the curse/blessing of your own music room/studio
1,374 Posts
I've had both my own room and a large place in the main room. Personally I miss the days when all my stuff was out in the main room. I could play stuff for people in the comfort of my living room and have it turn into an impromptu dance party or scratch circle jerk. Or I could just be hagning out, reading the paper or something, and start noodling with a beat I had on my sampler. Having your own music room is weird. It can feel like a chore sometimes to go in there, even just to listen to some tunes. Its so secluded. But, i can also close the door and work on something uninterrupted for several hours at a time. Or blast some free jazz and make weird faces and gestures without embarassment. a curse or a blessing, discuss...
damn, good luck mang. a living room tt is mandatory.
Thanks I need all the luck I can get, this home buying shit is crazy. I won't believe I have a house untill I have a deed in my hand and all of my shit moved in.
I was going to give up my room for my wife pregnant cousin but she stayed in Long Island... !
Not anymore, Richmond VA. If I were in philly there is no way I could afford a house.
My ultimate goal is to have my living room wired for surround sound (it is, actually, just need a receiver still), and my studio running a line out to my receiver so I can play whatever I want from my studio setup in either room (for guests or just to expand my sound perspective on what i'm mixing). It's really not that far off, I just need some really long RCA cables and a receiver.
When I buy a place I'm definitely gonna hook up some next level "wired for sound" shit in whatever I buy. Run the wires through the ceiling instead of the edge of the carpet, mount the speakers properly, maybe even run the speaker wires through the walls if possible. Add projector to surround sound living room to get the ULTIMATE CONDO MOVIE AND MUSIC ROOM aka burnout-stoner room. can't wait.
i wish, and i'm sure Man wishes too, that i could have my own room for all my stuff where i could close the door, muffle the sound, filter the hash smoke and disappear into now and then.
there's a coach-house out back that the landlord still uses. if his things ever get moved out of there - i will have my very own clubhouse!