Salt 45 predictions



  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    But, guys, it's been, like,'s #1 45 on the "top ten" for like three years[/b] must be worth thousands...right? RIGHT??

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    But, guys, it's been, like,'s #1 45 on the "top ten" for like three years[/b] must be worth thousands...right? RIGHT??

    And Trespasser's been number 3 for about that long. Much as I like it, it's a bit of a floor-clearer.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Yeah, that was kinda my point. That "top ten" doesn't seem to have ever changed since the first time I looked at that site...

    Trespasser is dope mixtape material, but I would imagine pretty useless for the dance floor.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    who wants to bet it goes for over $6000? i'll take serious bets... but i'd rather hear that monster madness shit.

  • Salt is dope mixtape material, but I would imagine pretty useless for the dance floor.

  • Prediciton - not worth the amount paid. Ridorkulous.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    shoot... i was outbid at $1375.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i think i still know your ebay password.

  • BeaverBeaver 164 Posts
    I guess $4500. Peace, Mole

    I've seen it on lists in the $1,500 range, so that's a stretch.

    you've seen it on lists ?! jesus is that gods list to jesus or something ?

    are n't there like 8 copies in existance ?

    I know who a guy who had 4 copies, owns a rather large record shop/label in Berwick Street that put out some nice studio one compilations, 2 of the copies went to Jazzman, the other 2? I would guess he still has them

    Oh and for the record, I think it's a lame pile of shit

  • if 500 copies turned up, cool, i'd hope to have one...otherwise, i aint got no problem listening to it on SATURDY NIGHT FISHFRY. i bet it'll beat out whatever the aurthur monday went for...
    if i had 6000 to spend on a 45, it wouldnt be would be a grip of dope shit, not SALT

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    i love this song and would definitely be willing to drop serious money on this 45.

    im such a rebel

  • schoggischoggi 298 Posts

    ... hmm, photoshop or not?

    one or two years ago a copy of SALT went for ??1000 on ebay! nice & heavy tune but there are better ones out there (imo)...

    "get down brother" to name only one...


  • Yahoo ain't no ePeek!

    what is epeek ?

  • don't tell me the first time you heard this 45 you weren't taking dumps in your pants. i personally would drop a few Gs if i had the money.

  • don't tell me the first time you heard this 45 you weren't taking dumps in your pants. i personally would drop a few Gs if i had the money.

    Not everyone has an ongoing love affair with tepid funk like you do, dave.

    i could care less about the record and if i were so lucky as to get a copy you'd see it for sale within mere HOURS

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    yeah, this track is lame. nice break, but super boring after that

  • don't tell me the first time you heard this 45 you weren't taking dumps in your pants. i personally would drop a few Gs if i had the money.

    Not everyone has an ongoing love affair with tepid funk like you do, dave.

    i could care less about the record and if i were so lucky as to get a copy you'd see it for sale within mere HOURS

    the hatter has spoken.

    tepid huh ? what the fuck do you know about what I like and don't like?

  • don't tell me the first time you heard this 45 you weren't taking dumps in your pants. i personally would drop a few Gs if i had the money.

    Not everyone has an ongoing love affair with tepid funk like you do, dave.

    i could care less about the record and if i were so lucky as to get a copy you'd see it for sale within mere HOURS

    the hatter has spoken.

    tepid huh ? what the fuck do you know about what I like and don't like?

    Just based on the records you express love for here, many of which I would call "tepid funk"

  • don't tell me the first time you heard this 45 you weren't taking dumps in your pants. i personally would drop a few Gs if i had the money.

    Not everyone has an ongoing love affair with tepid funk like you do, dave.

    i could care less about the record and if i were so lucky as to get a copy you'd see it for sale within mere HOURS

    the hatter has spoken.

    tepid huh ? what the fuck do you know about what I like and don't like?

    Just based on the records you express love for here, many of which I would call "tepid funk"

    like what ?

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    yeah for real, i dont get it...this track is probably something youd be freaking out about if you discovered it, same with that invaders lp, yet everybody and their best friend is like..."above" it.

    is this your away of getting over the fact that youll never ever ever EVER get a copy of these records? i mean if you genuinely dont like the stuff then fine, but it seems like everybody is doing a mighty fine job of overexaggerating how "terrible" this record is.

    i highly doubt anybody that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it...

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    i'm with ako on this one.

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    I'd get rid of any record if I could get at least $300 for it.

  • yeah for real, i dont get it...this track is probably something youd be freaking out about if you discovered it, same with that invaders lp, yet everybody and their best friend is like..."above" it.

    is this your away of getting over the fact that youll never ever ever EVER get a copy of these records? i mean if you genuinely dont like the stuff then fine, but it seems like everybody is doing a mighty fine job of overexaggerating how "terrible" this record is.

    i highly doubt anybody that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it...

    It's not a terrible record... it's cool...

    But I SERIOUSLY have no desire to collect or obtain (other than to resell) 99% of all breaks and 75% of all funk records.

    NEWSFLASH: some folks aren't into funk.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    Salt 45 = HONKY BULLSHIT

    Was it really made by honkys? That would explain why I never really took to it either. Always seemed like it was following a formula to me. The initial drum intro and horn riff are aight, but it really doesn't hold up the energy IMO. It's OK but in the end ...

    I'd rather have 17 Humpty Dumps, so to speak.

    How's about 11 Humpty Dumps and 4 Dirty Reds?

  • yeah for real, i dont get it...this track is probably something youd be freaking out about if you discovered it, same with that invaders lp, yet everybody and their best friend is like..."above" it.

    is this your away of getting over the fact that youll never ever ever EVER get a copy of these records? i mean if you genuinely dont like the stuff then fine, but it seems like everybody is doing a mighty fine job of overexaggerating how "terrible" this record is.

    i highly doubt anybody that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it...

    Yes, I think that's just what JP is saying. That's why we're even talking about it.

    Is it an okay track? Sure. Sloppy but okay. Can I live with it on a mix CD, or reissue 45 even? Oh yes.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    is this your away of getting over the fact that youll never ever ever EVER get a copy of these records? i mean if you genuinely dont like the stuff then fine, but it seems like everybody is doing a mighty fine job of overexaggerating how "terrible" this record is.

    i highly doubt anybody that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it...

    Nobody's suggesting that the schitt is bad enough to make your eardrums bleed; only that it's not a $1500 listening experience.

    There are plenty of us on this site that have the financial resources to win that copy, but who recognize that there are a lot of cheaper and better records on which to spend the money.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    NEWSFLASH: some folks aren't into funk.

    ok, let me rephrase that last part:

    "i highly doubt anybody who was into funk[/b] that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it... "

  • akoako 3,419 Posts

    is this your away of getting over the fact that youll never ever ever EVER get a copy of these records? i mean if you genuinely dont like the stuff then fine, but it seems like everybody is doing a mighty fine job of overexaggerating how "terrible" this record is.

    i highly doubt anybody that got this record on the cheap would be DYING to get rid of it minutes later if they didnt know they could get $54398 out of it...

    Nobody's suggesting that the schitt is bad enough to make your eardrums bleed; only that it's not a $1500 listening experience.

    There are plenty of us on this site that have the financial resources to win that copy, but who recognize that there are a lot of cheaper and better records on which to spend the money.

    i can agree with this.

  • ouweeouwee 50 Posts
    "Hung up" is a true masterpiece and a classic! just like Mozart's "Magic Flute"
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