Salt 45 predictions



  • There are plenty of us on this site that have the financial resources to win that copy, but who recognize that there are a lot of cheaper and better records on which to spend the money.

    Take that shit to the macho music thread, son!!!

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    "Hung up" is a true masterpiece and a classic! just like Mozart's "Magic Flute"

    i can agree with this as well.

  • NEWSFLASH: some folks aren't into funk.

    ok, let me rephrase that last part:

    "i highly doubt anybody who was into funk[/b] that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it... "

    True, although I'm dying to get rid of any record that I'm not absolutely in love with. I like to keep my collectron small and full of stuff I can't live without.

    Value doesn't really enter into the equation, if the record doesn't do it for me it's out the door.

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    I like to keep my collectron small and full of stuff I can't live without.

    Value doesn't really enter into the equation, if the record doesn't do it for me it's out the door.

    i couldn't agree more!!!

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    although-my want list is full of $$$ records.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I heard JP's store is fucking off the hook too.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    JP's store is like his statement... not the biggest, but lots of shit you won't see again somewhere else. personally, that salt song is good, but if money wasn't a factor, i'd trade it for a juggy murray "oily" 45.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    yeah for real, i dont get it...this track is probably something youd be freaking out about if you discovered it, same with that invaders lp, yet everybody and their best friend is like..."above" it.

    Its not that anyone is "above" it. After all, it is only MUSIC we're talking about here. Its just that music-wise, its not that hot. Not considering rarity and mystique, quality wise this should be a 5 dollar 45. This is strictly a collector's piece. Allow me to illustrate the difference...

    Worth $1600+:

    Not worth 1600+:

    but to each their own, right?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Christ, I can't believe all the bickering that's going on over a fucking 45.

    Personally, I like Salt 45 but like most, I wouldn't mortgage my house for it or anything.

    I would love to hear Dante break down the history of the song more though.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Christ, I can't believe all the bickering that's going on over a fucking 45.

    Are you new to SoulStrut? I could've sworn a guy named "ODub" had been posting here for awhile... maybe that other guy spelled his screen name with an underscore or something.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    Anyone who owns the Salt 45, can you just record in the break for me and email it?

    thanks, that would be great.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Christ, I can't believe all the bickering that's going on over a fucking 45.

    Are you new to SoulStrut? I could've sworn a guy named "ODub" had been posting here for awhile... maybe that other guy spelled his screen name with an underscore or something.

    I'm just saying, this thread is bringing out some of the lamest dissing I've seen in a while. It's not even up to the "fuck free jazz" status.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I went back & listened to it off - sounds pretty good to me.

    it's funk though, and most funk is boring & repetitive( I say this as a funk fan mind you).

    lord have mercy upon anyone between me & my computer if I turned up a copy though - they would get plowed over in my rush to convert it to liquid assets.


  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Copy of this sold privately for around $3,000 earlier this year.

    Hifidelics and Arthur Monday have never "consistently" sold for $2,000. No funk 45 has, to my knowledge. There just isn't enough of a 'scene' to push demand up enough to keep prices that high.

    The Salt 45 is great IMO. That said, I'd definitely sell it if I found a copy, if only for the fact that you can't dance to it. Fuck the break, it's the organ that makes the 45. The drums are super tough though. Plenty of 45's I'd rather have...not including the Universouls 45, which is vastly overrated IMO.

    And, yes, Salt was a white garage group. There are a few other pieces of information regarding this 45 that aren't generally known...and it will stay that way

  • But, guys, it's been, like,'s #1 45 on the "top ten" for like three years[/b] must be worth thousands...right? RIGHT??

    And Trespasser's been number 3 for about that long. Much as I like it, it's a bit of a floor-clearer.

    I might have agreed but one of the dudes (keb/dante/josh) droped it on this years Deep Funk Japan tour.
    The floor was ram a jam jam if I remember right.

  • TSGTSG 274 Posts
    [If not, ask for a burned copy for $1500.]


  • the Universouls 45, which is vastly overrated IMO.

    I never pegged you for a dude that smokes CRACK.
    Are those graduate applications going to your head or what?
    Universouls is about as good as it gets.

    And Parkz...neither I nor Josh or Keb played Bad Medicine in Japan.
    Bad Medicine is, in fact, bad medicine for a dancefloor.
    Salt was played though, and I endured the parts between the break with chagrin.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    the Universouls 45, which is vastly overrated IMO.

    I never pegged you for a dude that smokes CRACK.
    Are those graduate applications going to your head or what?
    Universouls is about as good as it gets.

    Okay, I'm listening to this song right now. All the components are there: good vocals, nice horn section, solid bass, tough-as-nails drums. It's a great song, just a little too clean for me, if that makes any sense. I'd take Nature's Time or Everyday People over it anyday

    Now, where'd I put that pipe?

  • Cool tune but hardly the funkiest 45 to come out of New Orleans. Expensive because it's raer, period.

  • And Parkz...neither I nor Josh or Keb played Bad Medicine in Japan.
    Bad Medicine is, in fact, bad medicine for a dancefloor.
    Salt was played though, and I endured the parts between the break with chagrin.

    My bad then.
    I did drink rather a lot that night

    Maybe the warm up guy played it?

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    And, yes, Salt was a white garage group.

    is that confirmed? For sure? eg. have they been found, spoken to, etc.? Because I heard something very different.

    An aquaintance in NO has met a few people who remember the band, and describe them as such. But you never know...

  • the Universouls 45, which is vastly overrated IMO.

    I never pegged you for a dude that smokes CRACK.
    Are those graduate applications going to your head or what?
    Universouls is about as good as it gets.

    And Parkz...neither I nor Josh or Keb played Bad Medicine in Japan.
    Bad Medicine is, in fact, bad medicine for a dancefloor.
    Salt was played though, and I endured the parts between the break with chagrin.

    I don't know what Oliver's talking about, this is the best discussion on this board right now.

  • Every other release I have seen on Choctaw is a country record.
    Levee Music BMI is Cosimo Matassa's publishing company.
    Calling yourself SALT kinda pigeonholes you as a particular color.
    I mean you don't see raw Black groups calling themselves the White Sunshine or the Mighty Pale Pistols Band.
    One listen to "I Can't Believe" also points towards all things honky.

    This is, of course, all conjecture, as to the best of my knowledge no one has found the band.

    The weirdest thing is that the 45 was manufactured at Mastercraft in Memphis.
    There were myraid pressing facilities in New Orleans, so I have a sneaking suspicion that band hailed from northern Louisiana, recorded at Matassa's, and pressed the record closer to their homebase.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Bad Medicine is, in fact, bad medicine for a dancefloor.

    interesting that this group gets brought up in a melanin-related discussion...


  • Agent45Agent45 451 Posts
    The weirdest thing is that the 45 was manufactured at Mastercraft in Memphis.

    That would explain why the Funk 45s book (the Japanese one, not the Lexicon) puts the Salt 45 in the Tennessee section, on the same page as the O'Jah's (who were from South Carolina).

  • Cool tune but hardly the funkiest 45 to come out of New Orleans. Expensive because it's raer, period.

    Co-sign. I can't believe this thread made it past one page.

  • That thing is chock full of misinterpreted locales.
    Good book, but very erroneous.

  • Every other release I have seen on Choctaw is a country record.

    I believe Warren Lee's last 45 was on Choctaw (not 100% sure if it's the same label, but it seems likely). Anyone know for sure (Dante??)

  • ayoayo 44 Posts
    ive always thought this was a banger. i dont see how anyone could think otherwise.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i have seen the Universals-new generation on expression. Does anyone know which is the first pressing?
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