Serato vs buying vinyl...

Alright, here's the dea;: I was checking out the post on CDJ 800 and Serato. I happen to have both (love my toys) but I LOVE the physical aspect of searching for vinyl MORE. Scrolling through playlists and searching for MP3s just doesn't have the same exciting feel of looking for and flipping a 12"....I base my preference on the fact that I learned with vinyl only, and therefore the "search" became my motormemory preference...but scrolling is not the same as sifting through a crate. period.
This is a good point, but I will never stop buying vinyl...Oh, and I buy records because I love the music on them and I DJ. Now that I have Serato, I'll probably buy fewer records, but that's a good thing. It'll give me more time to listen to the ones I already own.

no, no serato here
Truth. DJing saved vinyl for a long time. Now that you can scratch megabytes, there's no need for vinyl at all.
And for those who say that you love vinyl and will always DJ with it, you probably will.
Newcomers won't.
A day is rapidly approaching where DJs will completely bypass traditional turntables and will cut their skills on Serato, etc. from the start. And that will be the end of it.
MP3J Mark The 192k King.
There's a lot of collections getting sold off right now by people who might regret it in the future but it's not my place to point this out to them.
can we get a creative graemlin for that phrase by the way?
I definitely agree that flipping through MP3s is nothing like looking through a crate. I have to strain to think about every track on there, where as just one look at the record sleeve and I have a perfect recollection of what that shit sounds like. Something about the artwork, or the kami spirits...
thats true, but in terms of performance, nothing beats a dj flippin through crates, cueing records, quickmixing (changing records quickly) and so on...i djed in prague and the crowd response was totally different to the dj b4 me (tuco, watup)...also i was standing in the crowd with his brother while he was doing his final scratch set and his brother looked at me and said: "Looks like my brother is checking emails in between songs"
but apart from that, I can only say, the two will coexist I think. Nothing beats the possibilities u get with Final Scratch/Serato...
Record collecting will survive cause people love records. I love records. They are immensely fun to collect. But for the working dj? I predict mabye 3 more years at maximum.
you think mp3 dj's are lame, how long until they can effectively give your job to a robot or something? Not long. Good thing the apocalypse is coming soon.
ehh, how many djs are actually "performing"? most of us are in a booth somewhere and although people are dancing to the music, if they are not dj nerds, they are looking at ass, not us. as far as quickmixing goes...i guarantee you can mix into a record just as quick with serato's cuepoints then you could with a record with some tape on it.
You also think that Jay Z is a bullshit artist, so if you show up at Milk some night and see some dude in the booth with a Vanguard Squad sticker on his laptop (that'd be me), prepare to be disappointed (while the rest of the club actually enjoys their evening).
Did I ever once say Jay Z was a "bullshit" artists? Were those my exact words? I have some Jay Z records. He's not my favorite I'll admit but I never said what you're claiming. Do you work for the tabloids or are you just a rumor mill queen?
I'm mainly a rumor mill queen, but I freelance for tabloids.
And sorry, what you said was this:
You seem to have an odd concept of "purity" that excludes artists like Jay Z but includes artists like Madlib. You also said something in the mix CD thread about not wanting radio shit or something to that effect. But it's all good, dude. Just go buy KingMost's CD* 'cause it's full of stuff you'd probably really like and is very well executed.
*Kufi not included.
Cosign plus you can create your very own doubles. also good for songs you wish you had at that exact moment. Coexistence is the best way
Just saw J-Rocc rock a set completely with serato (xcept few 45's). Although it looked funny (at some point he had two ibooks hooked up) and it does look fucked up to check playlist instead of crates the set was fucking great and his skills were displayed.
More creativity while respecting the original. And for people that had to make cds sometimes to incorporate certain tracks cuts the comlication (making a play list than burnning seprate cds now it is much simpler)