Roc Marciano "Marcberg"

haze25haze25 759 Posts
edited May 2010 in Strut Central
I am really into this album. This sounds like what 'Only Built For Cuban Linx 2" was going for, but couldn't capture. This is some outsider shit, cause even in comparison to 93' era Rza the beats sound super primitive. It's like dude just looped up whatever was in the front of his record crate and said fuck it (Though most likely he worked on this shit forever)So far, this is album of the year (Ahead of Freeway and Jake One)peace,xavier


  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    as well i'm liking "Ridin' Around", "Panic" and "Jungle Fever" in particular.
    "Snow" still bangs also.

  • Beginning-to-end classic. "Snow" is definitely my favorite, with "Thug's Prayer" a close second.

  • its great.. lo-fi!

  • Strong Island is for real!

    L.I. is OFFICIALLY back on the map with this joint.

    Shame fatbeats are only releasing an EP version on vinyl.

    P.S. I though this album was gonna be called 'Mossberg' the shotgun.

  • Yeah, the EP definitely caught me off guard. I'm hoping that like most other Fat Beats releases that the album gets a vinyl release. But that instrumental to "Thug's Prayer" is

  • hey, listening to this again right now. kind of reminds me of MF Doom "Operation Doomsday" - real homemade sounding/one man's vision/dialogue interludes. Fat.

  • I hope we get a vinyl LP of this release. I noticed Fat Beats did the same thing to the new Sadat. At least they hook you up with a download card to get the full album for free.

    If y'all like this record. Check out the Pro Town EP. Crew is real nice, outta Rhode Island of all places.

  • This is definitely going to be one of the best albums of 2010. Feeling the basic rhymes like "whores from brazil/trying to steal chlorophyll".

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    Yup definitely feeling this one - two gripes tho: why are the cuts 'Marcberg' and 'Hide My Tears' not included on the ep? Also - he couldve been a little less predictable subject matter wise. the rhymes and delivery are great tho

    still on the whole the rekkid is definitely raw - and co sizzle haze - this is much better than the jake one and freeway joint which I didnt really get into n e way - that one was really too corny for my taste.

  • I don't think this should be compared to Stimulus Package. They are entirely different beasts - incredible in their own ways.

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    the comparison is only there as far as people are labeling both of these as 'great' records of 2010

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I know there was a record that I forgot to cop. Maybe I'll get off my ass today and head to Fat Beats to cop.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Really feelin' this album. 1995-96 time machine schitt.

  • The sample used in that a Xylophone?

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    What an akward loop on "Crime", i love it.........The Moses Dillard flip was pretty great too, it was about time someone sampled that. I can't stop listening to this, i'm surprised they didn"t make cassettes availible, i wanna buy a walkman to play this shit, total time warp.

    "Feast your eyes bitch"


  • doomdoom 305 Posts
    seriously never thought nyc could deliver something this good right now. hats off for real.

  • ArksArks 133 Posts
    Yup definitely feeling this one - two gripes tho: why are the cuts 'Marcberg' and 'Hide My Tears' not included on the ep? Also - he couldve been a little less predictable subject matter wise. the rhymes and delivery are great tho

    still on the whole the rekkid is definitely raw - and co sizzle haze - this is much better than the jake one and freeway joint which I didnt really get into n e way - that one was really too corny for my taste.

    i want a marcberg instrumental! best beat on there to me. pretty sure ive heard that sample somewhere else too.

    jake one beats are on a whole 'nother level, no real comparison between the two.. but i like both.

    If anyone on here doesnt have roc's effort from a few years back "strength and honor" - i would recommend that also

  • C.A. Quintet could have been flipped more interestingly, but it def. is perfect for the subject matter. i think that is a xylophone on snow

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Loving this.

  • Loving this.

    But not loving the fact that the mp3s you get w/ the vinyl purchase are only 128s.

  • Hey Mao, are the mp3s at least of the full release and not just the vinyl EP?

  • Haven't checked this yet- but what moses dillard is used?

  • Hey Mao, are the mp3s at least of the full release and not just the vinyl EP?

    No, just the five EP tracks w/ the instros - two of which ("Snow"; "Thugs Prayer") were leaked some time ago.

    I'm always down to support quality projects, but I wish they'd have come thru a little stronger on the digi side.

  • Haven't checked this yet- but what moses dillard is used?

    "I've Got to Find a Way to Hide My Hurt" on Curtom.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Someone please direct me to where I can purchase this immediately?

  • Itunes. Apparently Fat Beats have sold out for now.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    iTunes is the way to go, 10 dollars for all 15 tracks plus 10 instrumentals.


  • Operation Built for Cuban Doomsday 3

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Loving this.

    But not loving the fact that the mp3s you get w/ the vinyl purchase are only 128s.

    I really want to support a project like this, but that doesn't mean I'll hesitate to DL 320s from the webs once I've put in the order for the EP.

    I like the idea of download cards, but I wish labels would do it proper. It's not like it isn't out there anyway.

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts

    this is my shit right now dudes - screwface - real shit
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