Deejaying for dumb bitches



  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    I think the last thing to do, at this point, is to make a one-page compilation of all these different types, and spend a buck before each party making a bunch of copies. Bring a highlighter with you -- and when one of these situations presents itself, simply grab a sheet, highlight her species, and hand it over to her.

    You could start a movement -- one which could potentially bring me out of DJ retirement.

  • AKallDayAKallDay 830 Posts
    to add:

    a type I have seen with more frequency these last few years...

    Thinks He Is Going To Lay Out A Whole Set For You Dude: Thinks he can beatmatch and has a master plan for you that he's so amped up about he can't wait to express what's brewing in his self centered little pin head. He would like to not only make a request but would like to suggest that you play that song then INTO __fill in song here__, INTO ___fill in song here__, INTO etc etc and on and on. Like he is painting his tableau for you right there and you are supposed to let him tell you what to do like you are some minion that will carry out his plan for a set. Really? Tell me what goes with what, please you piece of trash. Fuk that.

  • AKallDayAKallDay 830 Posts
    also a phenomenon that most of you probably are spared of but I deal with a lot since I DJ regularly at a club with a pool:

    Dripping Wet Slut Coming Into My Booth Bitch: First of all I look at you and think I am going to get an STD if you come any closer. You have a tattoo of a fairy on your butt cheek. You need to stop drinking and you are a hot mess. What the fuk are you thinking sopping wet out of the pool waltzing right into the booth with all of this equipment right here. DO you shower with your laptop? Do you swim with your cell phone in hand? NO, so back up you dumb strumpet. And just because I won't acknowledge you, my boyfriend who is hanging out in the booth with me is not the dude for you to approach for jack sh#t so beat it.
    A note about this species: I will see you the rest of the night flirting with 3 different corny dudes until around 1:28am you and one of these d bags eventually end up making out in the pool. Then you get dizzy and realize you are really drunk and you better get out of there and the dude you made out with wants to take you home but you are panicked so you quickly stumble about to gather your things and awkwardly run outside. Then i see you when I leave the club and since you're broke you are hanging outside drinking red bull flirting with the bouncers until you sober up because you can't afford a cab so you're waiting til you feel composed enough to take the subway cause you blew all your cab fare on expensive cocktails.
    Get your shit together.

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    Hawkeye said:
    It is not a matter of gender ???? Yes and No. They are both dumb as fuck and thats why I hate people. I generally hate people and all mankind. Humans are the perversion of nature.

    We are the only living existence who kills out of fun. Without any good reason we destroy live.

    But away from my sarkasm, I apreciate small towns, especially small student citys. There the audience is most of the time very willing to have a party and to scream and to hear fast and funky music. Doenst matter if the know the tune or not. Like I wrote it here before. I played to a room of 400 people, 70% female and they danced their ass of to "On Tempo" from Phill Most Chill. But the city was a real small city where beside that party where I played almost nothing happens.


    Dude, this is actually the situation over here. You totally nailed it. I'm so blessed being able to organize my rather successful small club night and having such a discerning crowd. I think it may help that it's advertised as a specialist night and that we're well established, though. Btw. some time ago I tried to book you as a guest DJ for our night but my request wasn't even worth answering for you. You missed the opportunity of having a great night and earning good money for it. Bad luck.

    If I would have to play to random crowd with all these annoying behavior and silly requests on the regular, I would have already given up on djing.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    These threads are both entertaining and off-putting.

    I love how it's just a given that everyone is an amazing DJ.
    I get that we all have music in common, about half of us play out and this is a place to come and vent, but the "how dare you step to me???" tone is too much. They are records at a party, not tablets on the mountain top.

    I've been playing out for as long as some of you, longer than others and I go to hear people, too. I see it from both sides, but the complaining...some of you might as well be working at the post office! I guess that's why I have always resisted doing this to make my living - I would hate for playing records to become a job.
    I dunno folks, I feel like I am the luckiest gal to be able to play my favourite records once a month in a place that will pay me to do it. I've had records scratched by the drunk, records stolen, drinks spilled on gear, strangers going through my crate without asking, strangers walking off the street with a record bag asking to come on and trying to pick a fight when I said no, felt up, fought back attempts to intimidate me off playing, attempts at ripping me off and attempts to take over with the mic...etc. etc..
    The obnoxious, clueless and rude encounters seem like a small price to pay - edit - not to mention coming with the territory - for the privilege/opportunity.

  • AKallDayAKallDay 830 Posts
    bassie said:
    These threads are both entertaining and off-putting.

    I love how it's just a given that everyone is an amazing DJ.
    I get that we all have music in common, about half of us play out and this is a place to come and vent, but the "how dare you step to me???" tone is too much. They are records at a party, not tablets on the mountain top.

    I've been playing out for as long as some of you, longer than others and I go to hear people, too. I see it from both sides, but the complaining...some of you might as well be working at the post office! I guess that's why I have always resisted doing this to make my living - I would hate for playing records to become a job.
    I dunno folks, I feel like I am the luckiest gal to be able to play my favourite records once a month in a place that will pay me to do it. I've had records scratched by the drunk, records stolen, drinks spilled on gear, strangers going through my crate without asking, strangers walking off the street with a record bag asking to come on and trying to pick a fight when I said no, felt up, fought back attempts to intimidate me off playing, attempts at ripping me off and attempts to take over with the mic...etc. etc..
    The obnoxious, clueless and rude encounters seem like a small price to pay - edit - not to mention coming with the territory - for the privilege/opportunity.

    don't mistake venting and making fun of people for any lack of gratitude or enjoyment over here. parody and caricature are as old as the hills. it's nothing to be vexed with or portrayed as postal.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    AKallDay said:
    to add:

    a type I have seen with more frequency these last few years...

    Thinks He Is Going To Lay Out A Whole Set For You Dude: Thinks he can beatmatch and has a master plan for you that he's so amped up about he can't wait to express what's brewing in his self centered little pin head. He would like to not only make a request but would like to suggest that you play that song then INTO __fill in song here__, INTO ___fill in song here__, INTO etc etc and on and on. Like he is painting his tableau for you right there and you are supposed to let him tell you what to do like you are some minion that will carry out his plan for a set. Really? Tell me what goes with what, please you piece of trash. Fuk that.

    I've never witnessed this phenomena. Was this paternalistic attitude directed to you because you are a female DJ?

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    AKallDay said:
    to add:

    a type I have seen with more frequency these last few years...

    Thinks He Is Going To Lay Out A Whole Set For You Dude: Thinks he can beatmatch and has a master plan for you that he's so amped up about he can't wait to express what's brewing in his self centered little pin head. He would like to not only make a request but would like to suggest that you play that song then INTO __fill in song here__, INTO ___fill in song here__, INTO etc etc and on and on. Like he is painting his tableau for you right there and you are supposed to let him tell you what to do like you are some minion that will carry out his plan for a set. Really? Tell me what goes with what, please you piece of trash. Fuk that.

    I once had a guy drunkenly (and repeatedly) insist that I mix from "Back That Ass Up" into "Baby Got Back." The whole notion that he would request not just a song, but a mix sequence was so strange to me that I was pretty much at a loss for words. I just let him rant until he closed with, "C'mon, man, that's a good mix...think about it" and wandered away.

  • AKallDay said:
    also a phenomenon that most of you probably are spared of but I deal with a lot since I DJ regularly at a club with a pool:

    Dripping Wet Slut Coming Into My Booth Bitch: First of all I look at you and think I am going to get an STD if you come any closer. You have a tattoo of a fairy on your butt cheek. You need to stop drinking and you are a hot mess. What the fuk are you thinking sopping wet out of the pool waltzing right into the booth with all of this equipment right here. DO you shower with your laptop? Do you swim with your cell phone in hand? NO, so back up you dumb strumpet. And just because I won't acknowledge you, my boyfriend who is hanging out in the booth with me is not the dude for you to approach for jack sh#t so beat it.
    A note about this species: I will see you the rest of the night flirting with 3 different corny dudes until around 1:28am you and one of these d bags eventually end up making out in the pool. Then you get dizzy and realize you are really drunk and you better get out of there and the dude you made out with wants to take you home but you are panicked so you quickly stumble about to gather your things and awkwardly run outside. Then i see you when I leave the club and since you're broke you are hanging outside drinking red bull flirting with the bouncers until you sober up because you can't afford a cab so you're waiting til you feel composed enough to take the subway cause you blew all your cab fare on expensive cocktails.
    Get your shit together.


  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    i don't believe the phenomena of people not saying anything and just shoving their iphone in your face with some shit song you've never heard of on the screen in the music player, then when you tell them you don't have their obscure indie band/shit commercial dance song they insist that you plug their iphone into the mixer so you can play it. Happens roughly once every two weeks if i averaged out over the last year or so..

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Pundit said:
    i don't believe the phenomena of people not saying anything and just shoving their iphone in your face with some shit song you've never heard of on the screen in the music player, then when you tell them you don't have their obscure indie band/shit commercial dance song they insist that you plug their iphone into the mixer so you can play it. Happens roughly once every two weeks if i averaged out over the last year or so..

    Possible solution: Say, "OK, just leave your phone with me, and I'll play the song later."

  • jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
    the that gets me is that is that i live on the other side of the world and it seems 'bitches' be doing the same shit here. tonight i experienced this shit.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    ha ha ha, this is golden seems as though the same bitches are everywhere....

    I'm not talking about the queens
    But the bitches
    Not the sisters the bitches
    Not the young ladies the bitches
    The bitches the bitches

    ^^seemed fitting in this case....

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    AKallDay said:
    to add:

    a type I have seen with more frequency these last few years...

    Thinks He Is Going To Lay Out A Whole Set For You Dude: Thinks he can beatmatch and has a master plan for you that he's so amped up about he can't wait to express what's brewing in his self centered little pin head. He would like to not only make a request but would like to suggest that you play that song then INTO __fill in song here__, INTO ___fill in song here__, INTO etc etc and on and on. Like he is painting his tableau for you right there and you are supposed to let him tell you what to do like you are some minion that will carry out his plan for a set. Really? Tell me what goes with what, please you piece of trash. Fuk that.

    I've had a few of those. They stand to the side and tell you, "Y'know [song X] would sound really good coming out of that. I tried it the other week and people went crazy". Usually I just smile and nod my head.

    As a sidenote, there used to be a DJ at the Hacienda whose USP was that when he played certain records, he'd always mix out of them into certain other records. In other words, if he played a song on the "Funky Drummer" break, he'd mix it into something else that used "Funky Drummer", or he'd do the same with, say, EMF's "Unbelievable" and another song on "Ashley's Roachclip", but it'd always be the same two songs. He'd do this every week - the same obvious, nursery-school blends - and people loved it. Then they'd come to my spot and say, "**** ***** does this mix with blabla and yadayada - you should try that". Yeah, and maybe you should go to wherever **** ***** is spinning and leave me the fuck alone...

  • AKallDay said:
    also a phenomenon that most of you probably are spared of but I deal with a lot since I DJ regularly at a club with a pool:

    Dripping Wet Slut Coming Into My Booth Bitch: First of all I look at you and think I am going to get an STD if you come any closer. You have a tattoo of a fairy on your butt cheek. You need to stop drinking and you are a hot mess.

    HAaaaaaa hahaha ha ha ha. Ha.

    Oh man, having been to the venue you speak of, that one time.... oh man. HAHAHAHAHA

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    Pundit said:
    i don't believe the phenomena of people not saying anything and just shoving their iphone in your face with some shit song you've never heard of on the screen in the music player, then when you tell them you don't have their obscure indie band/shit commercial dance song they insist that you plug their iphone into the mixer so you can play it. Happens roughly once every two weeks if i averaged out over the last year or so..

    oh fuck yeah. this guy/gal is everywhere!!

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    i deejay for dumb bitches exclusively several times a week

  • p_gunn said:

    this is a great word

    i had the same reaction.

    A++ would read that word again.

  • to pull out a lil bit of the chauvinism out of this thread, i also cannot stand the dude bro who wants to prove how down he is by trying to give you daps/hi-5's/head nods whatthefuckever in the middle of anything (which is pretty much any second im not sipping my drink) and then wants to hold court about the artist of the track you just played (or played 30 minutes to an hour ago), delving deep into b-side repertoire requests that are just unfit for playing when you're trying to play some jams.

    i love music, and i love shooting the shit about music, but i dont give a fuck about your (their) tastes and predilections and penchants for anything.

  • mr.brettmr.brett 678 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    great thread.

    Agreed except I'm a little confused about Strutiquette here:

    Bitches + faggots = Soulstrut approved without a single eye-bat but n----- is not? I'd LOVE to hear someone explain that to me.

    I'm not even getting at Dee Rock about this - shit, I could spend a week just listening to his digging/DJ stories but some of the politically correct double standards around here are rather questionable amongst the rest of you.

    This has been going on for years here. It's funny that one of the most respected people on the board can get away with posting a reaction to discrimination, but if someone with a lower post count calls people out, everyone makes fun of them for being on a high horse.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    mr.brett said:
    mannybolone said:
    great thread.

    Agreed except I'm a little confused about Strutiquette here:

    Bitches + faggots = Soulstrut approved without a single eye-bat but n----- is not? I'd LOVE to hear someone explain that to me.

    I'm not even getting at Dee Rock about this - shit, I could spend a week just listening to his digging/DJ stories but some of the politically correct double standards around here are rather questionable amongst the rest of you.

    This has been going on for years here. It's funny that one of the most respected people on the board can get away with posting a reaction to discrimination, but if someone with a lower post count calls people out, everyone makes fun of them for being on a high horse.

    I hope that doesn't deter anyone. Who gives a fuck what they say?

  • i just noticed the date this was originally posted. i gotta remember to pay attention to those sorts of things.
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