Republican Presidential Debate last night



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    The UK has banned many people from entering the country. Michael Savage is one of them.
    The reason is hate speech.
    Hate speech against immigrants and minorities, not liberals.

    On July 27, 2008, Jim David Atkisson entered the Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    He had with him a shotgun and the intention of killing as many "liberals" as possible before he was himself killed. He killed 2 people and wounded 7 before he was wrestled to the ground.

    He was influenced, if not driven, by the hate speech and violent rhetoric of right wing radio host Michael Savage.

  • Rockadelic said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    These people think it's politically expedient to talk about dropping bombs on illegal immigrants, presumably because they don't believe saying so will cost them votes.

    Who did this?

    I think he is referring to rick perry and the drones, although the drones are unarmed and have already been in use for 6 years.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:
    The UK has banned many people from entering the country. Michael Savage is one of them.
    The reason is hate speech.
    Hate speech against immigrants and minorities, not liberals.

    On July 27, 2008, Jim David Atkisson entered the Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    He had with him a shotgun and the intention of killing as many "liberals" as possible before he was himself killed. He killed 2 people and wounded 7 before he was wrestled to the ground.

    He was influenced, if not driven, by the hate speech and violent rhetoric of right wing radio host Michael Savage.

    And that is the reason he is barred from entering the UK?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:
    The UK has banned many people from entering the country. Michael Savage is one of them.
    The reason is hate speech.
    Hate speech against immigrants and minorities, not liberals.

    On July 27, 2008, Jim David Atkisson entered the Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    He had with him a shotgun and the intention of killing as many "liberals" as possible before he was himself killed. He killed 2 people and wounded 7 before he was wrestled to the ground.

    He was influenced, if not driven, by the hate speech and violent rhetoric of right wing radio host Michael Savage.

    And that is the reason he is barred from entering the UK?

    The official reason given by the UK was...

    "Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence".

    Since he was banned after the Tennessee incident and that incident is the ONLY one attributed directly to Michael Savage I would say, yes, it was a contributing factor.

    If you have facts to the contrary please post them up.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    At the time of his death, Stokely Carmichael had been banned from entering the UK for over 20 years. Louis Farrakhan is still banned, as far as I'm aware. In both cases the reason is/was supposedly to do with their presence in the UK being "likely to incite racial hatred".

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Savage is a nut and I labeled him as one in my initial post.

    My question was specifically about dropping bombs on illegals. This was not the first time I heard that stated and in the other instance it was in relation to Rick Perry & Drones. Calling people morons for making unfounded and absurd political statements and then stating that the Republicans want to bomb illegal aliens in the same post is next level irony.

    Apparently the UK knows how to ban people a lot better than Soul Strut does.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    At the time of his death, Stokely Carmichael had been banned from entering the UK for over 20 years. Louis Farrakhan is still banned, as far as I'm aware. In both cases the reason is/was supposedly to do with their presence in the UK being "likely to incite racial hatred".

    Busta Rhymes & Martha Stewart too.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Are Mike Savage's (Or Stokely Carmichael or any one else's) books/audio/video banned in the UK?

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    My question was specifically about dropping bombs on illegals. This was not the first time I heard that stated and in the other instance it was in relation to Rick Perry & Drones. Calling people morons for making unfounded and absurd political statements and then stating that the Republicans want to bomb illegal aliens in the same post is next level irony.

    Well, according to JP...

    In last night's debate Perry actually advocated for using drone strikes along the border.

    Now if Perry didn't say anything like this, and I've simply misinterpreted what JP posted (not wilfully, I might add), then I apologise and withdraw the remark. But let's wait and see.

    I thought I was being very specific about who I believed the "morons" to be; modern conservative politicians. Not all conservative politicians, or indeed all conservatives. Not necessarily Republicans either, just this particular cabal of shrill, idiotic shitcunts, rapidly expanding outwards like a pool of dog-piss you can't help stepping in because there's no way of avoiding it. They're one part PNAC/think-tank ideologue, one part skyscrapingly stupid hellion and one part "I don't hold with none of that fancy book-learnin'" Real American (?? 2008, Sarah Palin). And one of these days, if you're not careful, they'll be running your country.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Are Mike Savage's (Or Stokely Carmichael or any one else's) books/audio/video banned in the UK?

    I wouldn't have thought so. Demagoguery in print or other mechanical media is more or less acceptable under UK law, assuming it doesn't break any other laws. In person, less so, although there are more than a few Islamist headcases who stay under the radar by limiting their rabble-rousing strictly to the underground Islamist headcase circuit.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    At the time of his death, Stokely Carmichael had been banned from entering the UK for over 20 years. Louis Farrakhan is still banned, as far as I'm aware. In both cases the reason is/was supposedly to do with their presence in the UK being "likely to incite racial hatred".

    Busta Rhymes & Martha Stewart too.

    I'm not sure I know what you mean here.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    Well, according to JP...

    In last night's debate Perry actually advocated for using drone strikes along the border.

    Now if Perry didn't say anything like this, and I've simply misinterpreted what JP posted (not wilfully, I might add), then I apologise and withdraw the remark. But let's wait and see.

    I thought I was being very specific about who I believed the "morons" to be; modern conservative politicians. Not all conservative politicians, or indeed all conservatives. Not necessarily Republicans either, just this particular cabal of shrill, idiotic shitcunts, rapidly expanding outwards like a pool of dog-piss you can't help stepping in because there's no way of avoiding it. They're one part PNAC/think-tank ideologue, one part skyscrapingly stupid hellion and one part "I don't hold with none of that fancy book-learnin'" Real American (?? 2008, Sarah Palin). And one of these days, if you're not careful, they'll be running your country.

    Doc.....I consider you one of the brightest guys here at SS which is why I reacted the way I did to your post. Rick Perry is scum, but he did not advocate the use of Drones for anything beyond surveying and sending info in real time which is already going on. The fact that you read something and then repeated it with slight embellishment shows just how these kind of "telephone game facts" come to be.

    I've never met, heard nor read anyone state that Obama was going to put all white people in Gulags but you state it as if a good percentage of people have. It's my opinion that this kind of street level demagoguery is one of the obstacles the U.S. has in coming together and actually getting this country back on track. Seeing people I respect participate in it is especially depressing.

    Can you imagine people coming here and reading the MLJ swill and believing it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:
    Rockadelic said:
    I've never met, heard nor read anyone state that Obama was going to put all white people in Gulags but you state it as if a good percentage of people have. It's my opinion that this kind of street level demagoguery is one of the obstacles the U.S. has in coming together and actually getting this country back on track. Seeing people I respect participate in it is especially depressing.

    Unfortunately that claim (or one very close to it) has been very common in the right-wing blogosphere and in some very prominent media places, including the very insane Glenn Beck's show. The idea was that FEMA had concentration camps all ready to lock up "real Americans" - basically white conservatives - as soon as the Marxist Kenyan socialist Muslim whachamacallit in the Used-To-Be-White House gave the go ahead.

    From that douchebag Alex Jones:

    Beck flirted with the idea for a while but then decided it was too crazy even for him, so he debunked the idea:,2933,513024,00.html

    Here's crazy-ass race-baiting veteran Ron Paul's site pushing the idea:

    Here's Beck before he backed off:

    Maybe you have some sort of force field that keeps crazy people from saying crazy things around you, but there are plenty of crazies out there. And this particular bit of crazy is definitely out there and fairly common.

    These Rush Limbaugh/PT Barnum brand of talk show hosts make their $$ saying utterly outrageous stuff.

    It shocks and appalls and represents cretinous views.

    I get that.

    The real question is how many people actually believe and/or fall in line with these nuts.

    In my opinion and experience, and I seek out this kind of thing IRL, the percentage is inconsequential.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:

    You do this sort of thing repeatedly. You insist that no one is doing/saying something and then people doing/saying just that are pointed out to you. Then you insist that it doesn't matter that people are doing/saying that thing because (apparently) they're not doing it to your face.

    If you seek out this kind of thing and you weren't familiar with the FEMA concentration camp nonsense you're much better at gripping records than you are at gripping "this kind of thing." I didn't even have to fish around for the information - the FEMA camp lie was prominent and in the air for months. Google FEMA, then hit space. "fema camps" is the SECOND thing that comes up, even in the middle of a disaster filled year.

    I don't know if how many people believe this particular piece of bullshit is consequential, but I do believe that the percentage of people who believe multiple items on the wingnut hit list is very consequential. Call that "swill" if you want, but I don't regard the Tea Party phenomenon as a joke even though I get a lot of laughs out of it. Keep dismissing it if you want, but Doc McCoy is right - we could very well wake up one day with one of these mental cases as President.

    Here's what I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and would bet my kids lives on..

    There are more people here that would like to see you banned than those who follow any lunatic fringe pundits from the left or right combined.

    Obviously, neither are consequential.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:
    Rockadelic said:
    FrankieMeltzer said:

    You do this sort of thing repeatedly. You insist that no one is doing/saying something and then people doing/saying just that are pointed out to you. Then you insist that it doesn't matter that people are doing/saying that thing because (apparently) they're not doing it to your face.

    If you seek out this kind of thing and you weren't familiar with the FEMA concentration camp nonsense you're much better at gripping records than you are at gripping "this kind of thing." I didn't even have to fish around for the information - the FEMA camp lie was prominent and in the air for months. Google FEMA, then hit space. "fema camps" is the SECOND thing that comes up, even in the middle of a disaster filled year.

    I don't know if how many people believe this particular piece of bullshit is consequential, but I do believe that the percentage of people who believe multiple items on the wingnut hit list is very consequential. Call that "swill" if you want, but I don't regard the Tea Party phenomenon as a joke even though I get a lot of laughs out of it. Keep dismissing it if you want, but Doc McCoy is right - we could very well wake up one day with one of these mental cases as President.

    Here's what I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and would bet my kids lives on..

    There are more people here that would like to see you banned than those who follow any lunatic fringe pundits from the left or right combined.

    Polls showed that about half of all Republicans gave serious credence to the birther stories about Obama.

    I guess you don't like your kids.

    How many Birthers have you met "here" at SS?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    While I know it may be easy to assume that everyone that dares to express an opposing view of having a hive-mind (hey kinda like you and bon vivant's circle jerk in all these threads), I've never once even remotely addressed birther nonsense except in an attempt to denounce it. But yeah, assume away once again what people think.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Brian said:
    While I know it may be easy to assume that everyone that dares to express an opposing view of having a hive-mind (hey kinda like you and bon vivant's circle jerk in all these threads), I've never once even remotely addressed birther nonsense except in an attempt to denounce it. But yeah, assume away once again what people think.


    I'm actually really respectful in these threads because I know some people can't check their emotion at the door (see your post above). If you're not able to handle these politcal joints, maybe you should stay out of them? Otherwise, don't expect people to be polite.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    Brian said:
    While I know it may be easy to assume that everyone that dares to express an opposing view of having a hive-mind (hey kinda like you and bon vivant's circle jerk in all these threads), I've never once even remotely addressed birther nonsense except in an attempt to denounce it. But yeah, assume away once again what people think.


    I'm actually really respectful in these threads because I know some people can't check their emotion at the door (see your post above). If you're not able to handle these politcal joints, maybe you should stay out of them? Otherwise, don't expect people to be polite.

    Well, yeah. I've used the "circle jerk" motif myself more than once in the past. I've just never been silly enough to do this "everyone that dares to express an opposing view" song and dance along with it.

    Go on the attack, fine. Just don't attach the whine. It's not just unseemly and stupid, it's also embarrassing to your testicles and your entire family.

    Yeah. It's just always sad/funny when people get their feelings hurt talmbout poltiricks. I'm still new here, so haven't quite figured out who's Tresvant and who isn't. Except for Brian, of course. I'll be sure to be conscious of his feelings from now on.

  • DocMcCoy said:
    Rockadelic said:
    My question was specifically about dropping bombs on illegals. This was not the first time I heard that stated and in the other instance it was in relation to Rick Perry & Drones. Calling people morons for making unfounded and absurd political statements and then stating that the Republicans want to bomb illegal aliens in the same post is next level irony.

    Well, according to JP...

    In last night's debate Perry actually advocated for using drone strikes along the border.

    Now if Perry didn't say anything like this, and I've simply misinterpreted what JP posted (not wilfully, I might add), then I apologise and withdraw the remark. But let's wait and see.

    Let me clarify - Perry talked about using "Predator Drones" along the Texas border. In the context of the rest of his remarks (not to mention his ideology) I thought it pretty easy to assume that he meant "armed". Perhaps all Drones are "Predator Drones", but the Predator Drones I'm familiar with are the ones we use to kill people in the middle east. So you can understand my jump from one to the other.

    If he was strictly advocating for their use in recognizance, then I misinterpreted his remarks. I don't find it much of a stretch at all that he would assign an armed, military role to the drones (this remark came in the midst of a plea for the [federal government's] military to help him enforce [his state's] border security).

    What Rich is doing though, is called "false equivalence".

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I'm also not sure how we jumped from everyone you've ever met, heard or read and the UK banning Michael Savage to just talking about SS posters. Big time Houdini move there.

    I once saw a guy turn a bomb into bullets.....I bet Houdini couldn't do that!

    As far as Savage goes....

    He uses hateful insults towards anyone who doesn't agree 100% with his views

    He stereotypes and indicts entire groups of people based on lowest common denominator behavioral examples.

    He uses juvenile rhetoric towards anyone who responds to him with an opposing viewpoint

    He alienates people to the point where they call for him to be banned

    He taunts and defies the powers that be to ban his show

    Once he's banned he changes his name, breaks back into the radio stations that banned him and continuously forces his way back on to the airwaves*

    *OK.....I admit this isn't true, only a certifiable lunatic would do something like this.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    Rockadelic said:
    My question was specifically about dropping bombs on illegals. This was not the first time I heard that stated and in the other instance it was in relation to Rick Perry & Drones. Calling people morons for making unfounded and absurd political statements and then stating that the Republicans want to bomb illegal aliens in the same post is next level irony.

    Well, according to JP...

    In last night's debate Perry actually advocated for using drone strikes along the border.

    Now if Perry didn't say anything like this, and I've simply misinterpreted what JP posted (not wilfully, I might add), then I apologise and withdraw the remark. But let's wait and see.

    Let me clarify - Perry talked about using "Predator Drones" along the Texas border. In the context of the rest of his remarks (not to mention his ideology) I thought it pretty easy to assume that he meant "armed". Perhaps all Drones are "Predator Drones", but the Predator Drones I'm familiar with are the ones we use to kill people in the middle east. So you can understand my jump from one to the other.

    If he was strictly advocating for their use in recognizance, then I misinterpreted his remarks. I don't find it much of a stretch at all that he would assign an armed, military role to the drones (this remark came in the midst of a plea for the [federal government's] military to help him enforce [his state's] border security).

    What Rich is doing though, is called "false equivalence".

    You make a very incorrect assumption, state it as fact which other people believe and embellish upon, and I'm the one making a "false equivalence".

    Uh Huh

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    Let me clarify - Perry talked about using "Predator Drones" along the Texas border. In the context of the rest of his remarks (not to mention his ideology) I thought it pretty easy to assume that he meant "armed". Perhaps all Drones are "Predator Drones", but the Predator Drones I'm familiar with are the ones we use to kill people in the middle east. So you can understand my jump from one to the other.

    August, 31 2010

    The entire 2,000-mile US-Mexico border will be monitored by drones starting Wednesday when a new Predator drone begins flying from Corpus Christi, Texas, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said.

    There are already three drones operating along portions of the border. Aside from the new drone launched today, money for two more was included in $600 million legislation President Barack Obama signed earlier this month, which ramps up border security ahead of midterm elections on Nov. 2

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    Rockadelic said:
    My question was specifically about dropping bombs on illegals. This was not the first time I heard that stated and in the other instance it was in relation to Rick Perry & Drones. Calling people morons for making unfounded and absurd political statements and then stating that the Republicans want to bomb illegal aliens in the same post is next level irony.

    Well, according to JP...

    In last night's debate Perry actually advocated for using drone strikes along the border.

    Now if Perry didn't say anything like this, and I've simply misinterpreted what JP posted (not wilfully, I might add), then I apologise and withdraw the remark. But let's wait and see.

    Let me clarify - Perry talked about using "Predator Drones" along the Texas border. In the context of the rest of his remarks (not to mention his ideology) I thought it pretty easy to assume that he meant "armed". Perhaps all Drones are "Predator Drones", but the Predator Drones I'm familiar with are the ones we use to kill people in the middle east. So you can understand my jump from one to the other.

    If he was strictly advocating for their use in recognizance, then I misinterpreted his remarks. I don't find it much of a stretch at all that he would assign an armed, military role to the drones (this remark came in the midst of a plea for the [federal government's] military to help him enforce [his state's] border security).

    What Rich is doing though, is called "false equivalence".

    You make a very incorrect assumption, state it as fact which other people believe and embellish upon, and I'm the one making a "false equivalence".

    Uh Huh

    That's right - mea culpa. I made an incorrect assumption.

    You're still making a false equivalence. They're not the same thing.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:

    That's right - mea culpa. I made an incorrect assumption.

    You're still making a false equivalence. They're not the same thing.

    Well, if you say so.

    Some people with Muslim names want Americans dead = Barack Obama is a Muslim name = Barack Obama wants all Americans dead = ABSOLUTE MORONIC & IGNORANT BULLSHIT

    Rick Perry wants to use Predator Drones on the border = Some Predator Drones kill people = Rick Perry wants to kill illegal aliens on the border using Predator Drones = WELL INFORMED INTELLECTUAL MISINTERPRETATION

    Is that better?

    Believe me, there are enough reasons not to vote for "Rick with a P" without making ridiculous ones up.

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    "false equivalence"

    i know this is a popular buzzword on msnbc but what does that phrase even mean? i take it to be a species of logical fallacy but is it simply a new way of saying "inapt comparison" or "equivocation" or "false analogy"or "double standard" or is it something else entirely?. does it mean that any rhetorical comparison has to be alike in every single respect and degree to have any sort of validity or usefullness?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Checking last nights debate.

    Santorum said he would institute don't ask don't tell for straight soldiers.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Checking last nights debate.

    Santorum said he would institute don't ask don't tell for straight soldiers.

    Was that before or after that fucked-up and ignorant teabagger audience booed the gay soldier?

    They had a soldier, stationed in Iraq IIR, ask the question, more or less; do you support me serving openly?
    When the clip was over some in the audience booed the soldier, none applauded.

    Santorum was clearly stumped.
    He then picked up what is now the apparently the talking point on all LGTB issues, sex.
    He said soldiers are supposed to be serving, not having sex, now Obama has made it so that sex is more important than protecting the country, sex, sex sex. Eventually he said he would reinstitute DADT, "Keep it to yourself whether you are heterosexual or homosexual".

    I now realize that the article I read about CA history books that mention famous people who were gay had protesters saying the same thing. Including lgbt people in the history text equals teaching sex in history class. Recent letters to the editors are the same.
    Apparently if you are straight you are celibate but if you are lgbt your life is one big orgy.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Who is prepping these fools for their debates?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Almond said:
    Who is prepping these fools for their debates?

    Best I can tell, with out watching the whole thing, is that Santorum is the only one who was asked.
    Santorum is not a serious candidate, but he is experienced and should have a competent staff and should have been prepared.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Wasn't sure to post this in republican thread, class warfare or the wallstreet one.

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