Blues~Psych~Soul Suggestions

I don't have that good of a feel for how deep this sub-genre is, because I'm pretty brand new to the blues in the first place. All I know is that I've really been feeling that Don Covay "House of Blue Lights," similar feel to the Black Merda and Electric Mud, but what else is out there that sounds like this?Any suggestions?
Have you checked The Howling Wolf Album?
And while it isn't a great record, this one fits the bill:
major co-sign.
Stay away from anything white people too.
Not to be nitpicky, but that Don Covay album sounds pretty rootsy and down-home to me - I hear nothing particuarly psych-y or Electric Muddish about it...although it is good, don't get me wrong.
(And we've seen blues artists making soul records, but the Covay is one of the FEW, if not the ONLY instance I can think of where a SOUL guy makes a DELTA BLUES album...)
EDIT: since the tone of this thread seems to be blues guys making psych records (I was confused by the references to Black Merda, Funkadelic and Flaming Ember, who I don't really consider blues), I'll recommend:
- Fenton Robinson, Monday Morning Blues & Boogie
- Lowell Fulson, In A Heavy Bag
- Lightnin' Hopkins, The Great Electric Show & Dance
and a surprising Chicago single from the 80's:
- the Lord Of Lightning, "Woke Up This Morning" b/w "I Want To Show You" on the Shandu label
Gangsters of Love - S/T
Chambers Brothers - New Generation
Oh yea - this is a great great record:
That's my hand goin' up. Wanna start another thread to talk about the real, non-psych stuff? Just last week I bought a Slim Harpo live CD (recorded in 1961)...that Excello Records swamp blues thing is the authentic sound, right there...
Sure, but like I said, a lot of the blues any deeper or more obscure than King, Waters, and Bland is new to me. I've just heard a couple things that have caught my ear recently and have tried to find an "in" with the genre until I'm ready to jump in head first. But it might be easier if I just get pushed in!
drink milk fool
That Don Covay album you like so much may be a start. Even though he's a soul man, that House Of Blue Lights album is mostly straight-ahead blues, with hardly any psychy-rocky overtones (although a song or two, like the weird "Homemade Love," is in his familiar soul bag).
what about mel brown? he did a bit of genre bending, no?
Thanks to those responsible for putting that mix together, if you're reading this.
Is the rest of this album worth tracking down?
I heart this album so much. When The Evening Comes never stops melting my face.