell guy, the coffee filter dude, and the German woman that did the silver dress w/ green beads (?) were my favorites last night.
I am liking Robert. His dress was super cute.
The saddest cut ever! The story of his mom throwing his sketches on the floor, about never having friends, having to say good-bye all his life...
Dress was ugly though.
Dude, that story was as fake as his accent. It was the most cliched "my family didn't support my art" story I've ever heard. Definitely didn't happen. I didn't believe a word of it.
Great show though, this season is shaping up to be a winner!
"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, RIGHT NOW."
what about the vincent/angela beef? i hated angela's bio video by the way where she was talking about her garments getting mistaken for yves saint laurent. he is crazy and melodramatic for sure ("this was the nightmare of my life"), but i thought the dress would have been fine sans the star trek shoulders.
Vincent is so great. He's totally loose.