yeah yeah ANNOUNCEMENTS section but I'll do it proper up in there this is just a place to get a ROLL CALL and post pictures of a faded and jaded AxeFoley after the swap is done. As of now the plan is MAY 15 (sunday) with the 22nd as the rain date. y'all know the drill but if any youngbloods are on the lurk anybody is welcome to set up and sell, just let me know first so I can keep track and make sure there is room, and I don't ask any payment except that you bring some beer/wine/nitrous tanks for the pile, and hopefully have a beer with me before noon. my house and front yard are right on the main drag of my neighborhood, which is hipster/student/yuppie central, and with the word of mouth on this sale lately, you will have chance to unload a decent amount of records, trade records with (mostly) non-douchey collectors, and have a pretty good time doing it. you might even fall in love.
Boston dudes!
I think I am actually going to be in your city that weekend!
You should???Boston is beautiful in mid-May. Of course, as an ex-student, I'm sure you remember those gorgeous end of semester days well.
where the man Lambert at? I know Keith is up in this. Ivan gonna be in town?
I heard some NYC crew is coming up to at least trade if not sell, too.
shit is starting to get
will be attending with a bag of trades this year.
What time would we have to get there in order to get the best chud pitch? Like aren't you Boston guys up really early on Sundays to go buy your NYT and bagels?
well, it starts at 11 but anyone that has set up will tell you that I am usually wiping crust from my eyes and carrying boxes out to the yard around 10:57 having been awake for 5 minutes, so reports of "early bird" action are greatly exaggerated. I usually run straight to Dan's boxes to get 1st dibs over there but usually regret missing a chance to sneak peek stuff.
Yeah, after Kieths last summer, I haven't restocked at all and I am down to minimal sheer grippage titles. My ikea is bare bones, and dudes aren't really checking for the Shalamar and 50's Cha Cha records that I got left over in my sales crates. I'll defintiely be down for some trades, though
Alot of my Sales crates will be my friends stuff, raising a newborn is tough business, i haven't been hitting the fleas/thrifts/yard sales like i used to, not saying thats why you haven't been stocking up Dan, but thats my excuse. My trade bag will be full though, lots of goodies, even some 45's (whaaaaaaaa????)
Sounds like it has gotten much better in the past few years that I have missed. Back in 2007, there WERE a few terds:
Didn't mean to kill the thread.
I am jealous of all the times I missed out cause of my radio show.
I can't view the file, but something is telling me it is a picture dog shit
here is the Facebook event page. If you are in the region please forward the invite to friends!
... less than 48 hours away! records being priced in piles! trades being set aside! weather report has turned better!!
One of these years!
Tess and I are definitely considering it if she has the day off from work. Twill holleur!
Remote broadcast equipment obtained. Turntables & equipment verified.
Its on.
wish i could come (way) up for the swap--one of these days.
On that same note I'm looking for a copy of the Doctor Feelgood LP from up that way,