klezmer electro-thug beats

klezmer electro-thug beats


Last Active
Member, Real Head
  • Corona Virus Revealed

    If somebody's taking bets my money's on Cuba. They sent a bunch of doctors to Italy with a load of interferon alpha 2B, an anti-viral that might work to treat it, and unlike nearly every other country on earth, if they want to manufacture a drug they just manufacture it. Like the old Chinese DVD bootleg industry but for drugs. As I was made to understand, supplies are low everywhere else because it's so expensive to get privately.
    They also came up with a cancer cure last year, didn't they? Like, only for lung cancer, but still. Cuba's absolute glut of doctors makes for some very unique stories coming out of such an otherwise poor country.
  • organ burner daily

    ugggh got damn

  • Donald Trump for President!

    Boots is taking the words out of my mouth. We've been asked to compromise and vote for the lesser evil for my whole life, and condemned for being dissatisfied with that choice. Amazing how many people, myself included, are more willing to "compromise" and vote to their right when the compromise on offer actually shows signs of integrity in the stands they take. I want more radical change but I'll at least put in how I can if the movement behind him enables even one of several things:

    a. total top-down re-build from scratch of the sclerotic democratic party
    b. increase in radicalization and workers' rights
    c. a continuing movement that will scare the shit out of any pol standing in its way, working for worker-empowering policies like healthcare, climate new deal, free education etc.
  • current film strut

    Ford's WRC entry has always been 100% English, hella F1 teams are based there, clearly there's a pedigree. But yeeeeah we do that... I mean, I haven't seen "The Last Samurai", but it sure looked like a movie about Tom Cruise being the last samurai.

    I'd actually read a book that detailed stupid shit like that in Hollywood movies. 1001 Ameri-Washed Movies You Must See Before You Die At The Hands Of The Crumbling Nationalistic Police State For Crimes You Did Not Commit
  • multi jungle/dnb vibez of all eras (raer-r)

    remembered this track and had to sniff it out online... as a total philistine to the genre I like two types of jungle:
    - brutal amen, death threats to soundboy (a la soundmurderer "wired for sound" mix)
    - brutal amen, nice sweet melodic sample source, absolutely NO finesse, subtlety, or atmospheric dnb bits
    obviously a combination of both points is good too
