How to start a (budget) 45 collection???

Hi there!I've been collecting lps for like 16 yrs, but now that i turned 30 i feel like expanding my horizons and to explore the world of 45s a little bit. But how to start? My taste developed so much over the years that building up a collection of let??s say northern soul would bore me within a short periode of time. But should I collect all styles I feel? That would be everything related to soul, funk, latin, disco and so on and so on. I think focussing on one genre might be the wrong start for me.How did you guy get into 45s? I bought some over the years. But it??s only a bunch of 50 or something. Should I buy some lot??s. By the way money is a very big issue for me, cause i haven??t got plenty to spend. So mad, mint, superrear, private 45s are nothing i could afford. Especially because I live in Europe, Germany to be precise and 45s are not that common around here. Eventhough we got some mad freaks and serious heads here aswell. As you probably already know.Thanks,Sebastian
But from there that was really the basis of my collection.
So what am I trying to say? I dunno really, but maybe it's a good idea to buy collections or lots to start you off.
I'm not sure I'd buy collections, unless you're truly willing to listen to any style of music. I'd say go somewhere that has a varied selection of 45s, bring your player, and buy what you like.
the problem with thrifts and fleas is that you might go through a ton of singles and find nothing. but that's part of the enjoyment for me.
i have thousands of 45s--never paid over 5 bucks on any of them.
i love superrears! fo real though, thrift for 45s until you get enough scratch to start buying some higher priced records. it's fun, and you'll be surprised at what you find.
equally strange is asking people if he should/what he should listen to.
did anyone have to ask anyone, or did they just do it?
The problem is this guy lives in Germany. Now I've never been diggin there but if its anything like the UK then you won't find funk 45's in thrift shops. You may get lucky once in a while and find some soul, but i've never seen a funk 45 outside a proper record shop.
My advise would be look at what you konw already, from your Lp collection. Artists, labels, producers etc. Their maybe album cuts that you might want on 45. Use the old internet to findout if those thracks had a single release, and also check for discographies; artist and label. Chances are that if you like one release, you may like the next artist the label released a single for.
Failing that go to the funk45 site and get on ebay.
hi there,
i was thinking of taking a shit today, but i have never done that before. just pissed. should i shit today? i have heard about, but i wasnt sure if its something i should do or not. how did you guys first start taking shits?
sorry, i just woke up and am fucking with you. do what meaty said.
Someone already suggested going to and listening to 45s. Also Larry's funky16corners site has sound clips.
However if you have been buying lps for that long you should know whats worth picking up and then trade or sell it to get the 45s you want.
2- Buy a ticket to a US city
3- Fly out, spend time at record store cheap bins, fleas and thrifts. Make connections
4- Fly Home
5- Repeat
Research information online and through connections. Make lists. Eventually do trades.
If you choose not to do the above, you'll just have to fork out the cash in online auctions/set sales or in local stores.
Good luck
anyway, i recommend the listening thing that Joel wrote about. larrys funky16corners blog spot is dope and has a TON of soundclips... however a lot of those are harder to get. ebay works, gemm, and other record store sites are spots you can get decent deals on cheap 45s. you can also get up with a dealer and give him some information of tunes you like so they can give you some titles you may dig... oh wait...
IM A RECORD DEALER!! i have thousands of cheapy 45s that i can hit you off with. send me a PM and ill give you some ideas of tunes you need in your life...
does this sound like "seller or shameless self promo" ? iam not sure about it...
btw: its possible to dig funk 45s in germany, but you gotta work hard and have dusty fingers at the end of the day without finding anything but a james last calypso. which finally will make you learn what youre looking for. and then - one day - you'll find. sounds like a fairy tale, but i guess thats what diggin is/means/is supposed to be/whatever.
Sooo true, and if you find a , let's say "Tighten up" on 45, it will almost never be the original, but a europressing...shit is lame over here...trying to find rare German stuff on 45 is of course possible though. But US? I mean, i don't want to get into this again, but diggin for US Funk in Germany sucks and
does this sound like "seller or shameless self promo" ? iam not sure about it...
dude... i am merely trying to help this young man find good soul and funk 45s at a low cost. i never self-promote...
The trick in Germany is to know your artists -
there??s a ton of cool stuff out there with no LP release
but as far as MrSucker is not aware of those they stay secret.
just a general question, but what are some 45 storage options? i have a few of those mini crates that are perfect for 45's but they seem to have stopped producing those it seems.
low budget preferred.
good call thanks.
Go to and start your reggae 7" collection...
cosign on that!