
11/2/2010 (Lamprey Eel is toast)



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Soulhawk said:
    Leeches idea about a Palin / Rubio ticket in 2012 is looking possible though - good thing Rock didn't take his bet ;)

    I'll still take the bet that Palin will NEVER be our President.

    Eel wanted too many caveats like..."If she gets the nomination and If she runs against Obama" she will win.

    Anyone who just wants to bet that she will be elected President come 2012 I've got you covered.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Soulhawk said:
    Leeches idea about a Palin / Rubio ticket in 2012 is looking possible though - good thing Rock didn't take his bet ;)

    I'll still take the bet that Palin will NEVER be our President.

    Eel wanted too many caveats like..."If she gets the nomination and If she runs against Obama" she will win.

    Anyone who just wants to bet that she will be elected President come 2012 I've got you covered.

    There's no way she's running and I doubt she even wants to.

    She'll make much more money extorting the Republicans to not run and to deliver votes, making speeches/appearences, writing books and rabble-rousing than she ever would as pres.

    She's not electable and I think she knows that.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Palin isn't going to run. She'll dither over it and draw the process out and make everyone wonder what her next move is like she's the Brett Favre of politics, but she ain't running for jack. It's much easier (and more profitable) to stir the shit and be on TV telling people the way things oughta be and what she would do if she had her way than it is to actually get elected and go about accomplishing something real. And the Republican leadership knows she's way more valuable rallying her mama grizzlies than she is trying to debate issues and win on the strength of her own ideas.

  • I mean shit, the Russ Feingold loss blows my mind.
    DOR, you said it best. I'm in Milwaukee, and this still has me bummed. Dude who won (RJ) during debates didn't really have answers to any questions -- rather he said 'the time for specific details and planning is after winning'. But he does have a plan to cut taxes (for people like him) and vows to be part of repealing health care reform.

    Russ Feingold was, and still is, a politician I respect.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    BobDesperado said:
    The teabagger wave will flatten out because it's a movement without a brain.

    The best aphorism about things like the teabagger movement: "They behave like bees--they sting, and then they die."

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Soulhawk said:
    Leeches idea about a Palin / Rubio ticket in 2012 is looking possible though - good thing Rock didn't take his bet ;)

    I'll still take the bet that Palin will NEVER be our President.

    Eel wanted too many caveats like..."If she gets the nomination and If she runs against Obama" she will win.

    Anyone who just wants to bet that she will be elected President come 2012 I've got you covered.

    There's no way she's running and I doubt she even wants to.

    She'll make much more money extorting the Republicans to not run and to deliver votes, making speeches/appearences, writing books and rabble-rousing than she ever would as pres.

    She's not electable and I think she knows that.

    She wants to run, but only in a half-assed way. Running means fundraising, and Sarah Palin is 'bout that money. She'll do it for a bit, then drop out and play the victim card.

  • DJ_Enki said:
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Soulhawk said:
    Leeches idea about a Palin / Rubio ticket in 2012 is looking possible though - good thing Rock didn't take his bet ;)

    I'll still take the bet that Palin will NEVER be our President.

    Eel wanted too many caveats like..."If she gets the nomination and If she runs against Obama" she will win.

    Anyone who just wants to bet that she will be elected President come 2012 I've got you covered.

    There's no way she's running and I doubt she even wants to.

    She'll make much more money extorting the Republicans to not run and to deliver votes, making speeches/appearences, writing books and rabble-rousing than she ever would as pres.

    She's not electable and I think she knows that.

    She wants to run, but only in a half-assed way. Running means fundraising, and Sarah Palin is 'bout that money. She'll do it for a bit, then drop out and play the victim card.

    Or she could take a giant payoff from the Democrats to run and split the GOP ticket. It would probably be the best 20 million they ever spent.

  • HankScorpio said:
    I mean shit, the Russ Feingold loss blows my mind.
    DOR, you said it best. I'm in Milwaukee, and this still has me bummed. Dude who won (RJ) during debates didn't really have answers to any questions -- rather he said 'the time for specific details and planning is after winning'. But he does have a plan to cut taxes (for people like him) and vows to be part of repealing health care reform.

    Russ Feingold was, and still is, a politician I respect.

    cosign that. lots of heads up there should be ashamed of themselves

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    HankScorpio said:
    I mean shit, the Russ Feingold loss blows my mind.
    DOR, you said it best. I'm in Milwaukee, and this still has me bummed. Dude who won (RJ) during debates didn't really have answers to any questions -- rather he said 'the time for specific details and planning is after winning'. But he does have a plan to cut taxes (for people like him) and vows to be part of repealing health care reform.

    Russ Feingold was, and still is, a politician I respect.

    Of all the races last night. That one really does blow the mind.

    What worries me is this type of action is already starting to take hold up here in Canada.

  • DJ_Enki said:
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Soulhawk said:
    Leeches idea about a Palin / Rubio ticket in 2012 is looking possible though - good thing Rock didn't take his bet ;)

    I'll still take the bet that Palin will NEVER be our President.

    Eel wanted too many caveats like..."If she gets the nomination and If she runs against Obama" she will win.

    Anyone who just wants to bet that she will be elected President come 2012 I've got you covered.

    There's no way she's running and I doubt she even wants to.

    She'll make much more money extorting the Republicans to not run and to deliver votes, making speeches/appearences, writing books and rabble-rousing than she ever would as pres.

    She's not electable and I think she knows that.

    She wants to run, but only in a half-assed way. Running means fundraising, and Sarah Palin is 'bout that money. She'll do it for a bit, then drop out and play the victim card.

    A lot of the Repubs are comparing her to Reagan, but say what you want about his mental firepower, Reagan was extremely likeable. Palin is crafty but ultimately stupid, seriously abrasive, a proven liar, wallows in victimhood whenever it suits her deluded narrative of the world, and a quitter. Reagan served two full terms as governor of Cali, and ran repeatedly for President before finally winning.

  • You can't rationalize people voting against their own self-interests....which is exactly what happened last night. For the first time in a long time, the war in Iraq had nothing to do with how people voted. Even social issues were really not part of the major debate. The economy was THE issue and the GOP tricked fools into believing that corporate interests and their interests were the same.

    IMO though, I don't think the GOP really had to do much in terms of persuading people. Deep down, most peopled did not want Obama to succeed and those same people are too stupid and lazy to bother finding out why he didn't come into the presidency and immediately save the world like a superhero. It is far too easier to find one issue that you can rally around to say why you don't like Obama and all democrats (ie. "the wall street bailout"). Also, if you don't think race has everything to do with it, then you probably also don't think that gender has much to do with how Nancy Pelosi, someone with a relatively mild personality, has been portrayed as such a demon. Pelosi reached the highest political position of any woman in the history of US politics.

  • on point, casey

  • i don't want to sound or be conspiratorial but i think fox news was a strong factor in promoting a number of the tea party candidates, some of whom are now national names.

    check out 00:38 of this vid when santorum let's the truth slip to credit fox with bolstering republicans/tea partiers. neil cavuto's expression in that moment is priceless, guy's head looks like it's about to explode...

    rupert murdoch is beasting

  • keithvanhorn said:
    You can't rationalize people voting against their own self-interests....which is exactly what happened last night. For the first time in a long time, the war in Iraq had nothing to do with how people voted. Even social issues were really not part of the major debate. The economy was THE issue and the GOP tricked fools into believing that corporate interests and their interests were the same.

    IMO though, I don't think the GOP really had to do much in terms of persuading people. Deep down, most peopled did not want Obama to succeed and those same people are too stupid and lazy to bother finding out why he didn't come into the presidency and immediately save the world like a superhero. It is far too easier to find one issue that you can rally around to say why you don't like Obama and all democrats (ie. "the wall street bailout"). Also, if you don't think race has everything to do with it, then you probably also don't think that gender has much to do with how Nancy Pelosi, someone with a relatively mild personality, has been portrayed as such a demon. Pelosi reached the highest political position of any woman in the history of US politics.


  • Funky luvs Reagan. I'm tellin.

  • keithvanhorn said:
    Also, if you don't think race has everything to do with it, then you probably also don't think that gender has much to do with how Nancy Pelosi, someone with a relatively mild personality, has been portrayed as such a demon.

    Really. You can say this with a straight face? "relatively mild personality"? And after all the things that have been said about the dozens of republican women who ran for office in this election? This is one of those times where I feel like you must be intentionally misleading because the glaring inconsistency is too obvious.

  • sabadabada said:
    keithvanhorn said:
    Also, if you don't think race has everything to do with it, then you probably also don't think that gender has much to do with how Nancy Pelosi, someone with a relatively mild personality, has been portrayed as such a demon.

    Really. You can say this with a straight face? "relatively mild personality"? And after all the things that have been said about the dozens of republican women who ran for office in this election? This is one of those times where I feel like you must be intentionally misleading because the glaring inconsistency is too obvious.

    When I used the word "relatively", that is exactly who I was comparing her to - the Sharron Angle/Christine O'Donnell types. Pelosi isn't mild in the sense that she backs away from a fight, but mild in that her opinions are almost lock-step with that of the progressives who brought Obama into office. If you are shocked by something Pelosi says, then you must be shocked at the liberal platform.

    On the other hand, you have the racist, xenophobic, and just plain crazy statements of people like Angle and O'Donnell. So where is the inconsistency? You obviously missed the point. The GOP vilified Pelosi to play up the anger that people had for a women who was literally 2 spots from the presidency. The republican national committee even sponsored a fire pelosi bus tour!

  • Options
    crabmongerfunk said:
    i don't want to sound or be conspiratorial but i think fox news was a strong factor in promoting a number of the tea party candidates, some of whom are now national names.

    check out 00:38 of this vid when santorum let's the truth slip to credit fox with bolstering republicans/tea partiers. neil cavuto's expression in that moment is priceless, guy's head looks like it's about to explode...

    rupert murdoch is beasting


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    With the economy being this bad they don't need to trick anyone on shit. Regardless of whose "fault" the current economy is, no one is going to vote for the dominant party if they haven't seen any change in the past two years. No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

  • Options
    DJ_Enki said:
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

    And the party that dumped us into the shitter in the first place.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    DJ_Enki said:
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

  • Options
    DOR said:
    DJ_Enki said:
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

    I've seen plenty of footage of teabagger rallies where the participants are mainly on disability, Social Security, or are present or former government employees of one sort or another.

    "Alms for me, but not for thee."

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    BobDesperado said:
    DJ_Enki said:
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

    And the party that dumped us into the shitter in the first place.
    Yeah bro, it's the absolute sole responsibility of the Republican party that America is in the position it is in today.

  • If in 2012 the Rep. win we'll be right back down the same path the damn Bush's lead us down!!!

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Agree heavily with the string of Palin comments above. Ms. Boilerplate Machine is gonna Favre it all the way, minus the actual comeback.

    I'm not convinced of the GOP gender bias - I think the Party saw Conservative females as an untapped field (zing) and ran for it. I must say, though - the Face GOP ladies performed pretty poorly on a National scale when one considers the general GOP success on 11/2.

    Additionally, Cavuto (why do all these FOX dudes resemble anthropomorphized pigs with accoutrements?) looked like he was in absolute heaven when he mentioned the possibility of a complete Government shutdown. Santorum had that glint in his eye, too. Because that worked so well in 1995.

    I guess that Mitch McConnell was right when he said, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    DOR said:
    DJ_Enki said:
    Brian said:
    No one is going to give a fuck about Iraq or any social issues when their two years of unemployment just ran out and they have absolutely no prospects beyond welfare.

    Which makes it all the more ironic that they just voted in the party that wants to curtail unemployment insurance and welfare.

    Turkeys voting for X-Mas...

  • keithvanhorn said:
    sabadabada said:
    keithvanhorn said:
    Also, if you don't think race has everything to do with it, then you probably also don't think that gender has much to do with how Nancy Pelosi, someone with a relatively mild personality, has been portrayed as such a demon.

    Really. You can say this with a straight face? "relatively mild personality"? And after all the things that have been said about the dozens of republican women who ran for office in this election? This is one of those times where I feel like you must be intentionally misleading because the glaring inconsistency is too obvious.

    When I used the word "relatively", that is exactly who I was comparing her to - the Sharron Angle/Christine O'Donnell types. Pelosi isn't mild in the sense that she backs away from a fight, but mild in that her opinions are almost lock-step with that of the progressives who brought Obama into office. If you are shocked by something Pelosi says, then you must be shocked at the liberal platform.

    On the other hand, you have the racist, xenophobic, and just plain crazy statements of people like Angle and O'Donnell. So where is the inconsistency? You obviously missed the point. The GOP vilified Pelosi to play up the anger that people had for a women who was literally 2 spots from the presidency. The republican national committee even sponsored a fire pelosi bus tour!

    Wanting to "fire" the speaker of the house, who also happens to be a woman, is not misogynistic. Calling someone a "whore" or a "witch" is. And your implication that somehow "truth" is an ultimate defense to mysogyny - because they are racist, xenophobes and thus must be whores and witches, is also an epic fail. But I guess if you paint a nice coat of "relatively" on all your arguments, you can pretty much justify anything you want.

    Keep toeing the line though, maybe one of these liberal elites will let you shake their hand one day.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I will say that I admire the cut-throat nature of the Repubs. Few folks in the Democratic party would be so bold as to start a "Fire Boehner" campaign, or make it their No. 1 goal to repeal the health care bill. Never saw the Democrats throw their weight around in that regard.

    However, absent of that, the Republican Party clearly has no other ideas and are going to need some time, as Boehner said, to "put their heads together."

    I kept wanting reporters and commentators to ask, How did we get here? Not here, as in the Democrats lost control of the house, but what happened before that? How did we get into the economic disaster in the first place? Could have used a little context but none of these peoples' memories extend beyond the last six months.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I agree that the simple desire to go after Pelosi as Speaker isn't proof of misogyny. Nor is a party's support of female candidates a sign of feminist values.

    Judge policy positions instead.
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