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GUZZO this is for you!He Can Rub You The Right Way! And He can rub your The MODERN SOUL WAY!<img src="…
he kinda looks like you Mango (that 2nd pic especially)
Dang straight me and Stacy Latisaw a perfect combination fo sho! -
Anticon, does anyone here like them??word?
some anticon songs that i like:
pity party people:
the song about the knifing at the club:
a GREAT dose one track:
greenthink w/ sluggo:
http://www. ... -
Anticon, does anyone here like them??word?
them -lyrical cougal
sole - year of da sexx symbol
prefuse and dose - do tell
dose - spitfire -
Anticon, does anyone here like them??word?
some anticon songs that i like:
pity party people:
the song about the knifing at the club:
a GREAT dose one track:
greenthink w/ sluggo:
http://www. ... -
Anticon, does anyone here like them??word?
some anticon songs that i like:
pity party people:
the song about the knifing at the club:
a GREAT dose one track:
greenthink w/ sluggo:
http://www. ... -
Anticon, does anyone here like them??word?
a GREAT dose one track:
What is the name of this? And when is it from? Really digging this.
And I have the back of whoever rides for portions of the Anticon catalogue, although Pedestrian was unlistenable last time I ... -
WEEKEND FINDS, BATCHES (RR)ghey weekend finds:I scored a huge box of rock for $200 or so, I will post crazy indie electronic titles tonite. Dizzy, I bought recs off the dood wh…
... Sham & The Pharahs[/b] "2nd album" (MGM)
Twentynine ... -
WEEKEND FINDS, BATCHES (RR)ghey weekend finds:I scored a huge box of rock for $200 or so, I will post crazy indie electronic titles tonite. Dizzy, I bought recs off the dood wh…
I'll always wonder...(Curtis Related)<img src="" alt="" /> This is a highly unusual CURTIS MAYFIELD item. Curtis is found performing (voca…
man this makes the 2nd weird curtis mayfield piece of vinyl I've heard of/seen in the last month.
anyone got a complete discography of all his 1970-present material?I'll always wonder...(Curtis Related)<img src="" alt="" /> This is a highly unusual CURTIS MAYFIELD item. Curtis is found performing (voca…
man this makes the 2nd weird curtis mayfield piece of vinyl I've heard of/seen in the last month.
What was the other item?I'll always wonder...(Curtis Related)<img src="" alt="" /> This is a highly unusual CURTIS MAYFIELD item. Curtis is found performing (voca…
man this makes the 2nd weird curtis mayfield piece of ...A PM from TheMack on the state of "Moody Loops"<blockquote> <em>Re: yoFrom: TheMackthe moody loops shit is kinda out for me. ive been into spiritual jazz lately.</em> </blockquote>Take notes.
... /> the3rdstream [color:red] 21.96 0.14 [/color]A PM from TheMack on the state of "Moody Loops"<blockquote> <em>Re: yoFrom: TheMackthe moody loops shit is kinda out for me. ive been into spiritual jazz lately.</em> </blockquote>Take notes.
... /> the3rdstream [color:red] 21.96 0.14 [/color]
numbers ...J. Dutronc appreciation post!!Is anyone digging this as much as me?Always loved all his first ep's etc. but when I recentlyaccuired his 2nd, I think, Lp is was blown away! (The co…
The EP's are everywhere in France and can be found up here aswell. Remember he
was quite a big artist back in the days... The LP's on the other hand are not easy to find, for me the 2nd is the best.I NEED SOME SERIOUS ADVICE (Ayres,Cosmo,anyone)I have been racking my brain bigtime the past few days about something very important to me.I am SERIOUSLY thinking about making a DRASTIC change to …
... ;Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old ...Ghostface/MFDoom?I heard about a callabo in the works.Any rumors surrounding this project.
... hear it. is it the 2nd release from mmmmfood?what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
But Guzzo specifically, get the fuck out of here.
when worlds collide.
You scared I may be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ain't as gangster as gats and health food?what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
... be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ...what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
... be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ...what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
... be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ...what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
... be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ...what do/did you carry in your backpack?always:pens and markerssketchbooknotebookcds for mecds for random people I meetdiscmanherbalssometimes:paintfresh white teefruitchex mixyou?
... be able to offer a 2nd opinion on a scene that ...Ableton live is AMAZING!i dont know why i use any other program. these guys managed to make everything so intuitive and simple. ZERO downtime... just thought id let you al…
... a global swing of between 0 and 50 which is the ... same GLOBAL swing amount, the 0 - 50
did i ...Ableton live is AMAZING!i dont know why i use any other program. these guys managed to make everything so intuitive and simple. ZERO downtime... just thought id let you al…
... beta tester in the 0.5 to 1.0 era, and what ... ; performance.
After 1.0 it turned out that a ... out of money around 2.0! So they threw a bunch ... stuff in and hustled 3.0 out so they could pay ...Ableton live is AMAZING!i dont know why i use any other program. these guys managed to make everything so intuitive and simple. ZERO downtime... just thought id let you al…
... beta tester in the 0.5 to 1.0 era, and what ... ; performance.
After 1.0 it turned out that a ... out of money around 2.0! So they threw a bunch ... stuff in and hustled 3.0 out so they could pay ...Suddenly records seem like a good deal...So, I have a serious infection in my left eye. really bad. I'm miserable, and if left untreated, I'm told I would go blind. Anyhow, I've needed two t…